Chapter Ten

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THIRD PERSON’S POV ----- It was only early morning when Horatius felt a wave inside his body. He didn’t know what it was, but there was surely something weird that he felt, but he didn’t know anything about it. Horatius’s eyes opened and he examined the white ceiling above him. He didn’t know what was going on around him. He only blinked, naturally. He didn’t even know how he was breathing and blinking his eyes but he was doing it. He moved his hand somehow and was quite surprised to see his hand move. A small gasp left his mouth as he moved his leg without doing anything. He smiled. He turned over and suddenly his eyes anchored on a strange thing next to him, holding his hand. He didn’t know the strange thing he was thinking was a man. Horatius only studied the alien object by seeing something and trying to understand something. He used his other hand and touched the man’s face, feeling its softness against the rough edges of the face. He felt warm and glimpsed at his hands to know what that feeling was. He didn’t even understand why that warmth made him feel good. He poked it trying to get a reaction or just understand the object. Suddenly, a huge change happened in the object and he could now see two circles having a blue colour that was moving and staring right back at him; a pair of eyes. It disappeared and reappeared as he blinked. “Ah!” He screamed and tried to move away from the alienated object of a man. He conceded that it was his hand that was being caught by him so he tried to pull it away but the object sat up, appearing to be too big and making him even more scared than ever. He ended up tugging on the IV drip and causing a visible pain in his hand and the saline stand fell, making a loud noise. He trembled and shut his ears with his hands, involuntarily, doing nothing but cry. As that was all he knew to express his fear and pain. ~~~~~ IÑIGO’S POV ----- I didn’t know something like this would be experienced by me early in the morning. I was still sleeping when I felt someone touch me. I tried to ignore it but the person was only touching my face more also I kept feeling tingles every time. Annoyed by this, I opened my eyes, only to see the forest green eyes that I’d been dreaming of meeting. I was still surprised and blinked my eyes only to gain a huge response from him. He screamed right on my face, shrieking and trying to pull his hand away from me. He immediately backed away and I saw him shiver. I sat up straight, as worry ceased my mind. He pulled his hand too hard, making a pull on the IV syringe and making the stand fall with a loud bang. He cried. “Hey, don’t cry.” I coaxed him even after I felt his behaviour was childish. Who would even cry over this? Was he… scared of me? He only continued to cry and cower back, not inclined to my touch at all. I felt despair in my chest, looking at him behaving this way. I couldn’t fathom what was the case and I was quite troubled by it. “Can you tell me?” I requested him and he only sniffled. He looked at me and then looked at the machine. The beeping of the machine was making him anxious since it was going haywire with his irregular heartbeats. “Are you serious? Is that machine making you uneasy?” I asked him but he didn’t respond. My voice was a little high at an octave as I was irritated, but he soon morphed his face into a scared one. “Okay, I’m sorry. Can you please calm down?” I asked him and he paused for a moment. He blinked his eyes at me as if I was the most interesting object to him. “What?” I questioned, but instead of an answer, he raised his right hand, which wasn’t on the drip, and stretched it towards me. He was sitting with his knees close to him and I was kneeling on my knees, a little away. I knew his hand wouldn’t reach me, so I voluntarily moved close to him. His hand paused right in front of my face and I kept looking at what he was trying to do. He blinked twice before finally touching my lips with his hand. His action made me go crazy. My sensations were going haywire but I held it. I didn’t want to startle him anymore with my reaction. “What is it?” I muttered, while his hand was still on my lips. He gasped and drew his hand away. His eyes widened a bit in surprise and he examined his hand. He then skimmed my eyes and I shut them. He removed his hands from my eyes and then I opened them, adjusting them. “What are…you doing?” He again put his hand on my mouth mid-statement. My face was trying hard to stay blank, but looking at him doing such a thing was making me let out my questioning face. He then pulled his hand away and placed it on his lips. Was that a cute kiss gesture? I pushed the question away to avoid another unexpected situation. He blinked a few times but did not speak anything. I couldn’t tell what he was even thinking in his brain. I was quite concerned and my brain was racking. “You, stay here and I’ll just be back.” As I said my statement, I pointed at him, then motioned him to sit and then finally pointed at myself and the bathroom door. Was he deaf and mute? Or just mute? Or scared? …? I rushed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Sure enough, my dilated eyes gave away how aroused I was even after being worried and scared. I touched my face and it was hot. I sighed in response. I needed assistance and I need it now. Eliphas - What was all that, Iñigo? Eliphas mind-linked me the moment I opened my mind-link. Me - I don’t know. I’m so confused seeing his reaction. I don’t understand how to deal with him in such a condition. I confessed and he agreed. Eliphas - With his such condition, do you think we can unravel his true nature and identify if he is a good person or a bad one? He asked and I ruffled my hair in annoyance. Me - What if he is acting? I questioned, and Eliphas gave me a wary look. Me - Don’t give me that look! We don’t know anything about him and we have to be careful. His touch affects me a lot. I expressed, and he shook his head. Me - Nico, bring Sof with you to my house, right now. It’s very important. I instructed him on the mind-link and waited a few moments for his response. I knew he was sleeping. That's why it took some time for him to respond, otherwise, he was usually quick with his response. Nicolas - Okay. We’ll be there soon. He responded and I shut the mind-link. Nicolas stayed almost next to my house. If I didn’t want to keep my house a little far, we'd have a single fence between our houses. But still, he resided the closest, along with Diego, who lived right next to him. I went out and my mate was not in bed. I got worried and looked for him, to find him on the balcony. He was too close to the railing and I rushed toward him. “Don’t! You’ll fall,” I declared, holding him by his arms. He pivoted his face to me. He had a smile on his face. He then looked ahead and pointed at the rising sun. I understood what enticed him to come out here in this cold. His body had chilled and he was shivering, but he was still happy to see a rising sun. I just watched the sun with him and experienced our first sunrise together. I felt so happy after doing such a small thing. I couldn’t help but form a broad smile on my face. As we stood there, I could feel his innocence and, somehow, I knew that he was not a bad person. I smelled something very metallic and familiar. It was blood. I glanced down at his hand and found his hand bleeding. My eyes widened and I grabbed his hand, examining it. He had taken off the IV drip and it was now bleeding. “What have you done?” I asked him as I pulled his hand and took him back to the room. I closed the balcony door and guided him to bed, making him sit on it. I rushed to get the first-aid kit. Once I took it, I sat on my knee, opened the box and dabbed his hand with cotton to clean off the blood. I took the cleaner and wiped his hand when he hissed, making a scared face. Tears were ready to plunge out of his eyes. “It’s okay. It’ll be fine.” I comforted him and then blew some air on it. He still hissed but had a little smile because he must’ve felt cold as I blew on the ointment. I then wrapped his hand in a bandage but didn’t fail to notice that he had a swollen hand. I looked up at him but he only gazed at me with dazed eyes and spoke nothing. The way he looked at me made me wonder what was going on in his brain. “Kieran! What happened?” The door burst open and I heard Nicolas’s voice. My mate turned to see Nicolas and Sofia, and suddenly panicked. I could feel his heart rate pick up as he squeezed my hand. I was worried he'd break free of his bandage. “Calm down, you’re making him anxious,” I narrated to them and they tried to comprehend my words. “What the hell happened in your room?” Sofia inquired, as she glanced at the mess of machines and blood stains all over the place and I just shook my head, not wanting to have a further conversation over it. “Can you get these out of the room? It scares him.” I asked Nico and he nodded. He did his task while Sofia went ahead to bed. He moved back and I understood he was wary of strangers. “Just talk in a normal tone and stand afar while talking,” I briefed Sofia and she nodded. She took a step back and stood keeping some distance between them. “What is happening to him?” Sofia asked and I shook my head. “I woke up and he was like that. He hasn’t spoken a word and behaves like this is a world he has never seen. Like, he doesn’t know anything about it.” I explained, and even Sofia seemed surprised by my explanation. Who wouldn’t? The fact that even I was having a tough time understanding my mate, what difference would it be for Sofia, anyway? “He is a grown-up human. I’m not quite sure if this reaction is right or not.” Sofia expressed, and I nodded in agreement. “That’s what. I’m worried about it, too. I can’t believe this is happening to my mate. Only when I thought him waking up would solve everything, it was even more of a mess.” I blurted out and sighed. “Listen, don’t stress. Nico will bring in Doctor Menzan and he might find whatever it is.” Sofia suggested and I nodded. Nicolas finished putting all the machines out and all the time, my mate was just looking at Nico carrying those machines. He was so mesmerised by it that he didn’t even concentrate on our talk. “I understood everything. I’ll go and get the doctor.” Nicolas declared, and I nodded. He quickly left and I was waiting for the doctor to arrive soon and find out what the problem was. At the same time, my mate’s stomach growled loudly and he looked down in surprise. He touched his stomach trying to find out what it was and I chuckled, looking at his surprised expression. “Should I prepare something for him to eat?” Sofia questioned and I nodded. “He is supposed to be on a light diet, so a porridge or milk and cereal should do,” I told her and she nodded, leaving the room. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were hungry?” I asked my mate, but he tilted his head left and right as if he couldn’t understand what I was saying. I needed to let him be so I could be calm or else he’d start crying and screaming. “Just stay here,” I expressed and laid him down. He unsurely let me lay him down. I put him under the comforter and he held the edges with his eyes wide. “It’ll be okay.” I comforted him and smiled at him. He only blinked his eyes in response and I sighed. I sat next to him as he lay down. He moved away from me a little and I felt hurt. I didn’t know his small actions would impact me so much. We just remained quiet and he kept darting left and right. Soon, I smelled different scents in my house and I knew Nicolas had brought in Doctor Menzan. The knock on the door proved me right. I permitted them to enter “Greetings, Alpha King.” Doctor Menzan greeted me with a bow. I nodded at him. “Doctor Menzan, I want you to check him and inform me what’s wrong. He doesn’t behave normally and hasn’t spoken a word since morning.” I narrated to him and he nodded. As he went ahead, my mate dug himself inside the mattress and covered himself with a comforter more. “It’s okay. He will only check you. Don’t worry.” I tried to coax him but he wouldn’t relax. Doctor Menzan ignored his pleas and went ahead. He brushed his hand and I growled because of the disrespect he was offering my mate. “Apologies, Alpha. I have to resort to such a method or he won’t listen. I mean no disrespect.” He clarified and before I could say anything, I saw that my mate was now fearful of me. Great! “Go ahead,” I affirmed, and he nodded. My mate now let him go ahead. Doctor Menzan checked his pulse and then flashed the light in his eyes. My mate quietly let him do whatever he was doing. “What is your name?” Doctor Menzan questioned, but my mate wouldn’t answer. “How old are you?” “Do you know who you are?” “What year is it?” “When is your birthday?” “Can you brief me on what I’m speaking about?” All his questions were unanswered. He sighed. I was worried looking at my mate’s expressions, but then there was Doctor Menzan who was worrying me even more. “Can you tell me what happened to him? Why is he like this?” I asked him, wanting answers, as my patience had given up. “Alpha, he doesn’t retain any of his memories. Though he doesn’t have any injury to his brain, it seems like he has forgotten everything. All of his life.” He explained, but it felt complex for me to understand. “Can you demonstrate it to me in simple terms?” I asked him and he sighed. “I just want to convey that your mate is currently a baby. His mind is that of a baby and he doesn’t understand anything. He can’t speak or behave like an adult because his brain is developed but has nothing inside yet. It's all empty, like a newborn baby.” He clarified and I gasped. I glanced at my mate and he gave me a blank look. A look which meant he understood nothing from the conversation we were having. Only then did I realize the words Doctor Menzan articulated were accurate. I got a baby for a mate!
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