Chapter Four - One Step Forward, Three Steps Back

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Chapter Four – One Step Forward, Three Steps Back.   Cigs, jumped out of the black SUV, and headed straight over to Tank and Kermit. “Good?” Kermit asked “f*****g epic, like she had done it her whole life” Cigs could not keep the pride from his voice “Yeah, that’s our Izzy for you” Tank laughed. “What time are the contestants arriving?” Cigs asked “In a couple of hours, bet they are sat on that coach shitting them selves we are going to ambush them” Kermit laughed Kyla walked over, and Kermit placed a small kiss on her temple. “Izzy is back” he grinned down at her “Yeah, she is just getting changed into this amazing outfit you provided” Kyla laughed looking down at her black combat trousers, and black knitted jumper, identical to those the men wore. “You look sexy as f**k missy” Kermit grinned “Oh, for f**k sake, will you to pack it in being loves young dream and s**t” Cigs growled, his annoyance only fuelled by the pang of jealousy that the relationship he had so desperately wanted had turned into a mound of s**t. “Oh Cigs, Jealousy is a very ugly disease” Kyla giggled. Izzy wandered round the corner whilst tying her long blonde hair up into a messy bun again, as she approached her fellow instructors, she was struck at just how manly Cigs looked when scowling, and a part of her wondered if that was why she bitched at him so much, just to see that sexy scowl on his face. Giving her head an internal shake, she walked over to the guys with a smile. “Cigs said you aced the tower, knew you had it in you.” Tank smiled “f**k Tank, don’t smile too much, the wind may change and your face will be set with a grin on it, hardly appropriate for when you cause the contestants partial deafness for the rest of their lives” Izzy quipped. Tank laughed, Izzy and Kyla really had bonded with them all, and were just as much part of the team as any of them, he could only hope her and cigs sorted out their s****l tension s**t, f**k he may even throw the pair of them a packet of condoms and lock them in a room together so they could get the job done and move on. “I got a text of Stan this morning, he said the guys all seem okay, a couple that are, in his words, ‘f**k wits’, but on the whole they are all bonding from the shared experience” Kyla grinned Izzy rolled her eyes, and took out her phone “so, how come he sends you a nice reasonable text like that, and I just get this, with the message, in memory of GI Barbie, sick bastard” Izzy passed round her phone, to show the picture of a pink lace thong, Stan planned to wear when they had to strip down and get into cold water. There were bellows of laughter from everyone other than Cigs, who just looked away, annoyance evident on his face. “He is disgusting” Kyla giggled manically “Yeah, the i***t is, but that is why we love him I suppose” Izzy laughed Cigs stiffened beside her, he had to physically gulp down the lump that formed in his throat as Izzy confessed, she loved Stan, pain radiated through him, which if he were not so strong willed would have caused a lesser man to curl up on a heap and cry out for mercy. “Right girls, you go hide behind the backdrop to the stage ready for intro’s so I can do my inspiring s**t and introduce you, they will be here in T minus five minutes” Tank ordered Cigs watched as Izzy and Kyla walked away giggling and laughing, then turned to Kermit, “I f*****g hate that cunt man” he whispered. “You need to get the f**k over it, bro, Kyla told me he is just their friend, and if Izzy and Stan had something going on she would know, and you know better than the rest of us Stan is harmless” Kermit shook his head at Cigs. Cigs sighed and gave a small nod of his head, he knew he was being irrational, but seemed to have no control over it. As they stood, they heard the coach pull up outside the gates, “Here come the victims” Tank Laughed, slapping Cigs on the back. As the gates opened, Tank walked over, big smiles to all the contestants, saying hello to each of them looking really friendly. Cigs had to supress a smirk, after all, he knew this little meet and greet was only to make them think they were on safe ground till tomorrow. “Right guys, get yourselves ready, dry kit, and on the parade square ASAP” Tank said with a smile, not bellowing or shouting, sound polite and jovial, just like a normal person. As the 16 new contestants ran into the barn, Tank grinned at Kermit and laughed “They think it is going to be an easy start, you my friend are an evil genius” Tank laughed at Kermit “Not me, cannot take the credit, should I be this proud or a little afraid my future wife came up with this plan” Kermit chuckled “Proud mate, Kyla has come a long way from the days she refused to even take my talc for her feet” Cigs laughed. “Think that is long enough, lets go burst their happy bubble” Kermit laughed Tanks grinned then setting his face like stone bellowed out, as loud as he possibly could “PARADE SQUARE, NOW, MOVE” As the sixteen contestants ran out onto the parade square, tank was a little put out that each and every one of them was perfectly dressed, he would need to find something else to beast them for. “Okay, Line up, the staff will give you your armbands” Kermit and Cigs walked down the line of contestants, handing out the armbands and the number allocated to each one. Kermit looked up at Stan, given he had packed the pink thong, he gave him number one, but supressed the smirk that teased his lips, as Stan looked at the number, he kept his eyes front as he placed it on his arm, but he got the inside joke, and knew Izzy must have shown them his plan for the first strip down task. With the armbands given, Tank ordered numbers one to four to stay put, then the rest to dress behind in four rows of four contestants. He then stood on the stage, flanked by Kermit and Cigs, as he began his famous stalking backwards and forwards. “Some of you stood here, won your series, some lost that opportunity because you sustained an injury. Some of you just did not have the stamina to complete the tasks.  All of you, however, think you understand what will happen these next couple of weeks. Well, let me tell you, the next two weeks will make your last experience feel like child’s play compared to what you will go through. You will complete even more challenges than ever before, harder tasks, and the instructors will show you no mercy.” Tank said still pacing back and forth “Most of you will notice, Woof is not with us, so we have Two new instructors to take his place” As he spoke Izzy and Kyla stepped up onto the stage, Kyla beside Kermit her eyes front, Izzy next to Cigs again her eyes staring forwards hardly even blinking. “Izzy and Kyla here will be referred to as Instructor, or Staff, these two ladies, have proven they have what it takes to be instructors. They faced the very depths of hell, and fought off, a f*****g psychopath, putting their own lives on the line to protect others around them. They never gave up, they kept their heads when kidnaped, and f*****g well overcame. They DESERVE to be stood here, and you lot will learn from them” Tank bellowed. As he looked around the contestants, he noticed number three, Tanya Black, famous for giving up on day two whilst shouting at him to go f**k himself was rolling her eyes, whilst glaring at Izzy and Kyla. Tank smirked internally, that was all he needed. “YOU! NUMBER THREE!” he bellowed “WHAT THE f**k ARE YOU ROLLING YOUR EYES AT, YOU THINK WE ARE f*****g ABOUT HERE, YOU THINK MY INSTRUCTORS ARE NOT WORTHY TO BE HERE, WELL THINK AGAIN” Tank continued “DO YOU THINK YOU ALL DESERVE AN INSTRUCTOR’S PLACE MORE THAN THESE TWO, LETS SEE SHALL WE, ALL OF YOU BURGENS ABOVE YOUR HEADS NOW, KEEP YOUR ARMS STRETCHED UPWARDS, DO NOT DROP THE BURGEN, YOU WILL STAY LIKE THAT TILL AT LEAST ONE OF YOUR SORRY ASSES VW’S, DO IT NOW” Tank bellowed. As Izzy walked off stage with Cigs, and they began to scream and shout in the contestants’ ears, asking them to hand in their armband. Izzy decided to pick on one of the muscle bound men, as his elbows bent and he looked like he was about to drop the bergen. “Wow, you have socks in your shirt to make it look like muscles, as well as your pants to make it look like you have a d**k. Are your muscles and your d**k weak as f**k, all for show and no real action. get that bergen up above your head, or you can hand me your f*****g armband” Izzy shouted. She had to admit she was enjoying this a little more than she should. She continued round to see Kyla looking at number three, she was equally as determined as Izzy to claim an armband today, just to piss off the guys. “Aww what’s the matter, is the bergen to heavy for you, you going to roll your eyes about me now, come one, let me see them roll, no, get the bergen up, you are not putting in any effort! You are pathetic, why are you back again? you were pathetic in your first attempt and even worse now” Kyla shouted at number three. Izzy’s attention then turned to Cigs, who was busy screeching into Stan’s ears, then put an extra bergen on top of his, bellowing for his armband. Izzy could not help but think it was excessive given Stan was part of their Team. Kermit was currently screaming at number 6, to hand in their armband, but they were not having any of it, until suddenly, Izzy heard number three shouting at Kyla “You b***h, your only hear cos you f****d the instructor, this s**t is rigged, I am not staying here” she shouted, throwing down the bergen, ripping off the arm band and throwing it in Kyla’s face. Tank then shouted for them all to put down their bergens. “Nobody will disrespect any members of my team, and you will all realise, this is not a f*****g game, now, one of you has gone, anybody else want to go home for an early bath?” he asked with a smile When nobody answered, he dismissed them, and the instructors all walked into the interrogation room, and Kyla pined number three’s armband to the wall. “Guess your future wife, is better than you now Kermit” Cigs laughed “Damn right she is” Kermit smiled proudly at Kyla. “Oi Izzy you were f*****g brutal out there, poor guy, telling him he had socks for a d**k” Cigs laughed again. “Yeah, why were you hammering Stan so hard? giving him extra weight” Izzy asked, a little pissed off with Cigs for doing that to the closest thing she had to a brother “Because we need to keep his status as the Mole protected” Cigs shrugged. “Okay, guys, we got rid of one, who will never be missed, lets go get some food, then choose two of the fuckers to do watch tonight” Tank said “I vote Stan, and number 7 Jackson Bright, for first watch, replaced by Number 2 Colin Wilkinson, our very first winner turned party boy, and number 12, Simon Waite, winner of his series, and good quietly confident no bullshit man, then head out for the tower tomorrow” Kermit said. “Agreed” they all smiled “Okay, given you had first blood with the armband, you get the joy of shouting them through and giving them the good news” Tank laughed at Kyla as she shot up with a big smile and headed out the door.   The next morning, Izzy woke to her Gangnam Style alarm one more, as Kyla sat up in bed, and doing the dance both of them laughing. “You ready for your demo?” Kyla asked Izzy still had some nervousness about doing the task as an example, but she did feel confident she could execute it okay. “Little nervous, but it went well yesterday so I think I will be okay” Izzy smiled. “Come on then, lets get showered before the rabble get up, and head into the mess” Kyla smiled Izzy headed out with her wash kit to the showers, Cigs was already in there, as she stripped down, and walked into the cubical beside him. “You ready for today?” Cigs asked her, keeping his eyes front and centre not daring to glimpse her perfect naked body “As I will ever be” Izzy smiled, looking over to him then wishing she hadn’t as her eyes stared longer than she would have liked at Cigs naked chest. Cigs let out a small chuckle knowing only to well Izzy was checking him out, then stole a glance as she blushed at being caught out. “Anyway, lets get this show on the road, and wake up the rabble” Cigs laughed, as he walked out of the shower wearing nothing but a towel, sauntering passed Izzy’s stall with a grin on his face. “f*****g asshole” Izzy muttered to herself, taking a deep breath and reigning in her primal needs.   It did not take long for the contestants to finish their mess time, and all to soon, they were stood looking up at the fifty meter tower with nothing but pure fear in their eyes, even stan looked like he was shitting himself. Tank did his usual prowl, as he informed the contestants of the task, then introduced Cigs and Izzy as the instructors who would demonstrate the task. As Izzy walked past, and got into the harness, Stan whispered out, “f**k Izzy, good luck beautiful” to her. Cigs stiffened. “EYES FRONT NUMBER ONE” he bellowed, not at all impressed. Izzy scaled the rope without incident, again she confidently released the harness and reattached it to the abseil equipment, then stood on the edge, arms out wide, her body at a ninety degree angle, waiting for Cigs to give the order to go. “GO” Cigs shouted Izzy walked with purpose, gaining momentum, the ground edging closer and closer, she resisted the urge to squeal a little, and kept her face natural, till finally she felt Cigs apply the break just in time for her feet to walk straight onto the ground. It was a perfect demonstration, and she had to resist grinning like a Cheshire cat at Cigs. “Well done girl, perfect” Cigs whispered in her ear, his hot breath causing goosebumps around her neck. Izzy nodded, then stood next to Kyla as they started to prepare the contestants ready for them to do the task. First up was Stan, only he was struggling on the ladder, as the wind picked up, catapulting him around “f**k” he shouted. Just then Cigs was on at him, screaming and shouting that he was s**t, and to f*****g get up there, Izzy watched on, he was being grossly unfair, and it was only confirmed when after the task, he did not even acknowledge Stan, but praised every other contestant who did the task. Izzy was fuming, she knew Cigs was being a t**t, and she did not like it one little bit. Later on, once the day was over, Tank called Stan into the interview room, as they removed the hood, Tank gave him a man hug and some biscuits. Izzy grabbed hold of Stan and hugged him tight to her. “f**k Izzy, you were awesome on that tower” Stan praised her. “Shame you were a bag of shite” Cigs growled. “What the f**k is your problem Cigs? I do not expect or want special f*****g treatment, but you are deliberately giving me s**t” Stan shouted, unable to contain his temper “Right, sit down Stan, let’s not do this now, so what are your initial thoughts on the contestants” Tank said whilst Stan and Cigs stared each other down. Stan sat in his seat and gave his appraisal of the others in the barn, before Kermit placed the hood back on him, and took him back outside. As soon as Stan left, and the cameras switched off from filming Izzy rounded on Cigs “What the f**k Cigs?” she shouted “If he cannot hack it he should not be here” Cigs shrugged, not making eye contact “That is not what this is about, you are f*****g messing with him, just because you can, and that is f****d up” Izzy continued “Oh, yeah, well we all know your preferences when it comes to f*****g up with Stan” Cigs bellowed “WHAT? NOT THAT IT IS ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS, HE IS LIKE MY f*****g BROTHER YOU DICKHEAD” Izzy screamed in Cig’s face. “Yeah, you into incest as well then” Cigs retaliated, unable to hold back the anger from Stan calling her beautiful. Izzy froze, she shook her head at Cigs, after all their progress he was saying this s**t to her. “You know what Cigs, f**k YOU AND THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON” she shouted, then turned on her heal to leave “Neither me or my horse would touch you with a barge pole sweetheart” Cigs shouted back Izzy froze, turned back towards him “Well then, go sit in line with the other wankers and wait for me to give a f**k” and with that Izzy stormed out of the room, tears streaming down her cheeks. Kyla rushed out the room, shaking her head at Cigs, and saying to Kermit. “Sort him out” as she followed a distraught Izzy “Cigs, you know what, it is like we take one step forward with you two and three f*****g backwards, you are supposed to be the professional here, f*****g act like it, or get off the f*****g show” Kermit said, then left the room to follow his fiancé and her best friend Tank looked at Cigs. “You need to get your head in the game, because Kermit is not wrong, for f**k sake Cigs, just tell the girl how you feel before you f**k this up even more than you already have” Tank said Cigs sat down, everyone had left, he kicked the empty chair before him against the wall, he should not have come here, he knew Izzy would f**k with his head, and now he needed to f*****g apologise to her, his brothers, and even f*****g Stan. Placing his head in his hands, he let out a wave of emotion, why did he have to be so f*****g in love with her!
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