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JAKE I was trying so hard not to show Holly just how worried I had been since the Council had called earlier. My fears over her pregnancy had been put at ease by that book. Now, it seems that that wasn’t the only account of turned wolves falling pregnant. I needed to know more. I wanted to learn everything that I could. We were leaving for the citadel in the morning. Mum and Tina insisted on coming with us. Shaun was going to take care of the pack while we were gone. I had no concerns about that. He had done a fantastic job while we were at the cottage. My stomach was a jumble of nerves as I watched Holly throwing some things into a bag. I asked her to sit with me for a moment. “How are you feeling about what Council Leader Parker told us?” I asked her. She just smiled up at me. “I’m not worried. I know that this baby is going to be fine. I am going to be fine.” She said, her hand gently rubbing her stomach. “How do you know?” I asked, wishing that I could share her confidence. She smiled apologetically at me “I just do.” She said. “It’s because of whatever Elder Harris told you isn’t it?” I demanded. She wouldn’t meet my eyes. “Right then, when we get to the citadel, we are going to see Elder Harris, and I am going to ask him to tell me about that bloody prophecy. I have had enough of being kept in the dark. This is my baby, too, after all.” She looked at me and nodded. “You’re right. We should go to him together.” She said. I was glad that she at least agreed with me. I hoped that this prophecy would bring me as much peace of mind as it appeared to bring her. I could really use that right now.” I left to go and get everything sorted with Shaun. I couldn’t shake the feeling that had taken hold. It was like a ball of dread, fear, and panic in my stomach. It was making me nauseous. Shaun tried to settle my fears, telling me that it was probably just the council being overly cautious. I hoped that he was right. I wanted to be a father, to have a family with Holly, but I wasn’t willing to risk her life to do it. I was afraid that her feelings were clouded by her history. Her father had been so horrible and her childhood so terrible that I feared that she would do anything to hold on to this baby. Even if it wasn’t the right decision. I closed my eyes and thought of the rush of love that I had felt touching her stomach, the connection that I already felt to our child. I felt a tear escape and roll down my face. I silently prayed to the Goddess that everything would work out. The thought of losing the baby was almost as painful as the thought of losing Holly. Worse still, I could lose them both. I wasn’t sure that I could survive that. HOLLY My heart ached for Jake. I could see the pain in his eyes, and I felt it ripping at him. If Council Elder Harris was right about the prophecy, then our child was nothing to fear. I knew that we were going to be just fine, but couldn’t explain why. I had almost told Jake so many times, but every time Elder Harris’s words rang in my ears. I was glad when he suggested asking him himself. That way, the decision would be out of my hands. I hoped that Elder Harris would choose to tell Jake, though. Clearly, Jake wanted this baby. As soon as he had believed that there was no risk to me, he had relaxed and began to enjoy the thought of us being parents. I had felt his happiness. Yet the moment we had gotten off the phone with council Leader Parker, his whole demeanour had changed. I had grown up with a distant, cold father, and I would not let my child go through that. I was beginning to get a little worried about this meeting with the Council. I wouldn’t let them decide the fate of my child, but they could definitely make life difficult for me. If I had too I would leave Dawn Sky to keep my baby safe. I hatted the idea of raising him the way I had been raised, moving from crap hole to crap hole. I decided that I should probably have an exit plan, just in case I needed to get away with him fast. I hoped that I would never need to use it, but it was better to be safe than sorry. I headed down to my office and found a house available for rent a few cities away. I put down the deposit and the first months rent. Using a fake name from one of the Ids that I had used as a hunter. Being Luna meant that I had access to plenty of money. I was wracked with guilt for the rest of the night. I could barely sleep. I kept having a nightmare that the Council would try to take my baby from me. I had given up and decided to go for a walk in the moonlight, Jake stirred as I was getting out of bed, and I shared my nightmare with him. He gave me a hug and told me that he wouldn’t let that happen. If it was safe to have the baby, then it’s place was with us. I only felt partially comforted. It was the word if that worried me. Jake offered to join me on my walk, but I declined. I wanted to be alone right now. Once I was outside in the cool night air, I made my way to the fountain. It hadn’t been that long ago that I stood here posing for wedding photographs with my husband. Now I was here contemplating having to start a brand new life. Sadness washed over me, and the tears began to flow. A light flooded the area, and she was sitting next to me. “Don’t fear my child. You are strong enough to do whatever needs to be done. That is why this child is destined to be yours. You will raise him to be a strong and just king. He will be respected and loved. He will bring centuries of peace throughout the supernatural world. However, the road to his greatness will not be an easy one I’m afraid. There will be many bumps, though I know that you can handle them.” With that, she was gone as suddenly as she had appeared. I sat cradling my stomach. I was honoured that the Moon Goddess considered me worthy of raising such an important child. I just hoped that I wouldn’t have to do it alone. The next morning, after a breakfast filled with awkward silences, we began our journey to the citadel. I put in my earphones and began listening to an audio book. I would rather lose myself in a story of some imaginary people than deal with the atmosphere in the car. It was a habit that I had picked up during years of uncomfortable car rides with my father. I was listening to a detective story. I was amazed by how smart the fictional detective was. He was able to solve the unsolvable. I found myself wishing that he was real. I bet that he could figure out the best thing to do. I occasionally caught Jake glancing over at me. He looked worried. I wanted to go back to the happiness that we had felt before that phone call. For a short time, everything had been perfect.
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