
The Hunter's Fated Child (Book 2 in the Hunter series.)


Carrying on from where the hunter's mate left off. We see Holly fight to keep her child. There are forces that want to corrupt him for their own purposes. Can his mother protect him so that he can one day fulfil the destiny placed upon him by the Moon Goddess?

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ALLY I was so excited. I was going to be an aunt. I was a bit disappointed that I wouldn’t be there for Holly’s pregnancy, but I had decided to speak to the council about going home for a few weeks around Her due date. I had made an appointment with the council board members to discuss this. Before the meeting, I had gone to see Timothy to see if he thought they would approve my request. After all, either he would need to come with me, or my training would have to be completely paused until I returned. Given that we hadn’t long arrived at the citadel, I wasn’t sure how my asking to visit home so soon would be taken. I sat down with Timothy and told him that Holly was pregnant. To my surprise, it didn’t seem like new information to him. He explained about Jake’s phone call and that he had spoken to my mum about it too. I pouted a little. I felt a little out of the loop. He smiled at the look of disappointment on my face. “You mustn’t take it to heart. Jake only contacted me because he needed information. I’m sure that you were the first person they told, other than the mothers.” I told him about wanting to go home for a bit whine the baby was due, and he said that he would be happy to escort me. He had enjoyed his time at Dawn Sky. He looked forward to a visit that had a bit less drama. I chuckled when he said that. So much had happened in the last few months at Dawn Sky that surely less drama was a certainty. There definitely couldn’t be more. I stood outside the door waiting to be called in. I took a deep breath and went over what I wanted to say in my mind quickly. There was a loud “Come in” from inside, and I pushed open the door. They were all there, sat at a long table. Council Leader Parker gestured to a chair and invited me to sit. I fidgeted nervously and looked over at Timothy. He gave me a smile and a nod, and I began to speak. “Members of the Council Board. I would like to request permission to return to the Dawn Sky pack for one month in six weeks' time.” I said. Council Leader Parker looked at me inquisitively. “Are you feeling homesick? I thought that you were settling in well.” He said, glancing down the table at Timothy. “I love it here. It’s just that my brother and his mate are expecting a child, and I would like to be there when my niece or nephew arrives. I would like to leave a week or so before the baby is due and stay for a little bit afterwards.” I explained. Council Leader Parker looked shocked by my words. There were a few gasps from some of the other board members, too. I looked over at Timothy in confusion. Why was the council board reacting to the news of Holly’s pregnancy like this. Some of them looked scared. Council Leader Parker told me that my request would be considered and that I would receive their decision soon. He then dismissed me. I left the room and headed over to the dining hall to meet Eve for lunch. Before I had even entered the dining hall, I was hit by the most mouth-watering smell. It smelt like fresh homemade bread and lilacs. I breathed it deeply, feeling dizzy as it invaded my entire body. Tara was jumping around excitedly in my mind. Where had I smelt that before? I pushed the door open and followed the scent inside. I knew that I had smelt that exact mixture somewhere before, I just couldn’t remember where. It felt like I was floating through the rows of tables, being led by some invisible force. Then I saw him. His soft black curls pulled back in a tight bun. Tara was pushing forward, trying to get to him. He froze, sniffing the air, and turned. His stunning emerald green eyes fixed on me, and it felt as if they could see into my soul. “Mate!” I heard him growl. His deep voice vibrated through me. “Mate!” I responded. Within a second, he was right in front of me. “Mine!!” he whispered as he lowered his head and kissed me. It felt as though fireworks were going off inside me, and my skin was tingling. It had felt wonderful when I had first met Craig, but this was something else. This felt completely right. I kissed him back, and for a few moments, it felt like we were the only two people on the planet. I was completely ready to be his, and I didn’t even know his name. All thoughts of food were gone from my mind. My thoughts were now consumed with him. I wanted to know everything that there was to know about him. About my mate. I sent a silent thank you to the Moon Goddess for granting me a second chance, mate. Although, to be honest, it felt as though this beautiful man was always meant to be my mate. The bond that I felt with him already was so much stronger than it had ever been with Craig. I looked up into his eyes and shivered under his gaze. He smiled at me, and I wanted to rip his clothes off and take him right there on one of the tables. Although perhaps I should find out his name first, I chuckled silently at myself. He suggested a walk in the garden, and I just nodded silently, not trusting myself to speak. We walked back through the dining hall together, and I caught sight of Eve. She was sat at one of the tables grinning. Our eyes met, and she gave me a thumbs up. I smiled at her and left with him. Once we were outside, his scent wasn’t quite so overwhelming, though it did still make my mouth water. I looked down at our entwined hands and enjoyed the way that tingles ran up my arm like electricity. He lifted my chin so that our eyes met and my stomach was doing somersaults. “Can we get to know each other?” he asked. I nodded enthusiastically “I would like that.” I replied. He smiled and suggested that we sit and talk. I settled on the soft grass, and he sat down next to me. “Perhaps we should start with names.” He laughed. “I am Jamie Nelson.” He said. I smiled. “Ally Cooper.” I responded. We sat and talked all afternoon, by the time we were done it was dinner time. My stomach was rumbling loudly due to missing lunch. I felt that I knew my mate much better now, though. He was the son of a single gamma blooded mother. He didn’t know who his father was. His mother had always refused to discuss it. His mentor was Council Member Hughes. Jamie liked him, and he said that he was fair and kept training fun. Jamie’s ability was fear. He could induce fear, diminish it, or simply just see a person’s fears and manipulate them. I told him about my family and my pack. About my ability and how much I loved being trained by Timothy. I felt safe telling him everything. He looked sad as I told him how I had requested to return home for a month. I asked what was wrong. “I have only just found you. I’m just not looking forward to losing you for so long already, but I understand.” He said. I smiled. Perhaps we could arrange for him to come to Dawn Sky for a visit while I was there. I would like to introduce him to my family. That suggestion put a smile back on his beautiful face. After dinner, Timothy summoned me to his room. He told me that the Council Board was concerned about Holly being pregnant. He told me that he had told them what he had read in the doctor’s journal, but that others had read other accounts that hadn’t had such a happy ending. It had been decided that they would need to speak with Jake and Holly as soon as possible. Timothy told me that Council Leader Parker had already reached out and asked them to come to the citadel at once. I felt a pang off guilt that my request had possibly caused problems for my brother and Holly. That was the last thing that I had wanted. I called home to apologise to them as soon as I was back in my house. Holly sounded relaxed and happy, but Jake had a touch of worry in his voice. The council’s call must have bothered him. He had been happy and excited when they had called me earlier. I hoped that this could all be resolved quickly for them. They deserved some happiness after everything that had happened. We all did.

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