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HOLLY The talks were to continue tomorrow. For now, they had been adjourned. Jake suggested that we just go back to our room and keep to ourselves. I agreed, I wasn’t sure who we could trust right now. Ally had other ideas, though. She told us that she wanted us to join her for dinner tonight. Mum and Tina, too. She said that she had some news for us. We followed her to her home here. It was a cosy two storey house in a terraced row. Ally unlocked the front door and proudly invited us in. She hadn’t been here that long, but she had definitely putt her own touch on the place. There were lots of plants and flowers around the living room that she showed us into. I was admiring them when there was a knock at her front door. She grinned, looking excited, and ran off to answer it. A few moments later, she returned with a man. He smiled at us and said, "What a pleasure it was to meet us all." Jake just looked at him in confusion. Ally squealed happily. “This is my mum, Emma Cooper, my brother and sister in law Jake and Holly, and Holly’s mum Tina, who has become like an aunt to me.” She said, looking at the man. “Everyone, this is Jamie. He’s my mate.” She announced, turning to us. We were silent for a moment. “I thought that Craig was your mate?” Jake asked. Ally looked at him like he was an i***t. “Craig was my mate. WAS....We rejected that bond.” She told him. “So Jamie, is your second chance, mate? Did I get that right?” I asked her. Ally smiled at me. “Yup.” She said happily. He reached over and took her hand. “I am very happy to have Ally as my mate. She is a wonderful person. I will do whatever I can to keep her happy.” He assured us all. I congratulated them along with Mum and Mrs Cooper. Jake offered his congratulations, but didn’t sound completely sincere. We had a nice dinner together, just chatting and laughing. It felt so easy. I looked around the table at the faces there. The faces of my family. I hoped that the council didn’t make any decisions that would cause me to have to lose them. We made our way back to our room after dinner, and as we were about to push the door open, Jake froze. “Wait!!” he said firmly, sniffing the air. I stepped back, startled, and then took a few sniffs myself. I quickly realised what had made him stop. There was a strange scent outside our door. It didn’t smell like anything that I had ever smelt before. Sort of a mixture of damp and decay. It was horrible. I scrunched up my nose. “What the hell is that smell?” I asked. Jake stepped closer to the door and answered without even looking at me. “A vamp.” He stated. I just stood there in shock. “A vampire? Why the f**k would a vampire be here?” I said. Jake rushed into the room, his body tensed, ready for a fight. He came back out a few minutes later. “It’s empty. Whatever vamp was here is gone now.” He told me, gesturing for me to come inside. Once I was settled, he went off to find Council Leader Parker and tell him about the uninvited guest that had been in our room. I opened a bottle of water and tried to relax on the sofa. JAKE My head was swimming. Today had been a lot to take in. I was glad that I finally knew what the prophecy was, although I wished that it hadn’t had to come out in front of the entire Council Board. I hadn’t liked the way that some of them had reacted to the news. I understood why Elder Harris had wanted to keep the prophecy quiet. Then there was Ally’s new mate. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. It hadn’t been that long since Ally had been hurt by Craig. Besides, there was something about this Jamie guy that bothered me, although I wasn’t sure what it was. Now, on top of all of that there was a f*****g Vampire snooping around mine and Holly’s room. How the f**k could it even have gotten in? Werewolves and Vampires were natural enemies, so the citadel should have been warded against them. I approached Council Leader Parker’s office and was about to knock when I heard something that stopped me. “Why the f**k would we want a werewolf king? The Council would lose it’s power!” a voice said angrily inside. “Calm down. You are not seeing the big picture.This is a good thing.” Came the response. I could feel my anger rising. They weren’t supposed to be talking about this outside of the meetings. I knocked on the door, and the voices inside fell silent. The door was opened, and Council Leader Parker looked surprised to see me. “Alpha Cooper. Come in. What can I do for you?” he asked. I looked straight at the other person in the room. Council Member Percy Harper looked annoyed at my interruption. Council Leader Parker dismissed him, which only seemed to anger him more. Once he had left, I told Council Leader Parker about the vampire that I had smelt in my room. He stood quickly, looking concerned. “I will accompany you to your room and get the vamps scent. Maybe it would be for the best if we relocated you and Holly.” He suggested. I nodded. It worried me that he seemed so concerned by it. He mind linked one of the lower council members who was working that night and asked them to prepare another room for us at once. We left his office and headed back up to the room where Holly was waiting. I had told her to lock the door behind me as a safety precaution. I knocked, but there was no answer. I knocked again a little louder. When she still didn’t answer, I got a bad feeling. I asked for Council Leader Parker’s permission to force the door.. He nodded, and I hit it with my shoulder. The door shook but didn’t budge. These doors were built to withstand a bit of rough handling. I stepped back and kicked it open. There was a loud splintering sound, and it crashed against the wall inside. Holly was lying awkwardly on the sofa. Her body slumped over. I ran to her and checked for a pulse. It was weak, but it was there. I mind linked Ally. We needed her abilities. She arrived quickly and rushed to my side. I stepped aside and let her work. While she was healing Holly, I tried to figure out what had happened to her. Looking around, I saw an open bottle of water sitting on the table next to the sofa. I picked it up and asked that it be tested for wolfs bane or some other kind of poison. Council Leader Parker tried to assure me that their bottled water came from a source that could be trusted. It was a werewolf owned company. I thrust the bottle towards him and told him that if he was so confident that he should take a drink. He declined and agreed to have it checked. I thanked him, stating that I wasn’t suggesting that it had been tampered with by the company that bottled it. He just looked at me. I explained that that vamp was in here for something. Perhaps it was to slip something into the water. Although I had no idea why a vampire would want Holly or me dead.
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