1567 Words

RIEKA POV. Breakfast was a lot quieter after that, but I kept getting looks from Seth. Right now, I was following Ava, Amber, Jason and Seth to the same room they brought me in yesterday before I passed out. “Please sit.” Ava said and I did as I was told while the others kept standing. I couldn’t help but feel small in the room, but I kept a face of indifference. “Now, I have ceased any further talk at breakfast, but I think it is time for you to tell us a little more about yourself. Who you are. Where exactly where you came from and how it came to be that you knew where we were when Bane’s men almost captured us.” She spoke as all eyes fixed on me. I took a breath. “Like I said, my name is Rieka and I am a long way from here.” I spoke and Seth snorted mirthlessly. “That you have already

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