1359 Words

SETH POV. The magical named Slate, bust out in a fit of rage against Rieka and threw the red ball of powered up magic at us. I grabbed Rieka by the arm to shove her out of the way, but I was taken by surprise when she grabbed me and shoved me to the side instead. The hall lighted up in a blinding red light that I had to shut my eyes against it as it hurt my eyes. “RIEKA!” I screamed out as I feared the worst and I felt myself being thrown backwards from the blast as it connected with… something. I couldn’t bring myself to think that it hit Rieka. I could feel the ground tremor beneath my body as I fought to get back to my feet. Dust filled the air and I blinked to clear my obscured vision. This time it wasn’t due to the sharp red light, but to the dust irritating my eyes. I rubbed the dus

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