1672 Words

SETH POV. I shielded my eyes against the heat and the flare of the flames while I stood there and watched as Samantha crumbled into dust. Even though the flames seemed to swirl in the entire room, a flame never touched me. I felt the heat of it, but it never even came close to singe my clothes and I had to admire her control over it. The flames died down just as quickly as it erupted from within Rieka’s hand. I stood there and watched her as she looked down onto Samantha’s ashes with no emotion. It was almost… vampire like. My thoughts went over to what Samantha said before. About Derick killing her mate and that explained why Rieka had such hateful feelings towards him. Why hadn’t she mention any of this before when she told us where she came from. Well not to me at least. I had a susp

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