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THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS GRAPHIC SCENES. "Are you sure you have everything?" my mother asked again, her hands fluttering nervously where she stood with my father's arm wrapped protectively around her a few feet away. "Yes mama, I am fine, I promise I have everything," I laughed softly. I couldn't help but notice that Kane's arm around my middle felt more possessive than supportive, despite the tingles flooding my abdomen. Several pack members stood before us, the large, packhouse porch covered with Omegas and Warriors ready to say goodbye to their future Alpha. To pay their respects. I shook my head free of the thought and continued to smile. A few members came up to individually say goodbye. Andrew stood on the porch, leaning against the propped open front door, looking casually cool as always. Eloise was nowhere to be found, but if she was working on patrol today, that didn't surprise me. "Alpha," a young Omega I recognized as Maya said as she approached. Kane growled at her, and I frowned slightly. Maya stopped in her tracks, looking at him quickly, and then meeting my eyes. She was a pretty girl. She had dark, short curly hair that was half pulled back, and she wore simple jeans and a t-shirt, but she had an apron tied around her waist. I realized she worked in the kitchens and often worked with my mother on the menu for events. "Maya," I smiled warmly, "Thank you for coming to see me off." She bowed slightly and smiled widely at me, but it didn't quite meet her eyes, "Of course, A-" she quickly corrected when Kane growled again, and I clenched my teeth, "Camilla. Some of the Omegas got together and got you a gift. We were going to give it to you after the Alpha announcement but since it might be a while we thought we'd give it to you now." "That is so kind of you - and them!" I said happily, extending my hands slightly towards the small canvas bag she held out, "Please make sure to thank them for me?" She smiled again and handed the bag over, "Of course, A-Camilla. We hope it always reminds you of your home. This pack would do anything for you." She had that same smile that didn't quite meet her eyes, but I assumed the wild nervousness there was just due to my scary mate behind me. Before I could thank her again, she ran off, and I frowned slightly, tucking the bag into the pocket of my jeans. Kane tugged at my waist. "Time to go," he said firmly. I allowed him to pull me into the car, into the backseat. In the driver's seat sat his Beta. He was stocky, shorter, but very broad for a Beta. He had a grizzly scar over his left temple that ran down to his chin, but he had warm brown eyes, and neatly kept blond hair. We had only been briefly introduced but his name was Alex, and he seemed pleasant. The man in the passenger seat was one of Kane's best warriors and one of the wolves than had been by his side when he challenged the late Alpha of Moon River. He was burly, tall, and had an empty, distant look in his eyes blue. I hadn't heard him speak, he only seemed to narrow his eyes at me coldly when he met mine. His head was shaved all but a short, scruffy mohawk, and I could see a myriad of small, long faded scars all over his arms. They were certainly a scary bunch. The door closed behind Kane with a devastating "click", and I stole one last glance at my family through the darkly tinted windows. "Let's go," Kane said quickly, "Yes, Alpha," Alex answered in a polite, but distant voice. The car lurched forward, and soon, my family was fading from view. Kane kept a possessive hand clamped down onto my thigh for the first thirty minutes of the drive, and he seemed to visibly relax when we left the pack territory. As we crossed the border, I could feel a slight pressure in my head fall away, and I frowned to myself. I tried to contact him through the mind link, and I realized I couldn't reach my father. I started to panic as I realized I couldn't just not reach him but there was no channel. "Your packlink is gone," Alex said from his seat in front of me, "You renounced your title and your claim to Rising Sun." His eyes in the rearview mirror looked almost remorseful, and a chill ran through me, but the panic did settle slightly. Kane grunted in agreement beside me but didn't say anything else. I nodded slightly to Alex, before leaning my head against Kane's shoulder. I had left behind my pack, but I had my mate, and I knew I would return someday. Now it was time to focus on my future. I was exhausted from the interactions with my parents this morning, but I made my eyes stay open, watching the road in front of us. Kane pressed his nose into my hair and breathed in deeply. I could feel him relax slightly and I smiled, knowing the feeling all too well. So far he hadn't been the gentlest mate, but he was kind enough, and I knew he was just trying to protect himself. Himself, and his people. I could relate to that. Every action of mine had been scrutinized by my father for years. It was oppressive, even when it drove us. I was happy that Kane could at the very least relate to me on that. The drive to Blood Moon was long and uneventful. We stopped once and got greasy, fast food burgers to eat, but we were quickly back on the road. The drive in total was about seven hours before we started to drive into the territory. the last several miles had been fairly sparse in terms of forest, and I was surprised that a pack of werewolves could stay so easily tucked away with the lack of foliage. When the road turned to dirt, I got more alert. "When we arrive, you will stand beside me, but only speak if necessary. My pack is wary of an outsider being their Luna - they hoped I would mate to an original River Moon member, one of the old Alpha's bloodline, but that was clearly not the case," Kane said, straightening himself up, and picking at his fingernails as if he was bored, "I'll introduce you, and announce your place." "How will they feel about the Luna ceremony?" I asked, frowning slightly. I didn't know how to feel about the fact that his pack wouldn't be welcoming, but I guess mine hadn't been so I couldn't judge as an outsider too quickly. "There won't be one," he said confidently. I turned to him, aghast and confused, "What?" A Luna ceremony was incredibly important. It linked the pack to its Luna, strengthened their bond, and was a sign of respect, and admiration. It was a necessary ritual, and also where my wolf would first run with theirs. Kane turned to me, "Oh no, you misunderstand my pet," he said in that sticky, sweet tone, running a finger down my cheek, "Of course, there will be one, just not in the immediate future. I plan to let the pack get to know you first, let you get comfortable with them, and settle in. there's no rush." He leaned forward and placed a firm, wet kiss against my lips, igniting that familiar fire in my belly, and I practically swooned, "We have forever, okay?" I nodded softly. We had forever. We had forever. We had forever. There was no rush. I nodded once more. A bit more sure. "Great," he said, "Smile pretty for me, pet, okay?" I nodded again and smiled at him. He tapped my nose with one finger. "Yes, just like that, you'll do wonderfully." I internalized the complaint that I was wonderful at this. I had been put on display in front of the pack at home many times, including some more difficult times. This was nothing. The car broke the sparse treeline, and I looked ahead of us. In the distance, I could see the looming packhouse, and several dozen members gathered outside of it. The closer we got, the more I could pick out the details. The packhouse was moderately sized, a bit smaller than Rising Suns, and appeared to only be two stories. It was painted a dark blue, and the paint looked worn. I could see where shutters had previously resided, but they had been removed, and a shadow of darker paint where they had once been was the only evidence of them being there. The ground was maintained but to a bare minimum. Plenty of grass and scrub. It just needed a woman's touch, I told myself, as Kane had said. The car stopped outside, and Kane exited first. He slammed the door before I could get out, but I plastered myself against the window, staring out at the people that were gathered. I could hear Kane speaking to them. "Your Alpha has returned," he said loudly, his voice booming towards the house, "And I come bearing a gift, as some of you may have heard. Your Luna! The heir to the Alpha title at Rising Sun is my mate, and she has given up her title to be my - your - Luna!" People in the crowd looked hopeful, and a few of the Omegas clapped respectfully. I took a closer look at the Omegas. they were dressed in...not rags. But not much better. The women wore dirty-looking grey slips that had the shape of a sack for lack of a better comparison. The men wore dark pants and white tee shirts, but they were clearly not in great condition either. I frowned. Kane had assured me they treated their Omega's well, but they couldn't even buy them new clothes? My door suddenly opened, and Alex stood in front of me, holding his hand out to me. He had a sad smile on his face. "Luna," he said quietly, "Time to go." I wanted to ask him why he looked so sad. Why he, the Beta of the mighty Blood Moon pack looked so apologetic, and forlorn when he looked at me, his new Luna. What did he think of me? Was I not enough? I nodded, and took his hand, as he helped me from the vehicle. We took just a few steps, and Kane quickly plucked my hand from Alex's, pulling me towards him. "May I present your new Luna, Camilla," he smiled widely at me, before addressing the crowd, "May she bear me many Heirs." I frowned. This was far from a traditional first greeting, but I quickly corrected myself, smiling at the crowd. Some of them looked like they could care less about my arrival, but others looked hopeful. Some looked downright...sad. It was strange. there was nothing said. A few claps, but no one uttered a word. I decided to break the silence. "it's wonderful to meet you all," I said warmly, trying my best to seem kind and approachable, "I hope to be able to lead beside your Alpha, and bring many prosperous years to Blood Moon and its inhabitants." It wasn't quite the formal announcement, but I couldn't resist the urge to correct Kane's introduction, so I chose to add something in there. I wasn't just a broodmare. A few people nodded, and a few others clapped, but nothing was really said. The silence was kind of uncomfortable. "Where is everyone?" I said softly, turning my head to Kane. "Training," was all he said, staring straight ahead. I simply nodded. Training then. "I will be retiring to the Alpha chamber with my beloved mate," he announced, and I blushed at what his implication was, "We ask not to be bothered while we get acquainted." Some of what I assumed were a group of warriors off to the side chuckled, and I shivered, both in anticipation and discomfort. My alpha instincts were fighting against the pull of the mate bond, but if Kane was taking me to his bedroom I had no problem letting the mate bond win. Kane nodded, and the crowd quickly dissipated. He tugged on my hand, pulling me towards the house quickly. I hardly had time to look around as he pulled me up the slightly unstable-looking staircase. On the second floor, he led me down the hall to the last door, which he opened to reveal his bedroom. This room clearly had been updated more. The thick green carpet had a large wood bed in the middle, on top of a lunch white rug. There was one nightstand, and a large window behind it. there were two doors to the far right of the room, one with a large padlock on it, and another door that I could see led to a bathroom. but that was the little I was able to observe because the second the door closed, Kane had me against the wall with a thud hard enough to make me gasp for breath. "I have waited far too long to have you," he breathed, running his nose along my collarbone. I hissed in pleasure as he nipped lightly at the spot where he would eventually mark me. He chuckled darkly, and ran his hand over my curves, aggressively groping at my breasts and ass through my clothes. He pulled away suddenly, and I took a deep breath. he strutted towards the foot of the bed and leaned against it as he took off his dark blue tee-shirt. As he exposed his olive-toned chest, which flowed into a solid abdomen, the heat in my belly flared. This was my mate. "Strip," he said, as he c****d his head at me. I froze for a moment, my heart thumping in my chest. "Come on now pet, don't make me wait," he coaxed. My heart thumped in my chest. but I quickly reached for my top. I pulled it over my head, revealing the deep curve of my waist, and the pale skin of my stomach. Before I could allow the nervousness to set in, I unbuttoned the top of my jeans, sliding them down my hips, and past my ankles so that I could step out of them. I held my arms around my chest and felt myself blush. This was territory. He raised a brow and gestured for me to continue, watching me with eyes like ice. They burned my skin wherever his gaze touched. I swallowed, and reach behind me to unclasp the back of my bra, letting my breasts fall free. I hurried to pull my panties down and stepped out of those as well chest heaving with each breath as my breasts rose and fell in a dangerous rhythm. "Bed," he said darkly, and my cheeks heated as he raked them over me. I practically sprinted to the bed, sitting softly on the edge of the grey comforter. He turned around and came to stand in front of me, looking at every inch of my body. I felt every scrutinizing moment of it. "You have a good body, maybe curvier than I normally like, and you're a little short," he said, reaching forward to pinch my n****e, making me squeak painfully. I wasn't expecting this. He looked perfect to me. Like one of those old greek gods. Your mate is supposed to be perfect for you in every way. "The good thing is that those hips look like they are more than capable of bearing me pups," he said with a grin, leaning forward to kiss me roughly, his hand entangling in my hair. He pushed me onto the bed, and my heart caught in my throat. His hands were rough, and a few times, I winced as he grazed my body with teeth and nails. I was breathless by the time he lifted off of me, and I felt his rough hands pull apart my thighs. I whimpered when I felt his throbbing c**k slap against my core. "Ah, I knew you'd be a little slut," he chuckled, his hand on my right thigh tightening painfully. He yanked me forward and I felt frozen. This was not the tender, sweet love-making my mother had explained to me. Even when I had fooled around with boys in school they had been nicer than this. I could tell him to stop, I thought, but he was my mate. Maybe this was how it was supposed to be? How he liked it? I was lost in my head when I suddenly felt him press into me. I screamed as he tore through me, burying himself to the hilt in my young body without warning. I didn't realize how much my body had not obeyed him. I felt tight and uncomfortable. The lack of lubricant was jarring. Before I could utter another sound, he began thrusting into me. over and over again. At some point, I started to cry, but he just grunted and groaned ahead of me. When my hands pushed against his chest, trying to get him off of me, he simply pinned my wrists down, and somehow, all too fast, and yet unbearably slow, he emptied himself into me with a groan. He stood up quickly, and his hand came down hard on my sensitive s*x, and another hoarse cry escaped me. He chuckled. He chuckled. "You'll get used to it, pet, don't worry," he cooed, leaning down to kiss my belly, "And the sooner you give me a little pup, the sooner you can have a break from all of this." "You raped me," I muttered, staring at him in horror, "You hurt me." He rolled his eyes, and then pulled me to a sitting position, ignoring my wince of pain, "No, no I didn't. This is how it is, pet. Don't you know about Alpha urges? You were one weren't you?' You were one. I frowned, looking at him blankly through eyes still lined with tears. "I can't rape you, you're my mate, you're meant for me okay?" he said softly, caressing the side of my face gently, lovingly even, "I'm sorry if that seemed rough, but I just can't control myself. I love you so much." My heart cooed in response. He loved us. Kane loved me. He was my mate. That hadn't been like I had expected, but it could've been worse, right? "Maybe you can help me. Maybe next time will be better, right?" he asked, looking into my eyes. I felt hypnotized, my whole body wired for him, even while it ached in discomfort from his assault. "Maybe next time," I smiled softly, staring into those ice-blue eyes.
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