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"Why don't you go get cleaned up?" Kane said as he exited the bathroom in a pair of boxers, steam billowing behind him. He didn't even look at me as he walked toward the closet. I still lay on the bed, staring up at the ceiling with the thick comforter wrapped around me. battling the discomfort in my head, and body. "Of course," I murmured, unsure if he even heard me. I peeled myself out of bed, and half stumbled to the bathroom. It had dingy white tile on the floor, but the vanity and shower had been updated with grey marble. I found my face in the large mirror above the double vanity. My pale brown locks were a disaster, and my hazel eyes looked wild. The emotions that stewed inside me pushed through to their surface. I had several scratches over my chest, and one pale bruise on my left hip. "Next time," I whispered to myself. I closed my eyes, hard, to hold back the tears. I got the shower started quickly, and just stood under the spray for a long time. Relaxing. Unwinding. Praying to the Moon Goddess for strength. She wouldn't give me a cruel mate. She couldn't. I stayed in the shower until I started to feel numb. Until the feelings melted away, and I was just one with the water. My peace was broken by a sharp knock on the bathroom door, "Hurry up, little pet, the doctor is coming to see you." "Sorry," I blurted, frowning while I quickly grabbed the bar of soap, lathering my body. A Doctor? I felt my heart flutter. He was concerned. He did feel bad. I couldn't help the small smile that graced my face. I washed hurriedly, being extra careful with the more sensitive parts of my body, and exited the shower. I towel dried, and then wrapped it around myself to get something to wear. When I stepped into the bedroom, my mates slightly burnt, cinnamon smell engulfed me, and my body rejoiced, but I realized he wasn't there. I peeked into the closet, but he wasn't in. He must've had to tend to something. I closed the closet door, realizing that none of my things were in there yet. I went to get my clothes from the floor near the door, but I froze when I noticed the door beside the closet. During my initial analysis, I had seen the large padlock, but it wasn't until I got closer that I realized the door was silver. Potentially lethal to a wolf, silver was often used for torture or entrapment. Our cells beneath the training gym back home were made from silver bars. Nearly impenatrable by a werewolf, and incredibly painful to the touch. It was set a few inches into the wall, and I instantly wished I had a key. I wanted to see what was in here, in my mates bedroom. Heirlooms? His office? I knew that some packs kept important documents in silver safes, but this looked reminiscent of a prison door. There was a black leather handle over a small door on the top of the door, and I pulled it open, standing on my toes to peer inside. But even my stronger than average wolf sight was not enough to see into the impenetrable darkness. I did however realize there was a strong chemical smell, and I swallowed. I quickly closed the peephole, and backed away from the door, hurrying to dress in the same clothes I had arrived in. As I pulled up my jeans, I realized that the small canvas bag was still in the back pocket. Just as I was about to pull it out, the door opened abruptly. In walked Kane, looking marvelous and mischevious as always. I couldn't help but coo inwardly at his handsome face, my wolf prancing around in my head at being in proximity to her mate. Behind him was an older gentleman, his hair thick, and white, with kind brown eyes framed by wire glasses. He was shorter, his shoulders hunched slightly in a way that showed he was quite old as far as werewolves go. He looked at me for a moment, but quickly averted his eyes to the ground. "Sweetness, this is Doctor Harold. He has been the pack doctor here for a long time. He'll be taking a look at you today," Kane breathed, "Come, sit." Before I could move, he wrapped a firm hand around my bicep, and tugged me towards the bed, the only furniture in this room outside of the nightstand. He sat me down, and gestured to the doctor. The old man quickly walked across the room, setting the black medical bag on the nightstand. "Arm," he said softly. I frowned, and extended my arm towards him. He quickly pushed up my sleeve, and pulled an alcohol wipe, a rubber tourniquet, and other instruments from his bag, and I suddenly realized what his goal was. "Why are you taking blood?" I asked. The doctor looked up at me, and then looked at Kane. "Just want to make sure you're in good health," Kane smiled, before leaning forward and kissing my forehead. The doctor proceeded to tie off my arm, and we all watched in silence as he filled four small vials with my blood, before wiping away the puncture wound. It would probably be healed in just a few hours, but he still placed a piece of gauze, and tape over the speck of blood. He set a collection cup on the nightstand, and then directed his attention to Kane, or rather, his feet. "Have her relieve herself into that first thing in the morning, and I will send Kayla to retrieve it," he said quickly, "Is there anything else I can help you with Alpha?" "No, that is all," Kane said, standing up and waving the doctor off. I stood as well, "Isn't he going to...check me?" I asked, annoyed by how high pitched my voice was. The doctors step faltered for a moment, but he quickly excused himself. Kane turned to me, tugging me forward till I was flush against his chest. "Have dinner with me tonight, okay?" he said, smiling gently at me, "Wear something pretty." He didn't even bother to answer the question I had asked, he just walked away, and shut the door. My sensitive hearing didn't miss the way the door locked from the outside. The feelings inside me that I had pushed down, bubbled up in an instant, and I threw myself onto the bed, before screaming into my pillow. --------- I woke with a start as I heard the door slam, sitting up in bed. The room was dusky, and I realized that I must've fallen asleep after my tantrum earlier. I looked to the door and realized that someone had delivered my suitcases. As I pulled myself fully off the bed, I noticed a note on the nightstand - beside the collection cup. Beta Alex will escort you to dinner at 8PM. Don't be late. -AC AC? Alpha Copeland. He was my mate, he could've just written Kane. It didn't make sense. But honestly, nothing about today had made sense. I looked at the clock on the nightstand and realized it was already almost half past seven. I would need to hurry to get ready if I was going to be on time. I quickly moved to my suitcases, opening the smaller one that held my bathroom essentials, and jewelry and was shocked at what I saw. I quickly reached for the two larger ones, which held the rest of my clothes, and things, and unzipped them as well. My chest heaved as I looked down at the three bags in front of me. I had nearly packed these last night, after the night of dancing and flirting with my mate, but what was before me was anything but neat. My clothes were in a dissaray. There was a broken picture frame that held a photo of me, Andrew, and our fathers that was missing. Half my jewelry was gone, if not more. Anything of value, that was for certain. Even some of my clothes - the more modest options were gone. I seethed, seeing red. Who had gone through my things?! This was absurd! Could his pack really dislike me so much? In a huff, I grabbed a few toiletries and stormed into the bathroom. I would make sure to tell the Alpha about this. This was certainly not okay. I got ready quickly, trying not to waste time. I pulled my long hair back into a pretty braid, before wrapping it in a tight bun. I put on a touch of make up, and buried at the bottom of the suitcase, I found one of my favorite dresses. A simple fit and flare with a geometric print. I donned that and a pair of flats, not wanting to wear heels on the precarious stairs. I had just pulled on my shoes when there was a knock on the door. I threw it open, and there stood Alex. I noticed up close how vicious the scar running from his temple way, and my heart pained for him when I realized it must've been left by silver. Few things, or beasts could leave a scar that great on a werewolf. "Luna," he said, nodding his head politely, that kind but distant voice ever present, detached from reality almost, "I'm here to escort you to dinner." "Hi Alex," I smiled, nodding at him, "No need for the formalities. Just Camilla is fine." He smiled at that, almost knowingly, but soon his face became neutral again, and he nodded, "Camilla then." I gestured to the hallway and he stepped back, allowing me to fall into step beside him. We made our way down the stairs, into the large dining room. It was a long, dark room, and it had clearly once housed many tables, but now there was only one large one, with two settings at it. Kane sat at the head, and the chair beside him remained open. Alex stopped at the door, and simply gave me a nod, before bowing to Kane, and leaving the room. I crossed the room quickly, and Kane watched me with hungry eyes. After sitting in my seat, I flashed him a smile. "I need to talk to you about something," I said quickly, "My bags, the-" "Shhhh," he muttered, leaning forward to press his finger against my lips in a sloppy manner. The smell that rolled off of him told me everything I needed to know, he was drunk. It took quite a lot of regular alcohol to get a werewolf drunk, but there was a specific sort of spirit called Moons Bane that was distilled in the mountains past Moon Meadow that worked like the regular stuff worked on a human. It was expensive, and dangerous if consumed in copious amounts, It's why the name was a spin on the strongest werewolf poison - wolfsbane. I was surprised that Blood Moon could afford it. "Are you drunk?" I asked quietly, knowing the answer all to well. He didn't bother to answer, clapping his hands, "Dinner!" Quickly, two Omegas filed in from a door that must lead to the kitchens. Both of them set down a half of a roasted, slightly overcooked duck, and some wet greens. I couldn't help but wrinkle my nose slightly, but I quickly recovered, and looked at the Omega who had served me. She was young, no more than 14 or 15. Her face was drawn in, and she was skinny, frail even. It concerned me how these Omegas seemed to be treated, especially after Kane's promise. My wolf sashayed nervously in my mind. She didn't like how this young girl looked one bit. "Thank you," I smiled at her. The young girl looked surprised, but nervously nodded and fled the room. Kane scoffed beside me. "It's their job, pet, no need to thank them," he grunted. He dug into his food quickly, using his hands to devour the duck, as I picked at my food, discomfort rising in my throat, and spoiling my appetite. "Kane-" I started again. His fist came down hard and fast on the table, and I jumped slightly, "For goddess sakes woman, let me eat my damn food!" I stared at him, my body recoiling on it's own accord. I couldn't explain it, the way this felt like an alternate universe. The way that just last night, he had looked at me with heartfelt eyes, and told me he would protect me, love me forever. I was so confused. I watched Kane take another sloppy bite of his dinner, and inside, I felt a certain light begin to fade.
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