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I was in the silver room for 18 days. When the warriors had dragged me down the hall to my bedroom, I knew where I was going. The big silver door was opened, and a light had flickered on. Even in my weak state, blood running down my leg, I had been able to see that it was a simple room. All four walls were made of silver. There was a toilet in the back corner, and on the other side, a full-sized mattress with one white pillow, and a sheet. The warriors had dumped me into the middle of the floor and left. My first instinct had been to fight, my blood boiling. I had pounded on the door, but every touch burned, and soon my hands were a bloody mess. I had tried to dress my own wounds, but some combination of the deafening silver walls around me, the exhaustion, and the blood loss, had rendered me unconscious. I had awoken sometime later in complete darkness. I had noticed that I had been moved to the mattress, and my wounds had been bandaged. My clothes had been changed too, and though my eyes never adjusted, I had eventually been able to feel that I was wearing a pair of cotton shorts, and a tank top. I had laid awake for what seemed like hours, the blackness never-ending. The next time I woke up, the light was on, and there was a plate of food in the corner. I had relieved myself, and taken a few bites of food, just enough to keep the gnawing in my stomach at bay. That first day, I had stayed awake all day, stewing, angry in my boredom. It was miserable, but I wanted to get a better sense of the days. I quickly learned that the light stayed on for twelve hours, and then turned off for twelve hours. There was nothing to do. One day I screamed for hours, begging to be let out, but no one had come, so I had simply laid down, staring at my reflection in the mottled silver of the wall. Each day was like clockwork. Two twelve-hour periods, announced only by a light flickering on and off. Every morning I woke up to a plate of food, but I hardly ate. Actually, some days I skipped altogether. On the ninth night, my cycles came, and I almost jumped with joy. I wasn't pregnant. Thank the Goddess. I prayed to her every night, not for my salvation, but for Alex. For my packmates at home. I thought of them often - constantly even. Were Eloise and Andrew okay? My parents? How many had we lost in the raid? Had there been more raids? On the tenth morning, my food had tasted strange, and I realized as my eyes grew heavy soon after that I had been drugged, but they must have underestimated the dose I would eat because I woke up just hours later to voices. When I realized I wasn't alone, I had fought to keep my heart rate calm, and my breathing even. Kane was there, I could feel him like a dull tingle. The mate bond was still there, hanging on somewhere, because I had not yet rejected him, but it was frail, and torn beyond repair. My ears perked up when I heard him speaking to the doctor. "This is the fifth time her cycles have come. I thought you were sure that she was fertile," Kane had hissed. "May I speak frankly, Alpha?" the doctor asked, his tone nervous despite the boldness of his question. Kane sighed, his frustration evident, "If you must." The doctor cleared his throat, "She is definitely fertile, but shewolves are most likely to conceive when the mate bond is at its strongest. I understand that you...have gone elsewhere for pleasure, Alpha, but I fear that the pain of that has been too hard on her body." "Are you doubting my ability to produce an heir?" Kane had questioned, ever ego-filled, and angry. "No! No, Alpha, not at all," the doctor had said quickly, "I just...If you want to have an incoming heir before the next council meeting, she is going to need healing - mentally and emotionally as well as physically. I highly recommend feeding the emotional bond as much as possible to help return her to her full potential." I had been able to hear Kane pacing, but finally, he had agreed with the doctor's words, "Fine. I won't take the girls anymore. And I'll convince her that this is what she wants again. She loves me. I have the mate bond to thank for that." They had left without any other words, and though I badly wanted freedom from the silver room, I was not stupid enough to not realize the opportunity this was. I had spent the next eight days planning in my head, silently. I needed to get a message to Rising Sun, and maybe more importantly, I needed to find Alex's son. To do either of those things, I needed to gain Kane's trust again - I was sure he had lost some faith in me, though he at least still felt like I loved him. My 18-day sentence was torture still though. In an effort to restore the bond I assume, Kane started leaving me gifts. There was flowers next to my food every morning. After a few days, he left me stationary, and though I couldn't use it for anything of purpose, scared to reveal anything, I let my mind wander while I doodled. The hours ticked on and on, and truthfully, I got the best sleep I had in months. When the door finally cracked open while I sat wide awake on my mattress, I was almost happy enough that I could've kissed Kane. Almost. He had stood in the doorway, holding a bouquet of roses, and a box of chocolates like a bad romance movie. He had drawn his cruel face into an apologetic frown. He was a damned good actor. I made sure to hesitate at first, and for the first few weeks, I kept my distance, shying away from touches, and words he pressed me with, but I slowly relented. If he wanted a show, I would give him one. the first month he didn't even force me again, proving all at once that his "urges" were his disgusting selfishness. He was kind, sweet, and methodical. He still didn't spend much time with me, but soon I was allowed to roam the packhouse. Alone. He gave me more freedom every day. And even though it pained me, after my next round of bleeding, I had started to let him kiss me. I held back the flinches at his touch. I didn't blanch at his caress. I held fast. I held true. I had people counting on me. I started to realize that Kane really didn't want to spend time with me. It was something that had never occurred to me before. I was always so eager to get away, to lick my wounds, to retreat, that I didn't realize how little he enjoyed my presence. I wondered if he could even feel the mate bond anymore? I considered that maybe his wolf was as deranged as he was, and his senses may be dull. I wasn't sure what it was, but it did make it easy to recognize his patterns. I would wake up to an Omega bringing me breakfast. Take a shower, dress, eat. Kane would come to me at 9 AM, and he would walk the packhouse with me. He hardly spoke, and when he did he would just talk about training, or how much he loved me. It was empty conversation. I itched every time to ask questions about my pack, the raids, but I was trying to pretend like I was under his spell. After our ten minute walk, he would leave me again, and I would roam the packhouse. There were more guards inside, and I wasn't allowed in my office, but I had a plan to get back to it. I smiled at every guard, and took up a conversation with any that would let me. I thanked them for their service, and asked about their families, their names, where they had been born. Many of them resisted me, but a few started to grow more comfortable with me, asking me how my day was going, or shooting me a wave as they left. At lunch time I ate in the dining room alone, and every day there was a new sheet of paper and pencils, and I realized that Kane noticed I liked to draw. They were far from quality, just standard printer paper, and worn down #2s. But I started showing him how "thankful" I was with suggestive touches, and big wide eyes. Any time I fanned his ego, his chest puffed up, and I could tell he bought the act. Men. Tonight though, I planned to use that to my advantage. I knew I was running a risk, as I looked in the mirror. The dress was revealing, the neckline a deep v that exposed the sides of my breasts suggestively. The dress was snug, showing off my curves, and I wore my long hair curled. My lips were painted red to match my dress, and I knew that before the night was over, I'd either be assaulted once more - and have to take it, or I'd get what I wanted. I no longer had to wait for an escort to the dinner table, and for that I was grateful. I purposely waited until the clock struck seven o'clock, the time I was supposed to be in the dining room, before leaving. I wanted to be fashionably late, as part of my act, but I wasn't sure how Kane would react. I took a deep breath, plastered the best smile I could on my face, and headed downstairs. When I entered the dining room, I could see Kane's scowl. He was not happy with me. I knew his patience grew thinner every day, and I would need to fully give in soon, or escape before hand, but I hoped tonight would help keep him at bay too - two birds, one stone. "I'm so sorry I'm late," I cooed, Kane's eyes flashing to me, and I instantly saw the lust, and surprise in them, "I just wanted to look especially nice for you tonight, I know I haven't been presenting my best self." "Mmm," he pondered, his eyes stuck on my chest as I scurried to the table, taking my seat, "I certainly don't mind." I flashed him a gracious grin, blinking my lashes a few extra times, forcing that innocent glossiness, "You're not mad?" He hooked his brow and leaned forward, his eyes moving from my chest to my lips, "I won't be if you let me have a taste." It wasn't an option not to, I knew that well enough, but I indulged him anyways, nodding my head in a shy manner. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine, and I feigned giving in, sighing against him, even while every nerve ending in my body fought it. I didn't want his hands, or lips anywhere near me. I pulled away quickly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and leaning back into my seat. As he leaned back in his chair, I could tell he wasn't completely satisfied, but I sat, leaning over my arm suggestively to try to appease him with my breasts, and he seemed satiated enough. He clapped for dinner, and a few Omegas filed in with our food. I was pleased to see Sarah was with them. I had only seen her a handful of times recently, but I had been happy to see she had not been harmed. It seemed Kane had taken out enough of his anger on me and Alex to not feel like she was a threat. I hadn't had a chance to tell her about my plan yet, but I would - I planned to take her with me. She was a good soul, and I wouldn't be able to leave without her help. We ate, mostly in silence, and I felt nervousness growing in the pit of my stomach. This could easily go awry. Before I could let on too much of my anxiety, before he could smell it, I set down my fork, leveled my eyes at him, and c****d my head. "My Alpha," I purred, trying to boost that sensitive ego of his, "May I make a request?"
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