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He leaned back in his chair, peering at me with suspicion in his eyes, "What could you possibly request from me, little mate?" I held back a grimace, fluttering my lashes once more. I was riding a narrow line. This would either end with him having enough and taking me again or success. "I just...I know that we will be working on an heir soon," I said softly, "And I just thought that maybe I could get back to work first? So that I would be able to show the pack how much I care about them too?" He raised an eyebrow, and I resisted the urge to overexplain. It wasn't a lie - I did want the pack to know that I cared about them and that I would be here for them, even when I was gone. I planned to save all of them, as many as would come. He trailed his finger over the rim of his cup of Moons Bane, thinking. I practically held my breath as I waited eagerly for his reply, nervousness blooming in my belly. "I will let you return to your Luna duties," he said, and I couldn't help the sigh of relief I breathed, "But you will have one month." I hid behind a curtain of hair, blanching, "A month for what?" I chirped. He chuckled, and I felt his hand creeping up my leg under the table. I held back a shiver of fear as he inched further, and further up, his hands only inches from claiming what he wanted so badly. "I need an heir, so I will give you a month to attend to your duties. Tomorrow is a full moon. On the next full moon, I will have you again, pet, do you understand?" he asked. My mind and heart raced. I had a month. One lunar cycle to completely finish my plan. I suppose it could've been worse, but it was less time than I was hoping for - that was for sure. There were still so many things I had to do. I nodded softly though, unable to resist the agreement that would eventually lead to my freedom. "Yes, I understand." ------ The next morning, I found my office door unlocked. There was now a guard stationed outside my door at all times, the next closest one down the hall. I spent the next week learning the schedule. Byron, the nice guard my age, and I had become fast friends. He would tease me through the door, having joking conversations in our brief interactions. He was stationed outside my door on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and I knew he was my best shot. Luckily, I was able to let Sarah know, and she had secured lunch duty those days, and I knew Byron liked me enough that he wouldn't think twice of it. There were two other guards that were fairly cordial with me. Jerome was a father to two, and his wife worked in the hospital. Damien was polite but kept to himself. He itched to meet his mate and wished to travel outside the pack more often so that he would have the chance. There were also a few guards who didn't like me much at all. Those were the ones that wouldn't even smile at me, or give me a second look when I approached them. they smelled faintly of burnt grass, like they were rogues, or had been once. Like Kane. I also continued to pour over files, among actually doing my duties as Luna. It wasn't hard work, but the never-ending workload on my desk full of things I knew belonged on Kane's frustrated me. Maybe he really did think me dumb, and meek, I mean I was trained for the Alpha position my whole life. The fact that he brushed so many things off on me was infuriating, especially when I thought of what he could possibly be doing with that time he was now saving. Sadly, there was no information on the boy in the pack files, but I hoped to plant the seed today so that we may be able to find him. just then, as if she could hear my busy mind, Sarah filed in with my lunch tray, and I heard Byron's boots as he shuffled down the hall. "Please, just set it over there, I'm trying to get through these treaty agreements," I said loudly, while I smiled softly, gesturing for Sarah to come closer. She approached me, and I handed her a small slip of paper. Her eyebrows raised, and she took it, reading over the words. Once. twice. I knew what it said, and I repeated the words in my mind. I will leave on the next full moon. Will you leave with me? Sarah's eyes widened, and she looked at me with tears blurring her irises. I smiled widely and handed her a pen so that she may answer. It took her a painstakingly long time to write her reply, and when she handed the paper back, I couldn't help but frown. Yu will safe me to? Her letters were badly written, too far apart, and shaky, and the grammar was childlike at best. The poor thing. Her schooling must have stopped after Kane took over. It suddenly dawned on me that I was lucky she could even read, and I said a silent thanks to the Goddess. No matter, she would have the opportunity to return to school, to grow up when we returned to the pack. I had already thought about how I would instill sign language as a regular practice among the pack so that we could communicate with those that came with me from Blood Moon. I had tried to use some on Sarah, but she was only confused by it. I quickly penned my next reply. Yes. I can't leave without the Beta's son. Will you help me find him? Her eyes repeated the process, slowly glancing over the words, her lips moving slightly as if she was sounding them out in her head. Finally, she realized what it said and she looked up at me, nodding. I took the paper from her and wrote another message. I found this file, I think this was the Beta's mate. It may be a lead. I handed it back to her and left her to read it while I reached into my desk drawer pulling out the worn manilla folder, passing that to Sarah as well. I had it memorized - I didn't need it anymore. I could see the photo of the woman tacked inside all too well. Her warm caramel-colored skin, and black pixie cut. She had happy, light brown eyes, and an upturned nose, her lips in a wide smile. She was beautiful, and a perfect match for Alex. I hoped they had found each other in the after. Sarah took it, eagerly tucking it under her apron. I knew she would not be found out. I pecked at my lunch a bit, and after Sarah left, and Byron returned, I worked for eight whole minutes, trying to time my next move carefully. I had one more part of my plan to establish tonight. I took a deep breath and then began to perform. I hung my head in my hands, groaning hard. "Are you alright, Luna?" Byron called from the door. "Not really, actually, " I muttered, rubbing my temples, "Would you please call the Doctor for me, Byron?" Byron stepped quickly into the room, looking at me with concern. I had to resist the urge to grimace at the sight of his face. My heart ached for him. Up close, I could better see the damage to his face, and it was incredibly hard to stomach. Half of his face looked like it had been melted, scarred over, and I knew that he had been subjected to some sort of torture. His left eyelid was fused shut, seemingly from a botched surgery to save his eye. Kane truly was a monster. He made his way to my side, offering me his arm, "Why don't I escort you to your room? To rest?" "Mmm, " I muttered, before carefully standing, " Yes, yes that is a good idea. Thank you." "Of course Luna," he said hurriedly, and then he hesitated, looking unsure, "Should I...?" "No, no," I said, almost too quickly, "No need to bother the Alpha." Byron did nothing to suggest that what I said had affected him, but I did catch the sly smile on his face. "I'll mind link the doctor then," he mused. I allowed Byron to help me to my bedroom, and I left him at the door, moving to settle into bed, propping my arm over my face. I needed to seem like I really wasn't feeling well, and I knew I wouldn't have to wait too long. I was right, and the knock on the door came only two minutes later. "Come in," I called. The door opened and in stepped Doctor Harold Marley. I had found his file as well. He was in his sixties and had a wife and several grandchildren. This part of my plan was one of the most dangerous. I knew that he was less expendable in this pack, more protected by the nature of his training and profession than a normal Omega. He could easily run to Kane when this was over or ruin everything by mind linking him. I noticed the surprise on his face when he didn't see the Alpha in the room, and he began walking toward me. "What seems to be the matter, Luna?" he asked, his voice cautious. I gestured to my head but didn't say anything. I wanted him to be close before I started talking. If he didn't react well, I planned to be able to protect myself. When he reached the side of the bed, I finally spoke. "Thank you for coming Harold," I said quietly, looking up at him, "I was wondering something." "Yes?" he asked, moving to pull his stethoscope out of the bag. "Can I trust you?" I asked, and he instantly froze, his hand stilling half out of his medical bag. He seemed to sputter for a moment, unsure, "I-I am loyal to-" "To your Alpha?" I asked, leveling him with my gaze as I pulled myself up in bed, better poised to strike if needed, "Which one?" Harold swallowed hard, his throat bobbing, and I almost felt bad for the man. I didn't mean to intimidate him this much. "Relax," I said softly, laying my hand on his arm, "I will not hurt you." He pulled away quickly, and when he looked at me, there was something in those aging eyes. Fear, definitely, and confusion, but also something else. "Why did you call me here, Luna?" he asked quietly. "Because I need your help," I whispered, offering him a small, sad smile. All at once, I realized what that twinkle in his eyes was. Hope.
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