Chapter 10

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"What the heck are you trying to prove with that behaviour?" I grimaced inwardly and directed it towards Sophie. It is only right that I should ask you this question. When you took your past into the present, what were you thinking about at the time? Her voice was deep and thunderous. I had nothing to do with bringing him over here in any way, shape, or form. After looking for me, he was finally successful in finding me. Hissing was the best way for me to convey the level of annoyance I felt at Kyle's behaviour. Lexi, you don't forget how severely he harmed you, do you? Why are you such a childlike person even now? "Me? Do you think I'm a simpleton? I exploded in rage and said, "I apologise if my naiveté has caused your life to be damaged, but that does not give you the right to treat him in such a degrading manner." "How do you plan to deal with him when you see him?" I believe that he is deserving of it. You keep kicking the guy to the curb! You have zero justification for behaving in such a manner. You are neither my biological father nor my biological mother. Whose arms did you sob into when he crushed your heart as a result of what he did? Whose side are you on? Yeah, I see; based on what you've said, it seems that I shouldn't continue to get engaged. Do you even possess any kind of hearing? She said, "Holy crap, you're unachievable!" in shock. I went upstairs and stomped on the door before slamming it shut with a loud crash. The way in which my sister dealt with Kyle makes me feel terrible. Before Sophie came in, everything was running smoothly, but now she's messed it all up. A gentle knock came from the side of my door that was facing away from me. Put an end to this foolishness! I'm going to keep coming back to this place! She had already made the announcement prior to entering. Since Mom passed away, the two of us haven't had an argument quite like this one, and now it's all because of him. You are well aware of how much I despise getting into arguments with you, Lexi. Do you hear what I'm saying now? There is no justification for you to hold Kyle accountable in any way. What gave you the idea that I was supposed to confront you? We are now in disagreement because you treated him with disdain for no apparent reason. It was essential for me to provide an explanation for my irritation. "Okay. Both of us need to take a few full breaths right now. After a brief pause, she stated her opinion. When was the last time you put your faith in him? I really don't want there to be any more pain for you. After he caused me harm, I retaliated by hurting him by leaving him at a motel with nothing but a message after he travelled all the way to Glendale in an attempt to locate me, which prompted a response from me. To restate this in another way, "All I want is for you to be happy and safe." "Everyone who sees you will automatically conclude that you, and not I, are the one who was hurt by him." I was being facetious when I laughed at her. simply because I have no one else in the world who is related to me by blood except for you, Alexis. Those who hurt you also hurt me, and vice versa. Because I am now an adult, I am able to look after myself. A query along the lines of "Does he know that you're..." "No. A moment of hesitancy: "Oh, he's not sure," you might say. Let's keep everything the way it is for the time being. You really ought to count your blessings that he made it here today. "Why?" There was a real chance that I would pass away. Once I had passed out due to food poisoning, Kyle was there to drive me to the hospital emergency room. I had no idea. Is something wrong with you and your health? After I shook my head, Sophie gave me a hug and gave me a kiss on the forehead before vanishing into her room. Because of mom's passing, our relationship is stronger than it has ever been. I was too afraid to make the call by myself, so I contacted Stacey to get Kyle's number. By the time I contacted Stacey, Sophie was already at work. Pardon me! Actually, it's not all that unusual at all. You simply wanted to convey your sorrow by calling. Before picking up the phone to contact him, I gave myself a little time for reflection. saying, "Hello there! "Greetings, my name is Macy, and j-" What exactly does he mean by what he just said? It boggles my mind that he chose to cut off our talk so suddenly. It's possible that he's still seething with rage; I know that I would be if a complete stranger had treated me with such disdain. Today, rather than going to work, I decided to unwind and spend the day at home. I was eating and watching television up until there was a knock at the door. "Are you that person?" I couldn't help but exclaim in surprise as a specific blonde guy came into view. Without a doubt, you are correct in thinking so. After hearing my voice, Kyle walked over and unlocked the door for him. "Has your sister travelled back home?" He inquired about it while still looking around the living room. I responded with a "no." I hope you can forgive me for yesterday; when she got home, she had a terrible attitude. Please accept my apology. Do you wish to proceed with this? The atmosphere was quite familiar and comforting. Why would someone who doesn't even know you have a negative opinion of you? I'm sorry I called you Alexis; I just confused you with another person who has features that are similar to yours. Nevertheless, now that we know you aren't, it would be wonderful if we could continue to be friends, especially when being in your presence gives me the impression that I am becoming closer to Alexis. He went into further detail about what had occurred. Friends, I sighed. That being said, I was in agreement. He answered, "At the very least, you can rest comfortable knowing that I am not the one you're looking for." When he finally broke into a smile, I realised that it was every bit as endearing as I had recalled it being in the past. I apologised. "You know, it's been years since I've seen her, but judging by the colour of your eyes and hers, it's impossible to determine which is which." His eyes travelled all the way to the end of the couch before returning. That is a reasonable question to ask, "Who is she?" Before continuing, he made a correction and said, "Alexis." She was a girl from high school who was beautiful, smart, and possessed of a great deal of zeal. My girlfriend was the one who taught me how to fall in love for the very first time. Since we were both teenagers, I've been friends with her. He let out a small chuckle at that point. "Wait. You're looking for the person you had a crush on in high school, aren't you? Why haven't you finished high school yet? Yeah, I did inquire. "It was not possible for me." He had the most beautiful lips in the world. That "I just couldn't attain closure" is a viable reason is one of the possibilities. His face had lost some of its zing. What do you mean? The only thing she left behind was a letter. Even though I had been told that I would be forgiven for my affair, she still chose to leave me a letter. If she had told me to let go in person, I might have considered it, but even now I have a lot of unanswered questions about it. But you are about to get married. I could feel my stomach turning as I reminded him. The only reason I'm marrying Penelope is for legal and financial reasons. Yet, contrary to what most people think, I do not adore her. Is he really going to miss me that much? "I'm terribly sorry." I was completely perplexed as I stared at him. "Whatever. She doesn't give a damn about anything, and the fact that I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself indicates that she's probably out with another guy right now. It's not her! I spoke too rapidly, and he appeared perplexed by what I had to say. "Meaning?" You are absolutely overthinking the situation, but I very much doubt that she is seeing anybody else at this point. As soon as I wrapped him in my blanket, he became much more relaxed. Yeah, if you say so. It leads one to answer the question, "Where is Penelope?" It would appear that she is currently in Paris with her mother, possibly engaging in some retail therapy. The tiniest hint of a smile played across his features. It was the waiter who said, "Do you feel like having anything to eat right now?" or something?" Are you aware of what? Let's get some pizza delivered. "Great."
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