"How did you get here?" After encouraging him to sit, Isaac questioned. "I've just started a contractual job up here," he explained, shrugging. "I had no idea you lived in this neighborhood." Isaac gave a nod. "Yeah, for quite some time now. I started an art gallery." "That's right," Adam said, reaching inside his jacket for his phone when the ring tone rang. "I recall you were an artist," he said as he took out his phone. "As I remember, you were pretty good." Isaac shook his head. "I'm fine," he said, grinning as the man-made an apologetic face and pressed the phone to his ear. "Hey, how's it going-" He frowned, his face tightening, then abruptly lowered the phone and looked at it. “Crap!” “What?” “The effing battery just dropped dead,” Adam grunted. "Jesus Christ! That was my cu