Chapter 41

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Ami slowly opened her eyes to the dim brightness of the room, she felt so alert and refreshed and awake so much so that she believed she must have slept for at least a day. She would later learn that it had only been for mere hours, but at that point she felt she could have another go at Sango and they could tousle for hours. Although she wasn’t willing to test that theory as of yet. She got up slowly, feeling a bit reluctant to leave the comfort of the bed, but she had a lot to do, she had a lot to achieve, so this was not the time for resting. She couldn’t find her two light nymphs anymore so she moved on her own to the general throne room, there she found Sango seated with his fist to his cheek in a tired manner. He righted himself and beamed up with a smile as he saw her approaching, “Someone is awake, how do you see the dream clouds bed?” he asked. “Oh so that’s what the bed is called, no wonder the sleep was so peaceful even though ridded with dreams” Ami answered. “Well, I won’t be the partly lord of the sky if I can’t grant proper sleeps and dreams now would I?” he asked jovially. ‘Ah ha, I knew his aspects had to do with the sky as well' Ami thought to herself. “You say partly, who do you share it with?” Ami asked curiously although she had a vague suspicion who it could be. “Well apart from Olodumare, who owns it all, he created it after all, the sky domain is one I share with Orunmila and Obatala, those two are the actual sky people, I am here as well in relation to my element and also because those two can really be lazy sometimes so their job gets passed down “ Sango explained. Ami's view was getting broadened, these was not in her studies. “Well, all that is that you know, now shall we offer you the meal of the gods here, you aren’t fully a god yet until you’ve wined and dined the godly meal you know” Sango said. But Ami wasn’t particularly feeling hungry, she really didn’t know why, could it be because of her attaining her almost full goddess potential by the reincarnation? “Uhm, I’d love to, but right now, I am not really hungry, the matters on my heart weigh heavy as well, so I don’t think I can really stomach anything for now” Ami replied trying to be pointedly polite about it. Sango looked disappointed but as well as if he had expected it “Fine, come then, sit at my side, we are having guests soon and I would like to hear about your experience so far, till the point you met me, and I can as well see that you have something bothering you, if you wish it you can tell it to me” Sango said warmly. Ami felt more than honored, she really still couldn’t believe the affection she was receiving from Sango, her step father. She went up to the throne and sat on an elegantly adorned throne seat beside Sango, she took a deep breath and recounted her life so far. Her mind was still on something Sango had mentioned earlier, about having guest soon, her thoughts dabbled even as she was telling Sango her life experience. What kind of guests were coming? What would happen when they came? How would Sango introduce her and how will those guests see her if they are gods and especially considering the fact that she wasn’t a legitimate child. She grew sadder even as she recounted her experience in life so far, but when she looked at Sango’s face, she was surprised at what she found there; anger. “I know who your father is” Sango said with gritted teeth “I can’t believe he would even try to lay a finger on you, despite all his righteous justice claims, oh Osoosi and I would have words, serious words whenever we meet again” he said. At first Ami had thought Sango was angry at discovering the person that cheated with his wife, but in fact he had been angry that the person trued to kill her, he was more concerned about her than the obvious betrayal of his wife’s affair. Then there was the name Sango mentioned, Osoosi. Ami had this particular deity on her list of possible fathers, but she had removed it after her studies revealed that he was a god of justice, she felt no one like that would have want to kill without proper justification, not even a trial and neither did he listen to any plea of hers. His justice system sucks then, Ami thought to herself and she was sad and disappointed and mad that such a person was her father. The way Sango had said he would have words with Osoosi though indicated he meant something not unlike the tousle she had with him, only more serious this time around. “Well, go on, let me know if there is any other person I need to add to my list” Sango said to Ami. He was so defensive of her, why couldn’t he have just been her father, Ami thought sadly before she continued her story of herself. Sango listened well, he was a really great listener, interrupting only when he needed more clarification or if he was trying to get a point from a statement or an event. Before long, Ami got to her death and then rather than skip the demon’s encounter like she did with Esu, she instead told it to Sango although still leaving some parts out, like how the demon meant to recruit her to be by his side on the day of apocalypse. “I can’t say his name out loud to you, he is now powerful enough to even eavesdrop wherever his name is being used and as well have a certain influence there” Ami said then added “Well not that that can work here especially being so far off the ground but just to be careful” Ami took Sango’s arm and then traced out a name, upon understanding, Sango withdrew his hand suddenly as if he had received an electric shock. Wait, is it possible for him to get electrocuted? Ami asked herself in her thoughts. “Him?” Sango asked in a whisper and Ami nodded. Sango got scared? this was more confirmation that this particular entity was a damn powerful and evil one in every retrospect just as she had thought. “This is bad, really bad” Sango said and furrowed his brow in thought. “I don’t fully know who exactly he is though, just what he told me, but it seems you do, who is he, really?” Ami asked. Sango with fierce fear in his eyes that scared even Ami as he replied “The duke of hell” A loud boom sound suddenly sounded making Ami jump, all covered in goosebumps and scared out of her mind, she had only heard that appellation once, no wonder she couldn’t make the connection when he told her his name. The boom sound was of doors opening and Sango’s light nymphs zoomed in, each coming before them, bowing and giving a message to Sango in a language she didn’t understand, then she got to know that it wasn’t that she couldn’t understand it, but rather it was too fast for her to follow. By the time the last of them came and delivered Ami was about gradually being able to follow, picking on bit by bit. “Very well” Sango said after the last of them delivered “Ami dear daughter, prepare yourself for a council of the gods, to take place right about now” he said and then clapped his hands together again. At that gesture, everything vanished except both of them on their throne seats, they seemed to be floating right in the open sky amongst the clouds. Then one by one, gods and goddesses also appeared into view like a hologram, some two others with servants behind them and some alone. Ani discovered that none of them were really there, not even she and Sango, it was like meeting in the astro plane and they were all astro projections of themselves. Even at that Ami had never seen a congregation of deities like this before, she marveled at the sight of these powerful entities appearing in their forms to meet in an astro plane. “Alright, let this council of the gods commence, the third of its kind since the beginning of time“ Sango announced.

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