Chapter 30

1540 Words
Facing an actual foe for the first time since she had actually been training, Ami felt all kinds of emotions; from fear to anxiety to anger to exhilaration, most of all her personal favorite was the rush of endorphins, the adrenaline that pumped from her into her fully till she was high on it. She hadn’t expected to feel this way, she was tasting real battle against a real foe for the first time and she was happy? She was facing one of the demon looking monsters, from a quick analysis she could tell it was a fire user, meaning it was most probably amongst those responsible for the burns and claw scratches in the safe house, Ami’s fury burned brighter some more at that realization. As she charged everything else slowed down, she was using super speed after all, one of the many benefits of her powers although the speed wasn’t yet as speedy as she felt it could be. As everything slowed, the monster did not slow as much, she figured it must as well be faster than normal, but it still can’t match her enough. Ami made a couple of predictions ahead based on the monster’s movement and what it seemed to use as weapons which are its claws of both hands and legs, its barbed and spiked tip tail and then the fire which she guessed had to come out from its mouth. Either it slashes first with its claws, up or the midsection if it uses its hands and midsection or down if it uses its legs. Or it’ll s***h with its tail or just breathe fire straight at her, the unexpected would be that it would move back and anticipate her own attack first. For all except the fire, she had a counter, and lucky for her it chose to s***h at her first with both arms raised. Ami smirked as she ducked under its raised arms and came up behind it, she brought her swords up and down slashing its back open which spurted black blood. It turned swiftly even as it bellowed in pain and swiped its tail at her, she ducked conveniently and aimed straight for its throat knowing fully well that that would most probably be its next move. Her lefty sword aimed true and ran right through its throat leaving it very little time to trash around before it stopped moving completely and started disintegrating. Ami heard the next attack before she saw it, and although she ducked out of the way, she still got hit by the storm spirit and the force was still enough to send her spinning off a little ways off further to the side. An earthborn monster with four arms tried to grab her but as she regained her footing she spun around and slashed her swords. In the process she cut off its arms and legs then lobbed off its head, it returned to dust much after that. The venti was headed towards her again seeing that she had been distracted, but she felt its approach this time even before she heard or saw it. This time she did not sidestep rather she bent backwards and low as the venti rushed forth, it went over her but then she came up quickly with her swords pointed up, running the storm spirit straight through like hot knife through butter. One thing she knew from learning about storm spirits was that they were great at evading, if you attack them head on, your attacks might just keep on going through them no matter how potent the weapon was, they were natural born elements after all. But for them to attack as well, they have to be solid to either make contact or strike with anything in their arsenal and that was the only surest window of attacking them as well. Ami stole a glance around as she headed for her next victim, yeah they were her victims now not the other way around even though this was their ambush. Sidat was holding out pretty well and had the other storm spirits focused on him, he had this multiple glowing arms that held weapons or shot out lightening as he fought, oh and he was floating around as he fought, really cool thought Ami. Kyle did so little as he fought so effortlessly, his focus were the earthborn monsters and now she knew why he seemed to always have seeds in his mouth because as he moved around and about them, he spited seeds at them which grew random plants on their bodies giving them great discomfort till he came and put them out of their misery with his double long dagger. Mariam was like a goddess, she had two glowing aura about her, from her education Ami knew those images to be Bastet and Isis, how Mariam could combine two major paths like that was something so surprising to her and she could see in her how Casey would end up being in future.  Mariam handled full defense, she blocked incoming aerial assault and returned to where was necessary, a demon monster shot a breath fire at Kyle from behind and a glowing cat headed aura swallowed it up. Alec faced most of the demon monsters though, they were more tricky and even seemed coordinated, unlike the other monsters and that was dangerous but Alec tore through them like a raging storm, his battle axe served as a shield to their breath of fire, and it also took off their heads and body parts in swift motions. Ami saw the battle all around going well for them, but she knew they couldn’t keep it up like this, the monsters only seemed to keep on coming, even though they weren’t, they were only just too much. A sharp pain tore through Ami’s right hand as she tried to duck between two demon monsters, one of them had caught her with its claws, immediately following that, one lost its head to a wild s***h from Ami’s sword. The other turned to her to breath fire but Ami was already ducked underneath it and she drove her swords through the under of its chin to its head. She pulled out her swords and bounced around to take out yet another earthborn, after a short while a thought occurred to Ami, why hadn’t she passed out from blood loss, why wasn’t she even feeling the pains that came with the wounds she was sure she had acquired? A quick scan of her body though only showed her slightly torn clothes and drying blood on them, as well as splatters of the monster’s blood, no wounds were on her whatsoever. Hmm, was it her own doing or Mariam’s, because a bit earlier, she had felt a jolt of energy which renewed and refreshed her and it felt as if she hadn’t even used any energy at all during the battle, Mariam had been responsible for that via a rejuvenating spell aimed at the group, could she also be making them all heal their wounds? Ami thought it highly unlikely, she couldn’t possibly be powerful enough to rejuvenate four other people and make them heal as they got injured and still fend off attacks from multiple enemies. This had to be on Ami’s account, she must have had this ability that is only just surfacing now without knowing before, well, it is highly needed as of now Ami thought. The battle progressed and after the second jolt of rejuvenation from Mariam hit, the first trouble that started their downward spiral hit them. Mariam faltered from exhaustion and a fireball landed in their midst, it crashed on the ground and swept out in a furious rolling wave of heat and flame. It was all the group could do to avoid the sweeping flames, after though Mariam’s auras flickered back to life to resume their duty but that moment of false had been noticed and after a short while more a really huge fire ball was heading towards the group. Mariam’s shield collapsed but right before the flames hit, she threw a protection aura around each of them. When the flames landed though, its impact scattered them all and flung them about, the only good thing was that all the monsters around them were burnt to crisp as well. Alec had regain his composure first and resumed battle with the left over monsters and when he saw his team was thrown about and were still unconscious he drew the battle towards him and moved it away from there hoping they would wake soon and be without fatal injuries. *** Ami, Kyle, Sidat and Mariam all got to where Alec was still battling all bruised and battered and exhausted but still holding his own. Still in the formation that Sidat had suggested, as they saw Alec, they rushed in to battle with much relief at seeing him still alive and renewed resolve at that same fact. 
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