Chapter 31

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The fury of the four was a match with the rage of hell’s fiery pit. Mariam, Sidat, Kyle and Ami all brought down their full might on the monsters surrounding Alec. They did not know what hit them till they dwindled in number and suddenly found themselves confused and disoriented and disorganized seeing as they hadn’t expected any other attack from these four whom they had considered dead or at the very least incapacitated. But no, here they were, full of rage, attacking them with all they’ve got. The demon monsters started retreating first, one by one they dropped out of the battle and scampered away, the unlucky ones were seen by either Mariam or Sidat who sent a destruction spell or a lightening bolt at them. Then the storm spirits started to bolt as well, their leaving was more rapid and in the blink of an eye they were all gone leaving the remaining demon monsters who hadn’t left and the earthborn monsters as well, and without the storm spirits creating cover for them through the random storms, they were left open and bare. It became really easy to pick them off one after the other, seeing this, the rest of the demon monsters all took off running away at once, leaving the dumber earthborn monsters at the mercy of the five who made quick work of them. As the last of the monsters fell, Alec stumbled and it was Kyle that caught him else he would have fallen from exhaustion and multiple wounds. Ami had to give it to him though, Alec was one tough fighter, probably the toughest she had seen so far, how he could’ve held on, on his own for that long was beyond her. Something else she found really baffling and intriguing at the same time was the fact that not one human had seen anything or even been present all through the battle. Ami had learnt that multiple forces work together to keep the supernatural and extraordinary out of the way and sight of humans, the mist, the duat, the veil, to mention a few were part of these universal forces at work. But to actually see them at work was something she was immensely marveled at, especially as cars now started passing by them and a few passers-by were seen moving about as well which wasn’t so initially. “Let move out of sight, before eyebrows are raised at us” Alec suggested a bit winded from the strain on his voice. “Yeah, a couple of bloody and tattered kids would definitely raise more than eyebrows on this street” Sidat voiced in, there was a bit of strain on his voice as well. They were all tired. They all moved to a bus station and all went to change their outfits at the restrooms trying to freshen up as much as they can. By the time they were done hunger filled in with their fatigue, and they said as much while gathered on a bench at the station. “Ok I wasn’t going to say anything but I’m hungry guys, I don’t know about the rest of you” Mariam voiced out. “I believe we should all be hungry by now” Alec determined. “Except Kyle, he has been munching on seeds all these while” Ami put in jokingly. Kyle looked shocked at first then he smiled when he figured out it was a joke, after which he shrugged and said “Supplements seeds”. Ami guessed there wasn’t so much in his vocabulary, he lived such a simple life with so little words, at most he spoke four at a stretch. The others chuckled at the joke as well but then turned serious as hunger was not really a thing of jokes. Alec pulled out some money from the pockets of the pants he had been wearing before, and the others as well scavenged for money and valuables among their packs. Alec’s money had a few burnt notes and some were shredded, Sidat could hardly find any money then he discovered his previous pants pocket had a gaping hole in it, in the end after they all gathered the good money they had a close to sixty dollars, some change and a few buttons and earrings. “So a café?” Alec asked at which the others just grumbled and shrugged. They found a diner not too far from the station so they went in to eat, refuel, re-energize and re-strategize because as of now, they had no leads, no plan hence no mission. As they sat around a table of doughnuts and pie and fries and burger and coffee and milkshakes and smoothies, they chattered aimlessly for a while, going over the accounts of the battle and how it had looked to each of them. Soon the conversation got serious as the reality of their situation started to hit them, their original mission was to analyze the situation and scavenge for important items, they hadn’t been able to complete any if that before all hell broke loose. And as for the rest of the mission which was to track and retrieve the stolen items if possible, well that was an epic failure as of now. “What do we do? We can’t go back like this, with almost nothing” Mariam stated, initially, secretly she had been jealous of Alec’s position as leader of this group, but now she was glad it hadn’t been her because she knew her own failure would have been even more catastrophic than this and she herself would have fallen apart. “I believe we should try to look for a lead amongst all that we have been able to gather, I’m sure something will point something out” Sidat responded before going back to the burger in front of him. Alec had a distant look in his eyes like he could see ahead of when they were, Ami at first hoped he would but then she remember the battle, ‘naa if he did, we wouldn’t have fallen into that’ she thought to herself. “we can trail them” Ami suggested which surprised them all but then she continued with her point of view and speculation. “The Items stolen are of an uncommon origin and can only be used at specific places, if we can figure out exactly where these people plan to use the items then we can get them” Ami suggested wisely. “You know what, you are so right Ami” Mariam said with glee. “Thanks Ami, now we can get back on track with our mission” Alec stated “So guys, lets all delve into the maps and figure out the most probable place that these guys could want to activate the ancient artifacts with them, from there we can continue our mission” he finished after which they all threw themselves into thoughts and scans of the maps with them as they tried to reignite the flames of their dying mission.
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