Vampiress and Swordsman struggle with threats

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Koreima returned to her chamber in Kor Castle. She quickly went to her vault of valuables and retrieved three bottles of Baron Raven's blood. The clever vampiress was able to make a supply of her delicious human blood. She stored the blood in special artifacts that the vampires of the Kor clan had created. The vampiress filled the first glass and quickly drank the human's blood. The wonderful drink made her smile with pleasure. This human's blood was special and the vampiress liked it very much. Koreima did not stop and drank glass after glass. She sometimes looked in the big mirror and saw that her face was gaining colors and she no longer looked like a strange disgusting monster. Suddenly Countess Korwin entered the room. This powerful vampiress had the right to enter any room in the ancient vampire house of the Kor bloodline. "Did you seize the opportunity? The faithful servants of the Children of the Night have brought word that a human has returned from the world of Mother Death. I hope that your conversation with him was successful," the Countess looked at the girl with interest. Koreima froze at the sudden intrusion and unexpected interrogation. She did not expect to be greeted with care and someone to worry much about her. But to meet the interrogation was too cruel for her. "I talked to the human," the girl looked angrily at the countess. "What kind of trouble has his disappearance from the city brought for the family?" The Countess laughed and waved her hand. "There is no trouble. A little noise and nothing. The possessions of Zangar are too precious a place to bother the owner with temporary difficulties. You don't look well. Always have your servant's blood supply with you. Your greed and avarice is your punishment," the Countess sat down beside the girl at the table and took one empty bottle. She sniffed the rest of the blood and nodded with understanding. "Mighty blood. He is truly a wonderful new phenomenon in our world. Appreciate my kindness and generosity. I am not taking this servant from you." "He is my prey! I have the right to drink his blood." The young vampiress bared her fangs. "We are leaving this world. You're too late. I don't need your pet. Don't lose his Legacy," Countess Korwin stood up and left the room. Koreima could hardly bring herself to calm down. Lineage Kor could take a human being away from her. She had received much help from the clan. The elders had aggravated her quiet life. The carefree time had passed. First, the young vampiress was allowed to influence the young human princess. Then Koreima was able to meet an obscure but interesting new person in the city. She had exactly one year to get her way. In a year any vampire could challenge her and take away her right to drink the blood of Baron Raven. Just now the ancient vampiress had warned that vampires were preparing to take away her right to the Legacy of Humans. There was no proof of the ancient knowledge. But the baron's figure was unnaturally strong, and the human too quickly gained great fame. All the elders of the Kor clan took notice of the young human. Vampires made life difficult for Koreima. But the clan council has always taken careful care of the strength of its children. The strong rise in fame.  The weak live quiet lives in the shadow of the strong vampires. "No one will take him away from me," Koreima whispered and began to dress. She was in a hurry to get to the palace. Princess Elina is a naive and pure student. The girl will tell all the news better than the vampires she knows. These tricksters always have intrigue on their minds.   In the meantime, the perpetrator of change in the city has taken a new assignment with the Adventurers' Guild and has rushed to leave Grossroads. He did not like the attention the citizens paid to him. The young man was unhappy with the phantom's request. Tom asked Dan to accept the usual humble task of level 16. For a level 19 player, that was the lower limit. A strong player could not do missions against weak opponents. The weak fight the weak. The strong challenge-worthy opponents. The man didn't care about the traditions of the citizens. Raven understood the need to raise the Boss Killer achievement. The clone was now dealing an increased damage rate of 141% against major monsters. It was a huge advantage. In Grey City, the friends had long conversations about future developments. They recalled the difficulty of the battles in the Tower of Destiny. They understood that they could leave Grossroads at any moment. But it was a foolish thing to do. There was the unknown ahead. They couldn't get all the loot from this location. Grossroads was a place of accumulation of many knowledge and skills. Dan Raven understood that he had to endure and put up with the unpleasant conditions of life in the city. Today was the first time he had gone on a solo quest. Tom himself suggested to a friend that he test his abilities. Five days without magic and the ability to fight at full strength made him want to destroy all the monsters in his path. The diligent phantom wasted no time. He was busy making things to sell. Dan understood the limits of his impudence and agreed to disturb Tom only to kill the final boss. Why take the risk? Only those who don't have all the power in the world take risks. The young swordsman had plenty of power. Dan entered a dungeon where he could get trophies in the form of valuable ore. A supply of resources is never superfluous for one who is addicted to a peaceful profession. His armor kit was simple. Five items of equipment added 60 points to the Strength attribute to increase damage. Sixty points were added to Intelligence so the young mage could spare no effort and play around with his spellcasting skills. The swordsman summoned the hobbits. The two braves looked sleepy. But after a few seconds, both hobbits jumped up and down in pleasure. "I'm the best! I smell the stench of nasty walls and some scoundrels. Will the master buy me a nice beer?" "I'm better than you. I'm humble and I don't beg for tasty food. Am I allowed to try my luck?" "We are back in a world where you can use your desires uncontrollably and fight to the best of your ability. I'm hoping for your help. Tom is busy right now so you are my only helpers," laughed the young man. "Swordsman Tom is a great warrior. But we can manage without him! I'll show you how to throw stones. Right in the nose! We won't let you down, Lord Dan," one hobbit had already prepared for battle and took out his stone and sling. Dan went forward and saw the expected opponent. It was a good opponent. The level 16 minotaurs were armed with axes and were familiar opponents. After long dueling with Dhroll, the swordsman was ready to fight warriors who used a large battle-ax. Dan gladly rushed towards his opponent and struck the first powerful blows. The hobbit stones struck exactly at the horned head of the tall mutant figure. The minotaur moaned in pain and his ax strike lost its power. The fast and strong swordsman had time not only to apply the Cut of Kornelius but also to meet the ax blow with a defense technique. The two new techniques were admirable to the swordsman. They didn't increase the attack or damage to the enemy, but they were very useful during the fight. Cornelius Wing allowed a 30% increase in defense for one second and reduced enemy damage by a third. Vampirism dealt normal damage but converted a third of the damage to health points and restored the swordsman's life. The main advantage of these moves was their cooldown. Each defensive skill regenerated in 1 second! Cut of Kornelius increased damage by 250% and added 42 points of damage to the attack. But this skill required a four-second break to use again. Kornelius Wing did not waste mana and was a good defense technique for a warrior in the path of the sword.   [Kornelius Wing. Level 3. Required level: 10 Required: Swordsman Mana cost: 0. This skill removes 30% of the opponent's damage and strengthens the swordsman's defense. Cooldown: 1 second]   Dan felt the world take on new colors. The smell of his enemy's blood intoxicated him. The world was colored by a red haze and the swordsman realized that he could hardly control his behavior.  He was not frightened, nor did he give up his berserk state. The overwhelming advantage in strength and the support of the hobbits gave him the right to feel like a champion in this place. After an hour of traversing the dungeon, Dan reached the main cave. He was not tired and felt great. Occasionally he stopped and enjoyed the taste of food in the company of hobbits. He often sacrificed helpers to restore his mana. He enjoyed using strong spells that weakened minotaurs and allowed him to kill opponents quickly. The penalty on experience and trophies didn't bother the player. He wanted to have fun and feel the best side of the new life. Clashing with monsters and defeating strange creatures was the main pleasure of the game. Dan Raven regarded his main opponent and shook his head. He summoned the hobbits and asked them a strange question. "Can we handle it without Tom? What do you say, braves?" The hobbits looked at the figure of the monster against the far wall of the cave. Dan was still shy about commanding the hobbits and not asking them strange questions about how they perceived the world. He didn't know what hobbits saw when they assessed the enemy. Koreima and others he knew accurately understood and assessed the power and threat from different enemies.   [Tyrant Minotaur. (Mutant.) Middle Boss Level: 16 Life: 1600. Damage: 160-250. Defense: 90. Skills: Stun. Strike the enemy deals normal damage, temporarily stunning it. Time Stunning duration: 2 seconds. Cooldown: 1 minute. Breaking Strike. Damage increased by 300%. Cooldown: 1 minute]  
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