Vampiress Disappointed

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Dan entered the vampiress's chamber and cautiously approached the girl. The young man had already managed to learn and develop a sense of respect for a dangerous opponent. Now he approached a dangerous monster who was ready to devour a brazen trespasser. The vampiress was sitting at the table Swordsman knew at once that punishment awaited him. Koreima looked very unwell. Her pale face had turned gray and lost its colors. Dan was horrified to think that she reminded him of a vampire from the Grey City of the Dead. Her black hair accentuated the girl's unhealthy pallor. Her pale lips curved into a wicked grin. Her eyes took on a red hue. Koreima was very angry with the man. But when Dan entered her room she knew at once that Baron Raven was of no use to her. He reeked of Death. "Damned fool! Couldn't you take care of your safety properly? You stink worse than the vile werewolves in your mine," the vampiress hissed. "I didn't mean to," the young man muttered. "It wasn't my fault. It was all Grograb's doing. I didn't know gnomes would turn out to be so vengeful and evil." "You don't know what vengeance and anger are, tasteless human! I will show you what vengeance is. Go away and don't make me angry. You displease me," the vampiress pointed to the young man at the door. "Koreima, forgive me. How can I deserve your forgiveness?" Raven tried to soften the girl's mood. "You want forgiveness? Fine! I want to know how you were able to achieve your victories. You have a secret. It's time you revealed it. I starved for five days! I drank the blood of filthy filthy snakes and freaks in the dungeons. Rotten, disgusting blood! I couldn't go back to my castle. You disgraced me. Tell me the truth quickly," the vampiress demanded. Dan froze in place. Unfortunately, he was prepared for such a situation. The phantom warned his friend that Koreima would try to press him for answers to difficult questions. "I haven't eaten in five days either. There is no way to eat in the realm of the dead. You are demanding too much from me. I need to think about your demand," the young man turned away from the vampiress and looked out the window. The blue sky and bright sun gave him some relief. But he felt very unhappy about this change of heart with sweet Koreima. "Then go and think. You disgust me. You're all impregnated with death and I'm disgusted when you're around," Koreima said quietly. She wanted to cry so the scoundrel would feel the suffering he was causing. But the vampiress's attentive gaze noticed that the human was determined to keep his secrets. Dan didn't have time to object. Suddenly Koreima rose from her chair and approached him. Her face reflected how uncomfortable she was with approaching a creature who had long been in the world of Death. The vampiress took the young man's hand and the man felt her hand very cold. He felt frightened and uncomfortable at the touch of her fingers. Koreima did not look into the young man's face. She wept silently. This vile, secretive scoundrel must feel how guilty he was! Dan hugged the girl gently and froze. This world showed its disgusting side again. Why couldn't he live in peace? Suddenly he felt uncomfortable. The man suddenly realized that nasty Tom would be able to know all his emotions. The clone would see all kinds of intimate details! This is p*********y and discrimination of freedom and secrecy of intimate relationships! This joker will begin to mock his feelings! The body of the vampiress melted into thin air. Koreima had a special bond with the young human. She sensed his emotions and learned to control the behavior of an interesting person who kept interesting secrets. The sudden change in the young human seemed dangerous to her plans. A warrior had awakened in the boy. The vampiress sensed his rage and fury. It was not the feeling she wanted to evoke. Koreima decided it was time to return to her home castle and drink blood. She had been very weak for five days. It was difficult for her to play her game in such a state. Dan Raven felt utterly humiliated and insulted. He didn't think about the consequences and immediately applied the Phantom summoning spell. Tom appeared beside him and on his face was the indignant expression of a blacksmith who had been torn away from the important process of creating a valuable artifact. "Oh. How unpleasant the meeting was. I feel sorry for you. Koreima was unlucky and hurt by our actions," the clone said quietly. "You feel sorry for me? You peeked and felt my feelings. This is outrageous. I don't want you meddling in my intimate life. It changes everything. It's not fair," the young man resented. Tom didn't care about the lovers' relationship. The clone was genuinely indignant at the words of complaint from Dan.  "Dan, you touched on a delicate subject. But you don't have to worry. I don't care about your intimate relationships with girls. Yes. We're exchanging experiences. I get your memories and new knowledge and new experiences, too. Dan, feel like an actor. To me, your memories of dating Koreim are like watching an episode of an uninteresting melodramatic series," Tom saw his friend frown and hastened to reassure him. "I'm not saying your feelings are insincere and you're a bad actor! I'm saying I'm not interested in love shows. I'm interested in series about sword master lessons and I'm interested in palace information. Brother, don't be offended and make peace with this side of life." "Koreima will not reconcile herself to this side," the young man whispered. "Don't tell her. Someday the time will come to reveal our secret. But you worry for nothing. The local creatures are pretty easygoing about romance and intimacy of all kinds. They're all long-livers! They have a different way of thinking about love and s*x. If you live a couple of thousand years you start to get weird about all the issues of the world." "Koreima is young. She's only a hundred and seventy years old!" Dan looked indignantly at his friend who looked very serious. But the young man tried to see traits of mockery or sarcasm in the clone's behavior.  "That means she's acting like a seventeen-year-old girl. You're a great couple and I like her," the phantom immediately threw up his hands and grabbed his head. "Don't look at me like Othello. I like her as a source of information and knowledge about vampire witchcraft. You're weird in general. You've always liked blondes. I like Algrin as a lover. Koreima is beautiful but not elegant. She's sharp as diarrhea. Her mood changes every few minutes. Leave me alone. I have things to do. I'm off to the forge. You took me away from important business! I have to-do items so we buy a lot of experience to develop the ring. I don't want to hear anything about your dates." Dan didn't have time to tap the clone because the rascal ran away. Raven stood there and couldn't understand why this scoundrel was allowing himself the behavior of a naughty boy. The clone ran away from a serious conversation. It's not serious and it's insulting.   The swordsman frowned and hurried toward the guild building. He wanted to meet with the heads of the human players' military organizations. King Arador tried in vain to embarrass the young baron. For Dan, any aristocratic life did not matter. He was disappointed in the behavior of the nobles. The king wanted to instill anxiety in him. It turned out that the lord of Zangar had no problem! He does have a problem with a young vampiress. But the rest of the unpleasantness was resolved most excellently. The lords of the Grossroads did not demand reparations from Dan for the lost profits. For five days the citizens were unable to extract resources and fame. Now everyone understood that the Baron was not to be messed with. After the destruction of the Great Werewolf in the gold mine, the victors were allowed to mine for three days! During this short time, hundreds of miners extracted a huge amount of gold. Artifactors rushed to make new gold coins and artifacts. Gold was a valuable resource for making weapons and armor. No one wanted the baron to die again and be gone for days. The mice were able to enforce harsh sanctions on the humans. It was now f*******n to trade resources on the streets of the city. The Council of Overlords made a decision and forbade humans to remain independent of the guilds.  Most players were in no hurry to join guilds. Why spend 10 gold on the entry fee? Better to buy good food or wine! People didn't need particularly valuable goods to quietly kill rabbits and other weak monsters. Herb gatherers were in no hurry to join the Apothecary Guild either. Life in the city was seen as quiet fun in a safe place. People were in no hurry to make an important decision about their future.  Members of the Adventurers' Guild were little affected by the new laws. Most organizations acted decently and according to plan. A group of twelve could enter a regular level 10 dungeon. An unofficial guild group was stripped of the reward for all raiders. Only one winner received the reward for killing the boss. But people were willing to accept such conditions. The group always left the right of the last strike to the designated leader to gain a reputation with the Adventurers guild. All loot was sold at auction and to familiar masters. The attitude towards the warriors was lenient and the masters of the city were willing to take part in deals on the issue of buying a large batch of raw materials or resources. But the players were short on gold. Experience for killing monsters was collecting and everyone clearly understood that this strange feature of the game didn't matter much in Grossroads. After upgrading their initial skills, people didn't know where to put their unneeded experience. No one was in a hurry to level up. Why take the risk? Twelve people could defeat a small level 10 boss. People appreciated the armor of the Humhum smith. The armor didn't give an increase in attributes. But they did save tens of gold coins!  Dan Raven sat in the Green Tail establishment outside the Adventurers' Guild building. He liked to conduct some business as a rich and generous aristocrat. He gave one gold coin to a warrior who told him all the news of the past few days. The news put the young man in a great mood. There was nothing to threaten his plans. It was necessary to find time and renew the phantom for Tom to consider the prospects. Dan himself didn't want to think about such complicated things. He was willing to conduct a simple transaction to buy experience for the development of the Sanctuary of the Dragon ring.   "Swordsman Dan, during your absence our men were able to accumulate a new amount of experience. Are you willing to make an exchange for gold?" The General asked the main question at the meeting of the leaders of the military organizations with the fortunate young man. "The deal stands. I understand the need for money for decent players," the young man nodded his head. "Please excuse my enforced absence. I am the owner of the Sanctuary of the Dragon and this imposes an unpleasant obligation on me." "That's all right. We are glad that you were able to return from the strange world of the dead. Is it true that you had to fight a lot there?" The Dragon Emperor watched with interest the young man who was able to quickly gain power in the city.  "Imagine a place where you can't use magic and the techniques we got from the game. Hundreds of fights. I got a great opportunity to train. The downside of the world of the dead seemed unimportant to me. There are no colors and everything looks dull and gray. Opponents have no skill. No experience is gained for killing a monster. It's been five twenty-four hours of continuous training and improving my sword mastery," the young man admitted honestly. "It's a good place to be. Too bad the player is out of town life for a few days," laughed Gallagher. "I didn't like it. My absence has caused a lot of problems for people," Dan shook his head. "We don't care about the problems of losers and weaklings," the head of the Banner of the Prophet organization objected in a stern tone. "The accumulation of gold through trophies is slow. We need your gold, young man." "During my absence, the blacksmith Humhum was afraid to put his goods up for auction. But now the trickster has come to life and is again remitting a portion of his income to me. My deal with the Grossroads warriors stands. One hundred gold coins for one million experience points. I am willing to spend one thousand coins right now. My income scares me and I don't need the extra money. A lot of gold causes a lot of envy," Dan grimaced. "Ten million experiences is a small fraction of our savings," laughed the Dragon Emperor. "Let's get on with the deal." The company of players left the Green Tail establishment and made their way to the dueling venue near Lame Adventurer Square. Dan quickly dueled and exchanged gold for a hundred million experience points.  The young man kept a close eye on each new level of the ring and the requirements for a new amount of experience for a new level. He was able to develop the artifact to eight levels. Each new level required more than ten million experience points.   [Sanctuary of the Lord of Fear. (Ring, Rank 7 - Epic). Level 65 - Level 100. Developable: 190480000/200600000. Requirements: Level 14. Possession: Personal. Durability: Indestructible. The following characteristics will be adjusted according to the user level. Strength: Increased by 65%. Speed increased by 65%. Intelligence increased by 65%. Body increased by 65%. Skill: Lord of Fear. Summons an ancient dragon that fights at your side.  Cooldown: 24 hours. Skill: Dragon Strike. Damage increased by 300%. Cooldown: 1 minute. Ring of Sanctuary Lord of Fear created by a dragon from his flesh and magic]   Dan smiled because he knew that Tom would now be able to make a more accurate calculation on the amount of experience needed to fully develop this artifact. But the thought that it would take ten times as much experience to fully develop the Precious frightened the player. It was hard for him to imagine that they could get millions of gold coins and find billions of experience points in the city.  Dan was terrified of attracting the attention of the ancient citizens. Perhaps Kornelius had accumulated billions of experience points. But how to make him such a wild deal? Exchange fame for gold? That is humiliating and savage for a local aristocrat. Dhroll could have easily parted with a hundred thousand experiences. With orcs, fame was tied to victories over powerful monsters. Orcs kept strict accounts of their victories over bosses and valued their version of the Boss Killer achievement.      The solution to the difficult question must be thought of by Tom.  
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