Vampires of Clan Kor

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At the clan Kor castle, Koreima walked immediately toward the council chamber of the elders. She didn't want to get involved in such a dangerous affair. Too many formidable citizens would see her as an adversary if she took responsibility for Zangar's affairs. Unlike the foolish boy, Koreima was well aware of the intricacies of the business. She had sat in the library for decades and studied economics and management. In the Council Chamber, the vampiress approached the artifact that stood on the surface of the large table in the center of the room. The girl pulled out her magical dagger and touched the surface of the artifact. "Daughter of Clan Kor summons the elders to resolve the important question of Zangar Castle," the vampiress indicated the subject of the summons. Vampire figures began to appear in the room. Some vampires went straight to the council table and sat down in chairs. Most vampires retreated to the walls of the room. The ancient ancestors looked at their descendants with smiles. One of the arriving vampires immediately rushed over to the girl. The tall and slender young man extended his arms toward her and declared with a mocking tone. "Let me embrace you, my little great-granddaughter," the vampire tried to show his joy at meeting his new funny relative. "Korwin! Leave the girl alone," the charming vampiress wagged her finger at her husband. Countess Korwin adored her spouse and at one time went to the castle to rescue him. The punishment for failing to defeat the dragon was terrible. The vampiress spent more than a thousand years imprisoned among the empty walls in the company of her retinue. "Count Korwin, let the child explain why she summoned the elders to the council," grinned Kornelius and sat down at the table. Zangar's former captor threatened the girl with a finger. "You have upset me and you are punished. I will not teach you the ancient sorcery that only I and my beloved wife know. You can ask her now and perhaps she will teach you this spell," Korwin gritted his fangs in a feigned grimace of menace. Then the vampire turned to the table and laughed out loud. "Let's leave the child alone. I can say for myself what all the savvy vampires of the proud Kor Clan have easily guessed. The foolish human has realized that he is incapable of wielding Castle Zangar by himself. I'm glad that children of the Night have kept and increased the influence of clan Kor. The stupid human fell under the power of the young daughter of the clan and experienced warrior Kor. He wants to share the burden of ruling castle Zangar with vampires. And Koreima has summoned us for the vampires to decide on this matter." "I have the right to address the council," Koreima walked to the table and boldly continued her speech. "I want to add an important addition to the words of my great ancestor. Human Dan has made his position clear. I can become the sole manager of the affairs of Zangar. If I refuse, none of the citizens will get the post. The human said simply and clearly. Grossroads has lived for thousands of years without the resources of Zangar. The city can comfortably do without those resources for longer.  I said my words and you heard them." Koreima showed her great-grandfather her tongue and stepped back against the wall. The cunning vampiress walked over to her great-grandmother and stood beside her with the look of an innocent, modest girl. She was very interested in learning new secret spells from Countess Korwin. You have to suck up to old men and please these losers to get a drop of their knowledge and skills. "I like this boy," grumbled Kornelius. "Count Korwin, is there nothing you wish to add to your words?" Korwin walked over to his wife and hugged the beauty by the shoulders with pleasure. The vampire grinned and repeated the statement that was adopted by the company of ancient vampires. "We are proud of our descendants. You are doing well in the affairs of the Kor clan. The Ancients will not interfere with your affairs. We'll go to the Tower of Destiny and meet our new life outside the walls of Grossroads," Korwin held his wife close to him and smiled. He wasn't interested in the affairs of the clan. He was happy. Now the vampire was close to his beloved again. Clan Kor is thriving and expanding its power. "Not everyone is as content and calm as you, Korwin," shook his head at the vampire who sat at the table. "Zangar is an ancient and rich domain. The clan will get too much trouble from disgruntled citizens." "You want more power? Be prepared to fight for that power," grinned Kornelius. "I will state my position at once. Fate has brought a human to us and I advise you not to give up his gift. Koreima is capable of handling the affairs of the castle. The girl has learned well. To protect her from disgruntled citizens is our business." "We will direct some of the discontents at the human. That weakling and dumbass will get his share of the trouble," one vampire added. "Koreima, your conversation with the human took place in the palace. That means that the whole palace will soon know the human's words. But it means that soon the entire Grossroads will know that it is up to the Kor clan to solve the problem of Castle Zangar. It is not a foolish human who will deprive the citizens of resources. It is us who will be blamed for everything," one of the council members pounded her fist on the table. "You can't deny this human is cunning. Clever little scamp." "He's very shrewd," smiled Kornelius. "I'm not kidding. A terrific student. Soon I will no longer be of interest to him as a teacher. I have few tricks left that he has not yet learned. He has plenty of gold and is happy to spend the gold on his development." "We will be able to negotiate with most of the elven clans. Orc support would be helpful, too. The gnomes will be infuriated. We will gain access to three epic ranked mines. The shorthaired will begin an active struggle against our clan," laughed one elder. The vampires began discussing the details of the treaty with the humans. They also considered ways to confront those who would want to prevent vampires from influencing the resources of the new domain. Koreima listened intently to the words of the elders. She was on the receiving end of all the information. She was interested in meeting an ancient dragon that could be useful. She was silent on the young man's desire to leave the Grossroads. This moment angered the vampiress. It was impossible to lose such an interesting man. His blood is delightful and his surprises and mysteries are so life-enhancing!   The clan council decided to support the human and make the maximum benefit to the vampires out of it. Kornelius approached his ancestor. "Count Korwin, are you sure that going to the Tower is the best thing to do? The clan could use your help right now," the vampire smiled. "The clan is strong enough to claim new possessions," the ancient vampire countered. "The fools and brats who were so quick to forget the power of the Lord of Fear will get a lesson from the dragon again. The vampires have been given a great opportunity to make a lot of profit without too much work. Koreima will have to work hard in the beginning. She will quickly figure out the distribution of resources. Then she will fulfill the representative position of mediator. The Human and the Lord of Fear will be her protection. Kornelius, there is another opportunity for you to make fun of your old adversaries." "You haven't seen the walls of your home castle for so long," Koreima smiled. "Why leave us so soon. I make no secret of wanting to get to know you better and gain some of your wisdom." Countess Korwin shook her head. "You lack wisdom. Girl, we'll eat the rest of the snot-nosed children and make the likes of Kornelius do the dirty work. Why would you want to do that? Are you hoping to shield yourself from us with dragon protection? The human was able to negotiate with the dragon. The time will come when vampires will be able to negotiate with him as well," Countess Korwin laughed. "The ancient vampires will leave the Grossroads so that normal healthy life may continue in the clan. We have the right to see a beautiful new world in which we will not restrain our rage and power. We will drink the blood of our future enemies. Only such a life will make us forget our shame." Count Korwin looked lovingly at his desperate wife. She was not afraid to say out loud the words that most losers keep in their hearts. They are all ancient weaklings and losers! If they stay in the clan, great misfortune will happen.
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