Chapter 25

1079 Words

Tessa I rushed to call the doctor who had attended to him yesterday in the operating room. He came and performed some tests on him, I watched him do everything. After a while, he raised his head with a gentle smile. "What happened, doctor? Is he awake now?" I asked, and he shook his head, which slumped my shoulder. "But he will soon," he said. "He has shown signs that his situation is improving, so keep hope for the next two days, he should be out of bed." He explained with a bright smile. "Thank you, doctor," I bowed my head. "Keep a close eye on him," he uttered before quickly leaving the room. I stared at Mr. Carter before walking toward his bed and kneeling beside him, gently grabbing his hand. "Wake up quickly. Mom and I miss you," I spoke, unaware of when the words slipped fr

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