Chapter 24

1018 Words

Tessa "Mom, I'm sorry!" I cried out, still shaken but as I looked around, I realized I was still in the hospital, sitting in front of the emergency door. Sweat dripped from my body. Was this all just a dream? I wondered, rubbing my eyes. How could I have such a vivid dream? A nurse approached me, smiling. "If you want to sleep, you can go to room OC, it is on the left side after that corner." She pointed to a corner and I smiled dryly. "Thank you" I replied watching her walking away. I stood up, still trying to process my dream when the emergency door swung open, and Mr. Carter was wheeled out, followed by medical staff. I wanted to touch him but the nurse restricted me from doing so. They wheeled him into a ward and it was Room 306 exactly the one I see in my dream. "Is this d

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