Chapter 20

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Tessa After the steamy moment with Mr Cater, I walk back to the class. My leg feeling weak. He had thrust over and over me today. I was feeling weak and I felt like going home. But I have another lecture at noon and I have to attend because the lecturer gave us an assignment last class. Even though I was not given a chance to do the assignment yesterday, I promise to do the assignment once I get to the class. Like a devil is to follow me around. I met this woman who had stopped me when I was going to Mr Cater's office earlier. I don't know her name but she kept appearing in my face. I squeezed my face. I wanted to dodge her but seems she had already seen me. "Hey, you! You there, stop over there!" she uttered, walking towards me. I furrowed my brows, hoping that I could just disappear, but that was already late, and she was already in my face. "Where are you coming from, sweating like this?" she asked, and I twisted my face. How could she ask me such a question? I'm an adult. So why is she asking me? "Why are you asking me that question? Did you send me on an errand?" I asked, glaring at her like she was nothing. "Are you asking me such a question?" She scoffed "I told you earlier that I'm your lecturer, and you have to give me my respect. If I ask you a question, your right is to give me an answer." She spoke, folding her hands like she would punch me anytime. "Yes, I know you told me you are my lecturer, but in that case, my lecturer has no right to question me, and if she does, I can only share with her what I want. She can't force me to say what I don't want to." I said, rolling my eyes to the other side. She seemed sick and annoyed by my behavior, but did I care? She walked closer to me, pointing at me, but I didn't give a damn. "I told you that you should respect me. I saw you going to Mr Cater's office earlier, and now you're sweating like a Christmas goat. What were you doing in Mr Cater's office?" she asked, and my body began shaking. How did she see me going to Mr Cater's office? Is she monitoring me? Why was she following me around? Was she someone from my past life hired to torment me? I stood up properly "Why are you following me around, Mrs Lecturer? Don't you have any work to do? I'm sorry if I sound rude, but I think you should know I'm a student here in this school, and I have the right to go to any lecturer's office if I have any problem" I yelled. "Mr Cater is my lecturer, and I can go to his office to seek knowledge. So why are you asking me? I'm coming from his office sweating, and so what? You don't have to be questioning me like I'm your daughter at home." I uttered feeling frustrated, she looked scared, not expecting me to yell at her, but what could I do when she had already suffocated my life, and I didn't even know what to say again? "Wow, you seem brave, more than I ever thought" She twisted her face. I know I sound rude but why won't I? She kept following me around. I had already respected her earlier, but she still dared to approach me again, asking me pairs of unnecessary questions. I straightened my eyes. "I don't know, Miss Lecturer, but I think I will be on my way now. I have a lecture in five minutes." I lied, rolling my eyes for the last time. I stumbled off. I could swear with my life that she was staring at me as I left, but did I have to care? I worked my way to the class that I would be having a lecture by twelve. It was now eleven, and I had to do my assignment before the lecturer came. "Tessa! Tessa!" I heard someone calling me from behind. I wondered who could be shouting my name but I guess it was no one but Leah. She was the only friend I had made in school. I looked to the left, where the sound was coming from, and as I guessed, she was the one waving her hand at me. She was in the middle of some guys, smiling like a thief who had just successfully stolen money. I smiled a little, walking towards her. "What's up?" I said when I finally got to her side. "We are having Mr Daniel's class by 12. Are you waiting or going home?" she asked. "Yes I'm waiting but I haven't done his assignment" I paused I guess I have to excuse myself now," I snapped, turning to leave, but she stopped me. "Me too, I have not done the assignment. We can go together. I'm even hungry. I haven't had my breakfast. Let's go to the cafeteria and get something to eat." She stood up, moving close to me, and dragged me by my hand. We made our way to the cafeteria, and she refused to leave my hand. I wondered why she was holding me like this, but I didn't seem bothered. When we went to the cafeteria, it seemed to be in chaos, as everyone was standing around, murmuring about something happening in the middle. I wondered what was going on. I warble around, peeping at the middle of the people standing, and saw a girl on the floor, and a boy pouring something on her head. I scowl, who could this be? Why was he pouring something on her head? I couldn't take it. I wanted to move forward, but Leah held me back. "I will advise you to stay back the guy is rude, and his father is a billionaire" Leah whispered. "So what? When his father is a billionaire, did we have to care?" I replied, walking towards him, "Hey, you! Stop there! What are you doing? Why are you pouring something on her head?" I asked. The guy looked up and was surprised by an etch of his face. "Oh, are you questioning me?" He dropped the plate on the floor and walked towards me. "So? If I question you, are you going to beat me or maybe throw me out of the school?" My question seemed to cut him off, guided as he walked towards me. Before I could even think of redeeming myself, he slapped me, and I fell on the floor. My eyes widened, "How dare you talk to me rudely? I will make sure that you are withdrawn from this school." He shouted, his leg pushing me forward, and I lost my footing. I was not even expecting it, I was shocked. How dare he slap me? I stood up. His eyes were glowing at me as if daring me to do anything I wanted. I looked closer at him, and without even feeling quite right, I laid him a dirty slap sending him down, shocking everyone in the cafeteria, and a murmur started.
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