Chapter 20

1219 Words

Tessa After the steamy moment with Mr Cater, I walk back to the class. My leg feeling weak. He had thrust over and over me today. I was feeling weak and I felt like going home. But I have another lecture at noon and I have to attend because the lecturer gave us an assignment last class. Even though I was not given a chance to do the assignment yesterday, I promise to do the assignment once I get to the class. Like a devil is to follow me around. I met this woman who had stopped me when I was going to Mr Cater's office earlier. I don't know her name but she kept appearing in my face. I squeezed my face. I wanted to dodge her but seems she had already seen me. "Hey, you! You there, stop over there!" she uttered, walking towards me. I furrowed my brows, hoping that I could just di

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