Chapter 21

1030 Words

Carter After the intense moment with Tessa, I made my way out of my office to compile fresh air outside. I was surprised when I saw Rebecca about to open the door to my office. I squeeze up my face, wondering why she was there. "I was about to knock on your door," she said to me, and I raised my brows. "Why are you here?" I asked, unable to comprehend why she kept monitoring my movements. "I'm just here to ask you a few questions," she replied. "I saw a student coming out of your office earlier, and she seemed to be sweating. I don't know what happened, but I think I should ask you why a student is sweating after coming out of your office." I was astonished. Is she monitoring me and Tessa? Why is she doing this? Why is she being a devil behind me? I screwed up my face. "Are you surpris

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