Chapter 3 - DIARMUID

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It all happened a long time ago but it had become really hard to forget… the memories still vividly clear in his mind of an incident that had happened when he was young, one that had changed his life forever… the day Diarmuid became fully aware of how dangerous his tempest power was. The cotton had been torn in half, beautiful blue crystals and glass shards were littered on the ground and the table where the buffet once laid had been turned over. Lady Valdinia's eyes rested grimly on him as he stared in horror at his palms “What have I done” Diarmuid could hear that reoccurring question in his head, could feel all the eyes on him, they deadly at him. Diarmuid stood there quietly the black wings that had once emerged behind him slowly retracted into back. Young Danna had her arms wrapped around him from behind in an attempt to calm him down, her eyes roamed through the room at those who had been hurt from the sudden out burst. He really couldn’t understand why she’d care so much about someone like him. I mean he never did belong, never was one of them…. That much was clear and he had come to terms with it. “That is it, this demon child has finally done it” Valdinia's soft and calm voice sounded cold and dead as she summoned her flaming sword. Her rage towards Diarmuid very evident…. His outburst had ended up aggravating things. “Please mother, Diarmuid didn’t mean it” Danna's voice shook in fear, she didn’t mind her bleeding arm as she held tightly to her brother. Diarmuid could feel her blood… He had hurt her – He had hurt the only person that acknowledged him as family. Recalling back on the event and thinking of what she said, he realized that he might have meant it, well he definitely didn’t expect his emotions to go so out of control – didn’t know he had such abilities but he had meant it and Valdinia knew it. “Danna as the next leader you should know that he would never be one of us… he deserves to die” she said taking slow steps towards them, her intent to kill wasn’t something new to Diarmuid…. She’d done it before…. To someone he cared a lot for. Danna moved swiftly in front of him stretching out her hand. “Mother please” she cried Diarmuid on the other hand was silent the whole time and had his head bowed, his mind wondering. He was never going to let anyone close to him get hurt again… not in front of him. He’d protect them. Lifting up his head slowly, he stared at the lady that approached him… hatred written evidently on his face for the woman he was suppose to recognize as his mother – Lady Valdinia Drifting back from his memories, Diarmuid stared at the book in his hand, it was the only thing that seemed to give him comfort this days. For some reason he kept thinking of how things would have been, if he had just listened to her. Shutting his eyes he took in a deep breath, there was no need lingering on these thoughts anymore... he had to keep his emotions intact, he had hurt a lot of people in the past because of it. People he cared about, people he should have protected. Danna walked in through the door with their younger brother Darren… They had someone else with them, an unconscious girl that laid in Darren's arm. She was a fair skinned red head covered with dirt, her arm lying limply beside her body. She had a strange essence all around her but you could tell she wasn’t one of them. Diarmuid’s eyes shifted from the redhead to the two that stood in front of him, slowly closing the book in his hand. “Who is she?” his voice sounded cold and distant, it was for a reason. From the look on his sister’s face he could tell that she was going to leave her in his custody. Not something he looked forward to. “I found her outside your fortress, I think she’s a human – a mage. Don’t know why she's this far in but she was in danger” Danna was always calm when she spoke, maintaining her eye contact with Diarmuid. Trying to study him – he hated that. “I won’t have a human in my premises” his voice was sharp and definite. He didn’t want her changing his mind, not on this note. “Come on bro, you have Meon here from time to time” Darren spoke up, he walked past Diarmuid with the redhead and headed straight to one of the guest rooms, summoning Luna as he did. “Meon is different” Darren was already far gone now and paid no attention to him. Diarmuid thought of the thirteen year old orphan mage who happened to have a bit of a history. He killed his entire family in a bid to protect them and swore never to use his arcana again. Diarmuid felt they were so much alike, with powers that were somehow difficult to control so of course he had taken a liking to him but it had never once changed his take on humans/mages, they were unpredictable beings who couldn’t be trusted. All having their dark desires buried inside them. Not to talk of the fact that the reason for his sudden outburst years ago was a human boy, who he’d trusted. He had followed Diarmuid back to Valdinia's chamber and most likely had taken something of importance which of course she gladly blamed Diarmuid for. In an attempt to prove his innocence, his emotions had gotten the best of him and things had gone out of hand. What good did that bring? Diarmuid rubbed his fingers steadily against his forehead, what was the chance that a human would randomly be found at his door step…. He wasn’t one to believe in coincidence, everyone had a reason for doing thing, a hidden motive. Danna was calm and patient like she always was. That confidence that she’d get Diarmuid to as she wanted. He really hated it.
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