
HER TWISTED FATE : Meeting The Demon Faeries Prince

kickass heroine
female lead
magical world
first love
weak to strong

Mia Marcella Sapphire is a 21years old reporter from Florida USA who after getting her dream job at the DA press in London stumbles into another world by accident (literally).

In this new world she encounter three fay siblings, peculiar among them is Diarmuid... A fay prince who often keeps his emotions hidden and maintains a distance between himself and people... Living secluded in his fortress.

On their first meeting Mia finds him as cold, arrogant and outright annoying but as time goes on she discovers that there might be more to him than meets the eye.

In an attempt to find her way home, she is pulled into power struggle between powerful faeries - tied around something she posses and the truth about Diarmuid. Caught in the middle, she struggles to find a way to save both the realm of the faeries and her newly formed love life. It is a fight against fate and a dark prophesy...


"If you hate the fact that I'm here, why did you stop me when I tried to leave" her voice croaked as she stared into his deep blue eyes

"I...I... because... Argh!" he stuttered moving restlessly around the cave, this wasn’t like him and he hated feeling this way.

"Humph! Do you think it's nice to play with my feelings" she glared, she was getting tired of this, why couldn't he just come clean to her.

"Play with your feelings?" thunder and lightening struck, tearing the heavens apart. He was angry but why?... she was the one supposed to be mad "you are so annoying human, I hate the fact that we met... you should have just died on the plane" he flared up

"Why on earth would you say that" her eyes stung and she tried her best to hold back her tears, she really didn't expect him to say that. His eyes widened and he took few steps away from her, he wanted to say something but he stopped himself and left the cave leaving her with a spear in her chest.

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It was just another beautiful summer afternoon in Florida, the sun shone bright and like in any other peaceful neighborhood during a weekend, the sound of children playing gracefully around on the lawn engulfed the the air... well they weren't the only ones who seemed to be enjoying this very afternoon. Mia, a young redhead had just received the most exciting news ever, her face lighted up with an uncontrollable grin. After three years she'd finally gotten it, she stared at her screen in disbelief but it was there clearly written - she had received a job offer from The DA Press in London. Finally she could leave this damn apartment and the US for the first time ever. Her beautiful red silky hair was packed in a bun… her eyes glittering as she walked away from her desk grabbing her cell as she did, she could barely contain the excitement she felt right now. Honestly it was like she was going to explode, her slim finger quickly dialed her aunt's number, they hadn't spoken since she moved to London with grandma. "You'll never believe what just happened" she blurted as soon as her aunt picked up the call "You're calling me? by this time? Oh My God! you got fired?" Mia froze at the phone for a moment, yeah she did have a demanding boss who always asked for new stories at the hour occupying most of her time but honestly was that the best her aunt could come up with? "Actually I quit but not the point aunt" "Why? I don't think that was a good idea Mia, you should have spoken to me first before making such rash decision. it's not easy to get a job now a days you know..." "Again not the point" she frowned and took in a deep breath "I received a job at The DA Press... HEADQUARTERS" "LONDON!!!" her aunt shrieked almost blowing off her ear drum "Yes! and I'm to resume next week Monday" "Oh my gosh Mia, that's really great... Your grandma would be so excited" "Yeah... umm about that, I was planning on surprising her so..." "I get it sweetheart, your mum would have been so proud" "Yeah" Mia’s mum always wanted her to work at The DA and right now she really wished she was here… Thinking of her mother always made her sad, she wished her mother could be here.... she could only imagine how thrilled she'd have been if she was. "Okay, see you weekend" Mia stated before ending the call. She collapsed into a sofa that stood in the middle of the cramped up apartment still excited about her dream job when the apartment door came flying open, her roommate Lorraine walked in and as usual she was complaining about something. "My boyfriend is the worse" she yelled slamming the door behind her... Mia really couldn’t count how many times she’d repaired the hinges because of her. Lorraine flung her bag to the corner of the apartment and placed her hand akimbo waiting for Mia to ask what had happened and of course she played along. "Micheal or Felix?" "Andrew" Lorraine frowned walking into the kitchen... Lorraine had a really complicated love life, something she couldn't understand - in fact Mia couldn't understand love in general. " Andrew? who the hell is Andrew?” Mia thought to herself, she knew her roommate would totally flip if she couldn’t figure out who he was. "Umm... the banker?" She stood from the couch and walked up to her roommate in the kitchen "Yes" Lorraine replied as she slowly examined the content of the refrigerator. "So get this" she pulled out a can of soda from the refrigerator and turned to Mia, she really looked furious "I caught the bastard cheating and threatened to break up with him and guess what" she slammed the soda angrily on the counter which startled Mia a bit "What?" she asked pretending to be concerned... honestly she wasn't because they were basically the same, I mean Lorraine was dating so many guys and it was getting difficult to tell who was who. "He dumped me... in front of the b***h" "Such a jerk" Mia stated trying her very best to sound as sincere as possible.... she couldn't understand why anyone would give themselves an headache over something as flimsy as love. "I know right. I deserve better" Lorraine sighed opening up the can of soda. "By the way why aren't you at work?" she asked checking the time on her watch. "Finally got into DA" Mia grinned "OMG! MMS, I'm so proud of you" she rushed towards Mia pulling me into a tight hug. MMS stood for Mia Marcella Sapphire – Mia wasn’t really a fan of the nickname but it stuck to her like glue since grade school. "Does that mean you're leaving me" she pouted "I'll call regularly... promise" Weekend came in a flash, Florida's sun was beautiful this time of the year but she’d probably not miss it... Pulling out the customized leather suitcase Lorraine had bought for her, she made her way to the front door. She had on her favorite leather jacket, a blue shirt inside, a pair of jeans and a black ankle boots. "I'm really going to miss you" Loraine's beautiful silvery voice quivered as she tried her best to hold back her tears. Well we wouldn't say they were friends since they hardly knew anything about one another, Although they’d known each other since grade 1 and became friends in an instant… They’d never spoken to each other about their families and stuff like that – You could just say they got along... I know it's confusing. "Call me immediately you arrive" "Sure will" Mia replied pulling her suit case through the front door with her laptop bag hanging across my chest. A cab was parked at the side of the apartment waiting for her to get in and she quickly pulled her luggage towards it. A flash of light reflected at the corner of her eyes and she turned to see a jewelry lying on the lawn, probably the earring Lorraine misplaced. She thought bending over to pick the jewel "Lorraine is this..." her voice trailed off, she couldn't find it any longer. The blaring sound of the cab horn drew back her attention, she wouldn’t blame the driver… she had kept him waiting for so long. "Sorry" she grinned waving Lorraine before hopping into the cab. Mia's excitement was at it’s very peek... She was leaving Florida for the first time and just couldn't wait for her first plane ride. Within a few hours she was seated on the plane and couldn't wipe off the grin on her face. It was probably quite obvious to everyone that it was definitely her first time. "Good day everyone... please get seated and fasten your seat belt we are about to take off" with this announcement her excitement reached its max... she did a quick count down in her head and soon the plane was flying steadily in the sky. However things were to take a different turn soon, It wasn't up to fifteen minutes when BOOM a large sound came from the side of the plane. "That definitely wasn't normal" Mia said to herself while observing the passengers who looked very uneasy and the excitement she felt vanished almost immediately. "Ah! the plane is on fire" a female screamed turning the entire plane upside down. At this point words couldn't describe the type of terror Mia felt, the announcer was trying to pass on a message but she couldn't hear a thing with all the uproar. "Is that?" one of the passenger stuttered... it was a twister and it was heading straight for them. What the hell was twister doing out in such a calm weather? “Am I going to die?” Mia had a really grim look on her face. The plane was pulled with a great force into the twister and spun out of control. The last thing she remember was people screaming and the plane being engulfed with fire.

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