The Dream

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                                                                             Thalia Aphrodite Williams I woke up and inhale a long, heavy breathe.  Sweats flowed down from my forehead to all over my face, my whole body covered in sweats, making my clothes wet. My heart beats erratically. I feel like I run on a marathon. After I calm my self, I looked around in my room, relieved to think that, all of what happened was just a dream. As my breathe steadied, I looked out of my window at the right of my bed and saw that it's still dark. I looked at my clock. 2:36 am I laid on my bed again but I keep my eyes open as I recall the clear memory of that dream. Odd, I can't remember anything when I woke up after I dream of something or have a nightmare but this time, I remember it clearly. So clear that I think for a second that it's a distant memory. I turned on my right and gaze at the bright moon, shining at the dark sky. I remember the bright full moon in my dream, it's so beautiful. I stared at the half moon just like how I stared at the full moon in my dream. Then, I remember what I saw after I gaze at the full moon. So beautiful and shiny midnight black fur and the never ending pair of black hole that was his eyes. He's so big, bigger than most alphas I know. That's why I think that he's not just an ordinary werewolf but a lycan. The most feared kind of werewolf. Lycans. There are many kinds of werewolf and the most feared, powerful of them all are Lycans. The royal of all royals. That's why even just on his slow walk towards me, made me tremble because of fear. He's every step screams power and authority. And then the most odd that happened was when he knelt down in front of me. One of the Lycans knelt in front of me. An ordinary werewolf. And then when I first touched his fur. So soft and shiny. My hands tingled again as I still can feel the softness I felt in the dream. It feels so real. Then, when our eyes met. That's the most beautiful pair of deep blue eyes I've ever seen.  The kind of eyes that can drown me when I stare at it for so long and I can't save my self anymore when that happened. I will sink. So deeply. But that emotions I saw swirling on his beautiful eyes makes my heart ache. It's like I can feel his emotions just by looking at him and all I want to do is to chase all that bad emotions away from him. To make him happy. That longing I saw on him, such a very strong emotion from him. If I can just take away that emotion from him, I will. But the moment were cut off by a disgusting and scary rogue. I can tell that the werewolves that attacks us are rogues because of that menacing and evil glint in their eyes. It's like that's the only emotion they can feel. Evilness. Rogues are menacing, evil and no heart werewolves. Not literally, no heart. It's just that, when you became a rogue, it's not just the pack and identity you're going to lose but also your sanity and ability to feel emotions other than anger and revenge. That's what will happen to you, because there's something that's taken away from you when you became a rogue. The spirits. I stayed like that, thinking about the dream while gazing out of my window. After a few minutes, I frowned. Did I imagine that? I stood up from my bed and went closer to my window. Staring at that spot where I think I saw a midnight black wolf. Exactly what I saw in my dream. But it can't be. It's a dream, all of that was just a product of my brain. Don't be stupid, Ro! I sighed. I probably need to go back to sleep, I'm starting to see impossible things. I went back on my bed and close my eyes, after just a few minutes, I fell back into a deep, deep slumber. But before that, I heard a voice... Happy birthday, my love I woke up from my sleep with a big smile on my face. As I open my eyes, the sunlight shone brightly from the window, blinding me for a moment. I raise my hand to cover my eyes from the sunlight and blink to wear off the sleepiness of my eyes. After I adjust from the blinding light of the sun, I sat up and stretch. I yawn, and then stood up to open my sliding window upward. I inhale the fresh morning air and I can see from here the kids on our pack, playing and giggling. The warriors and protectors of our pack is busy having their early morning training. The female members of the pack is cleaning the pack ground while the elders are busy talking to each other. I can see from here too, my mom holding a tray of freshly baked cookies and a jar of orange juice for the pack warriors. She gave it to Beta Malcolm and they talk for a bit while smiling. She's really a sunshine, always smiling and laughing. And then my gaze landed on my sixteen-year old sister. She's busy talking to her best friend Ashley and Ashley's twin brother, Ashton. Probably talking about fashion and other girly stuff as I notice that Ashton keeps on rolling his eyes. I rolled my eyes too. Nothing's new, she's always talking about girly stuff. I sighed with a big genuine smile. A normal morning to start the Saturday. And a very beautiful day for me because I'm finally 18! I walk towards my bed and pick my phone from my nightstand. I check my messages and I receive birthday messages from each of my friends. From: Sophie Hey, girly! Such a wonderful day for my bestfriend. Happy, happy birthday, Ro! We love you so much! Always remember that. Please enjoy your special day, okay? Don't just sit inside your room, reading. Go out and have fun. I'm sorry that I can't visit you today because we are here in grandma's house. But I promise you, we are going to celebrate first thing when we got back. Again, happy birthday, girly! I smiled and replied to her. Sophie Peters, my annoying bestfriend. She has a long, wavy, brunette hair. Beautiful green eyes that she got from her mother and a little smaller from my height of 5'8 to her height of 5'2. She's the kind of girl who is shy with other people but annoying and talkative with her friends. She's like the middle of our group, confident but shy at the same time. While Christina, our other bestfriend, is confident. I'm the other one who is shy and quiet. Sophie is also a popular girl just like Christina. Me? Well I'm an invisible girl. They only know me as a nerd that luckily became friends with the popular girls. But that's fine with me, I prefer to have my own private life without the attention of every student. I open the next message from Christina. From: Christina Heya! Happy born day to my nerd bestfriend! It's a very very special day for you, my friend. So all I ask you is to enjoy your day, go out and have fun. Don't just stay and rot your self inside that room, reading all day. Later, let's go out and go to a bar, alright? I don't take no for an answer, I'll just send you the details later. I want you to enjoy the first day of you being an adult so the first one on your bucket list will be... getting your self drunk! So, later nerd! I chuckled, she's really something. Christina Smith, my very confident bestfriend. She has a beautiful, wavy, blonde hair. A bold and attractive brown eyes and a height of 5'5. She's really confident, she will say whatever she wants even if it's an insult to strangers or to her friends, a true friend. She also doesn't care about what the others say about her. I can't help but admire her for that.A bold and confident personality makes the guys in school go crazy about her. And then, I click the message of Sophie's twin brother and my only male friend. Damon Peters. From: Damon Good morning, beautiful. A very special day for a very beautiful maiden. Happy birthday, beautiful. I'm sorry that me and Sophie can't be with you on your special day but I hope you enjoy your birthday. I wish for you the best. And Sophie told me 'accidentally' your plan with Christina, I know that werewolves can tolerate many hard liquors and can't get drunk so easily but just know that you still need to have limitations. I can't afford to have something bad happen to you and Christina, especially that you two are girls. Can't you just go to a bar when I'm with you? Sorry if I'm being controlling. But I just really care for you. You know that. P.S: I'm going to give your present when we got back. I smile while I feel my cheeks heating up. Damon Peters is a one very hot guy.  Even though he's not my mate, I can't help but to blush whenever he calls me beautiful. Well, it's not actually just me, most of the female population in our school finds him attractive with his good boy looks. He's taller than me with 2 inches meaning he's 6'0, shiny light brown hair and attractive blue eyes he got from his father. Smart, sporty, caring and handsome. He, Sophie and Christina are very good looking that's why they are one of the populars in our school, and not just in werewolves but in humans, too. You see, in our school the majority of the students and all the teachers are all werewolf and the rest are humans. We, werewolf, mingles with humans but we don't tell them what we really are because it is in our law that the existence of werewolf should stay hidden. And the way a werewolf looks is way more better than the way humans look. It means that, the most good looking humans have actually no match on how a werewolf looks. That is why the most good looking guys/girls in our school are mostly werewolf. That is also why most of the werewolf who already have a mate is very possesive with each other. But, no one can match with the good looks of the royal family, the Lycans. Lycans are the direct descendants of the Moon Goddess that's why they are very important. Lycans are also not just overly good looking, they are also very powerful and if you think werewolf are already very possesive, you still didn't see the possesiveness of a Lycan. They can destroy a city in just a mere minute if they can't control their jealousy. And there, in our school, some of the Lycans are studying. And the very good looking of them all is the prince himself, Prince Alejandro Valentin Ivanov. I replied to Damon and went to my bathroom to shower. After I showered and brushed my teeth, I went out of the bathroom and went to my vanity table. I blow-dried my hair and then went to my closet to pick an outfit for today. I picked an oversized white shirt and tucked it into a pair of high waisted blue jean shorts. I skip down the stairs and to the kitchen of the pack house. Yes, we live on a pack house. Pack house is where most of the pack members live. The pack members can choose if they want to have their own house or live on the pack house. There are approximately 2,000 members. Yes, 2,000. The pack house is literally a palace but we call it pack house as it is what they call it since then. The number of rooms in the pack house is exactly 2,500 and the number of members living in the pack house is more or less 1,200. Alpha Brandon made more rooms than needed for visitors or incase of emergency. While the rest of the pack members has a house around the pack territory. When I reached the kitchen I saw my mom cooking breakfast together with the omegas and other female members. Omegas are the one with the lowest position on a pack. They are the one cleaning, cooking and serving the pack members. But our pack is different. We treat the omegas with equal respect to how we respect other pack members. Yes, they do all the chores, but if we, pack members can help on the chores, we help them. My mom turned around and saw me on the door, leaning on the door frame. She rush towards me and pushed me out of the kitchen and to the dining hall. "Sit here and wait, I have a surprise for the birthday girl" she said quickly and went back to the kitchen. I chuckled and just do what she told me. I sit on one of the chairs on the dining table. As I sit there, some of the people I know from the school greets me for my birthday. I smiled. At least there are some people who know my birthday. After a few minutes, my mom went out of the kitchen singing a happy birthday together with some people I hang out with. There are some omegas I help on chores, some of the warriors that was friends with my dad, and the kids I play with. They grinned and sing a jolly birthday song. My mom has a big smile on her face, her eyes are watery because of upcoming tears. She's holding a purple round cake and has a number 18 candle on top. I laughed, fighting the tears from going out. "Happy birthday, Aphrodite" they all said in slow motion as the birthday song ended. The kids rushed towards me and hug me. "Happy birthday, Ro!" The kids said and giggled. My mom went forward and gave me the cake. "Make a wish, sweetheart" My mom said and I close my eyes to make a wish. I wish all will go well through out this year, especially with my mate. And then I blew the candle as I heard a sweet, calm voice of a male. All will go well in time, My Love. Happy birthday again, My Mate
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