Chapter 50

1958 Words

~Harlow~ I swallow the bile that threatens to creep up my throat and spill onto the plate in front of me. My eyes are glued to the bag that contains every belonging I have left in this world as well as the diary where I keep the only photo I have of my twin sister. A diary filled with my darkest secrets, the only one I hadn't lost over the years. "The key you had cut?" Thane says, and I blink at him. The key? Who gives a f**k about a key? He holds my entire world with that bag. "Where did you get that?" I blurt, even though I already know. It’s a dumb question, yet it’s the only one my mind can conjure at this exact moment. My brain has turned to mush and threatens to melt out my damn ears as I try to come up with something, anything that will dig me out of the crater that has opened up

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