Chapter 49

967 Words

~Harlow~ I dress quickly in the clothes Thane left before making my way to the bathroom door. I peer out, finding the Den empty. There are no windows down here, and I know there is no escape from his wrath. Dread pools low in my stomach as I try to move silently across the floor, only for the first step of the basement stairs to creak as I set my weight on it. The sound is loud in the quiet room, and I suddenly don't want to leave the safety it offers, however slight it may be. Yet I know if I don't go up there, chances are Thane will pull me from his Den and throw me out of his house by my hair. Sucking in a breath, I twist the handle and open the door to discover the smell of Chinese food filling the air. My belly growls hungrily, but I ignore it, gauging my chances of running to the d

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