Whispers of Sand - Diana Dee B..

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“Do you see the unusual arrangement of the dunes?” I squinted my eyes, adjusting my sight to the radiant glare of the intense sunlight reflecting off the sand. My finger directed toward nature’s abnormalities. The sand deviated from its customary yellow hue, adopting a muted tint of brick orange. The typical crescent formation, featuring a gradual incline on the windward side and a steeper descent on the leeward side, had evidently been disrupted. Instead, they elongated, stretching across several meters. An untrained eye might overlook such alternations, but I possessed skills that set me apart from the ordinary observer. “It’s close.” Liz confirmed my suspicions, her tiny head peeking from the shemagh - the scarf wrapped around my head which protected me from the torturous heat and lethal sun rays. The temperature in this part of the world was unbearable even for my companion – the lizard which was smaller than my palm. Normally, Liz didn’t mind the heat but here, she complained about the sand burning the scales on her legs. “That means the oasis must be close too. I bet Seraphus does not wander too far from its lair.” I mused, my heel gently kicking the camel’s stomach to get it moving. “Yes.” Liz hid between the layers of fabric again, her small high-pitched voice echoing in my mind. It was a unique ability I had - being able to communicate with her or any other reptile. The first time I made contact with her species was in my late teenage years, when Ziyad showed me a wild iguana behind our village. The creature blinked at me in confusion as I said ‘hi’ and swiftly ran away, yelling ‘stranger danger’. “Did you hear it?” I asked Ziyad back then. “Hear what? If you mean your heart hammering in your chest furiously whenever I’m around, then yes. I can hear it, Yadira. Every single time.” He smirked, mocking me as usual. He was not wrong though. I had a serious crush on him from the moment I spotted him on the field, sparring with his hunter buddies, shirtless. A sharp pang assaulted my heart when Ziyad’s face flashed before my eyes. It had been four months since his disappearance, and this place was the last clue he had left behind. “Sand demons are vicious and sneaky. It may be a trap.” Liz interrupted that ache and longing of my soul. Her remark was valid. Seraphus, or ‘sand demon’ as the locals called the creature, lived in the depths of the desert. This ancient giant snake had an insatiable carnivorous appetite, but its notoriety extended beyond mere hunger. Legend had it, that Seraphus possessed an uncanny ability to feed on the fears of humans. I had never seen the sand demon before, but the locals had sworn the eyes of the snake were cursed. When it fixed its gaze upon a prey, the victim’s very sanity would unravel amidst a whirlwind of indescribable terrors and endless dread. I, on the other hand, thought of it as just fairy tales to scare off unruly children. Life in the desert suffered due to horrific heat and predators like Seraphus craved water. It must have been the reason why it settled in the oasis – the only water supply of the desert people. Perhaps the snake was of an extraordinary size, yet I doubted there was anything supernatural about it. It was made of flesh and blood, so once I cut its head off, it would die. Ziyad and I had defeated many so-called monsters from the devil’s lair, whose stories were laced with unbelievable mysteries. And yet, as it had always turned out, it was all just a result of one’s imagination. Fear and stress could mess even with the most rational minds. When I decided to join the hunters’ forces 10 years ago, the majority cast a skeptical eye on me. That majority consisted of males, judging me, calling me weak and a burden. And still there was one of them who shook my hand and welcomed me. The one who trained me. The one who never doubted me. The one who eventually stole my heart and made me fall in love with him. The one whose superiors asked him to dump me. The one who refused to obey such orders. “The absence of your presence each day, the inability to hold you tightly, to inhale your captivating fragrance and kiss the sweetness of your lips – such a life is not the one I envision. I don’t want to part ways with you, Yadira. What I want is to spend every precious moment by your side, even if it means stepping down from my position and embracing the humble life of a farmer.” He told me during our first lovemaking. And so, we left the hunters’ group and traveled around the world. Ziyad never tried to farm though, his heart screamed for adventure and mine… Well, my heart screamed for him. It was indeed a wonderful journey. I assumed the role of the tracker, adept at navigating the treacherous terrain, while Ziyad wielded his sword with unmatched skill, battling the ferocious beasts that crossed our path. Most often, these creatures were only confused, driven into madness by starvation, or by the taste of human blood, plunging innocent civilians into a state of terror. Some emerged from the shadows of the night, others came from the depths of the sea, and a few leaped down from the dense canopy of the highest trees. Our expedition started to be everlasting, leaving no space for settling down. We reached the most rural lands of the world, where desperate villagers pleaded on bended knees for our protection from the perils and suffering that plagued their homes. And it all went well until the day we arrived in the far north. Until one crucial night when the love of my life vanished into thin air. Not a single trace of him could be spotted in our tent. When I woke up, there was only sand dust and the talking lizard. The two most bizarre things one could have gathered on the freezing part of the planet. It made zero sense. Why would he ever leave me without saying a word? And why would he leave his majestic sword behind? Whatever happened to him, I wouldn’t rest until I cracked that mystery. As for my odd companion who enjoyed hiding in my pockets, hats, and hems, she couldn’t explain her sudden appearance in the North because her home was a small oasis in the middle of the desert. And so, a completely different type of journey started. Four long months had passed when I finally reached the vast desert and its overwhelming heat. The desert people claimed there indeed used to be a hunter who went after a sand demon, determined to cut its head off. But I knew better. The only demons were those in human flesh. “I sense water.” Liz informed me, swirling inside my shemagh. “Good. Let’s slay the monster.” “Yadira, watch out for the orange spots. They are traps.” But I couldn’t see them properly because the sun was already setting, creating shadows of mischief which formed darker spots all over the dunes. And before I managed to respond to her, the sand started to sink beneath the camel. The poor animal’s legs got stuck, as if glued to the ground. It was the slime which Seraphus secretly placed under the thin layer of sand, keeping its prey trapped. I jumped off the camel, my feet barely grazing the dark spot filled with hideous slime. And then I saw it. Tall palm trees, swaying in the gentle breeze. A paradise in the middle of nowhere. My hand grasped the sword, safely tucked behind my belt. This could be just an illusion, a trick of a mind which was haunted by a drought in the throat. I still had enough water resources, but I had to carefully ration it, hence the constant thirst. But the Seraphus’s trap was here, so it must have been it. After all, the beast preferred to stay near water. “Liz, do you see it too?” I asked. “Yes. Home.” She mumbled, a mixture of relief and concern noticeable in her tone. Standing in the vast expanse of the desert, my weary eyes remained fixated upon the oasis longer than they should. The shimmering mirage promised sanctuary amidst the barren landscape. And I wondered whether this was the place Ziyad ended up in. Perhaps he had already killed the monster. Perhaps he had even already left this empty, sad place where the heat could drive a person mad. But why? Why did you leave me all of a sudden? Absorbed by my own thoughts, I forgot about the faithful camel struggling in the sand demon’s trap. A piercing cry erupted from the camel, echoing through the desolate silence. Panic gripped it, its eyes wide with horror. I turned around, my heart pounding as I witnessed the unfolding tragedy. The camel was sinking deeper and deeper into the merciless sand until it got completely swallowed. The sand beneath my feet trembled further, announcing the presence of something large. I flinched, my gaze sweeping across the shifting landscape. A realization dawned upon me. The once serene dunes, now writhed and churned, disrupted, and reshaped by a maleficent presence. Emerging from the sands, the colossal form of an ancient giant snake revealed itself, poised to strike at its defenseless prey. Crap! In the sandy opening, I stood no chance. “Run!” Liz shouted, her command pumping my veins with adrenalin. The air thickened with tension, increasing the heat. This wasn’t some regular beast. All those rumors and fairy tales became true. My fate hung in the balance as the ancient monster awakened from its slumber, prepared to unleash its wrath upon me. It hissed, enraged by uninvited guests. Quickly, I calculated the distance between myself and Seraphus, and myself and the oasis. I convinced myself I could make it. I had to make it. Swiftly, I turned on my heels. A surge of desperation propelled me towards the beckoning oasis, my every stride a testament to my unwavering determination. As I sprinted, my heart pounded in my chest. The treacherous sand held more than just the imminent danger of the ancient snake. Traps littered the path, carefully placed by the cunning serpent. Sticky slime, akin to glue, lay concealed beneath the shifting grains, poised to ensnare any who dared to tread upon it, who dared to cross the dunes and enter the oasis. Fueled by sheer will, I expertly evaded each trap with agility. My steps danced precariously on the narrow line between life and death but the desire to survive was stronger than anything. Meanwhile, the relentless pursuit of the hideous snake grew ever closer. Its venomous fangs thirsted for my demise. Jaws snapped mere inches from my head. In a stroke of fate’s benevolence, my final sprint culminated at the oasis’s edge. With the last surge of strength, I leaped into the welcoming embrace of lush bushes, rolling on the ground. The snake’s furious assault was met with nothing but air as I slipped beyond its grasp. Now, it was me who had the upper hand. “How can I kill it?” I whispered almost inaudibly, awaiting some advice from my tiny companion. The scales covering the giant looked as if crafted from precious metal. Surely the surface was too thick for the sword to stab through it. The sand demon tossed between the dense bushes, hissing in frustration as it couldn’t find me that easily. “You can only cut it from the inside.” I frowned, unamused. Ah, fantastic. I always wanted to look into the reptile’s upper hole. Enough with the cowardly hiding. Better make it quick and dirty. “Hey! Hey, you ugly douchebag!” I straightened myself, revealing my frame from the bushes. Pumped with determination, I picked up the nearest stone and threw it at the sand demon with all my might. The stone crashed against the serpent’s scaly body, eliciting an angry hiss and a thrashing of its immense form. “Come and get me!” I provoked. With a renewed fury, the dangerous giant charged toward me, its size causing the ground to shake beneath its powerful coils. I sprinted through the oasis terrain, weaving between trees and leaping over tangled roots. My heart raced in synchrony with my quickened footsteps. The oasis gave me an advantage, as I maneuvered through its twists and turns. Spotting the unusual tree with numerous horizontal branches, forming sort of a ladder, I jumped onto it, propelling myself upward. From this elevated position, I observed the sand demon’s relentless pursuit, its venomous gaze searching for its meal. Timing my moment with precision, I pushed off from the tree, launching myself into the air. In a daring feat, I landed atop the beast’s head, Ziyad’s sword gleaming in my hand. With a swift motion, I thrust my weapon toward the giant’s sleazy skull, aiming to deliver a fatal blow. But the sand demon writhed and trashed, its powerful muscles contorting in a desperate bid to shake me off. The sword failed to find its mark. My strike was thwarted by the serpent’s unpredictable movements. Its head shook violently, sending me hurtling through the air. My body crashed against the unforgiving ground, pain coursing through me. I regained my footing, breathless and battered. Though as I rose to my feet, I made a fatal mistake. “Yadira, no! Don’t look at it. Under no circumstances, you must look the beast in the eye.” Liz uttered desperate cries, scratching my face to make me snap from the initial trance. However, it was already too late. My eyes locked with the ones which shined like two ruby gems. Alluring, magnificent, and absolutely bewitching. A shiver ran down my spine as an indescribable fear gripped me. No. Oh, no. The legend about Seraphus possessing an ancient darkness, an abyss that threatened to consume its victim’s very soul – that happened to be all true. I tried to fight it, approaching the beast with my mind, making contact. In general, I was able to speak with reptiles. Yet, it did not work. The beast must have been too primitive, its entire existence clouded with greedy rage and hunger. And it all replayed before my eyes. Me and Ziyad sparring in the woods, laughing. Me and Ziyad, watching stars. Our first kiss. Our first night together. The way he squeezed my hand. The warmth of his smile. The beautiful tingling feeling that spread across my chest whenever I saw him. I don’t want to part ways with you, Yadira. What I want is to spend every precious moment by your side… Then why did he leave me? The scene shifted and Ziyad’s face was no longer smiling at me. Instead, he looked at me with utter disgust. “You are weak.” The stranger who had the face and voice of my lover huffed. “You are pathetic. I never loved you. I only used you.” “Lies!” I growled. This wasn’t true. This was the sand demon manipulating my mind. And even though I pushed myself to stay focused, it was the most difficult task. “Then why do you think I left you, huh? I couldn’t wait to run away from your needy suffocating grip. You disgust me.” The torment of my heart continued. Close your eyes, Yadira. Close them. Don’t listen to the sand demon. It’s bluffing. I repeated to myself over and over again as the dreadful vision assaulted my existence. I could also feel the loyal lizard biting and scratching my face. It did not help to break eye contact with the ancient beast. “Shut up. I don’t believe you.” I hoarsened, my entire body shuddering. But Seraphus, vicious and cunning, knew exactly how to exploit those fears of a vulnerable human. It projected before me a different haunting vision – a scene depicting Ziyad locked in a desperate struggle against the malevolent giant. The man I loved fought valiantly, pouring every ounce of strength into his battle. With a firm grip on his axe, he swung it with precision, striking the snake’s tail. However, fate conspired against him, and the axe became stuck between the formidable scales, leaving Ziyad weaponless. In a swift shift, the beast sank its venomous fangs into his back, injecting the lethal poison into his veins. “No! Stop it! Ziyad!” I wailed, my voice filled with agony. Despite my cries, the vision persisted, replaying the heart-wrenching moment when the love of my life died. Tears welled up in my eyes, their salty content burning the thin wounds on my cheek. Liz. She was trying to distract me. Because it’s all just lies. Something snapped in me, and I finally got back to my senses. I summoned my inner strength and forged ahead, driven by a fierce determination to end the reptile and its nasty scheme. Just as the sand demon advanced towards me, its mouth agape, revealing rows of razor-sharp fangs, I steeled myself for the final showdown. With unwavering resolve, my grip on the sword tightened. I anticipated the attack, timing my movement with precision. As my enemy lunged forward, jaws poised to serve a deadly bite, I seized the opportunity and thrust the blade with unyielding force. Raw yells emerged from deep in my throat when the sword pierced through the vaulted mouth, penetrating the soft spot within Seraphus’s head. The beast screeched, it’s guttural roars echoing through the desert. I jumped aside, before the large and heavy body slammed against the ground. “You did it! You defeated it.” Liz squealed with utter joy, dancing excitedly on my shoulder. Exhausted, I fell to my knees, catching my breath. Yeah, I killed it. And what did it leave me with? Ziyad was still nowhere to be found. My exhaustion escalated, my eyelids getting strangely heavy. Was it the heat again? Why did I feel the sudden dizziness? “Liz, something’s… w-wrong.” My head spun and the vision got blurry. Speaking became a challenge for me. “Yadira, your arm.” Liz’s voice hitched in her throat. With difficulty, I glanced at my upper limbs. My right forearm was scratched. The skin broke, revealing a long red line. s**t. Seraphus’s fangs managed to graze my arm and inject the venom. “I’m g-going t-to d-die.” I stated matter-of-factly and fell face forward to the ground. “You will not die today, huntress.” Liz declared, her tiny feet fluttering across my body until she reached the open wound. Though disoriented, I still recognized her little tongue licking the wound. What was she doing? Was that supposed to heal me? A tingling sensation spread through my body, as if her essence was infusing me with renewed vitality. In awe and curiosity, I forced myself to open my eyes and watch Liz. To my great astonishment, she was no longer in her lizard form. She looked more like a human, her skin as dark as ebony wood, glistering. “What are you?” I asked in a raspy voice, shocked. “I am a desert fairy who was cursed for many centuries. But thanks to you, that curse had been broken and I am once again free.” She responded in her typical high-pitched tone, which was now very audible, not only inside my head. Time seemed to stand still as the fairy continued her gentle ministrations, her delicate hands glowing with an aura of healing energy. Her otherworldly healing powers, awakened by the breaking of the curse, worked their magic upon my wounded flesh. And I could feel the wound mending, the pain subsiding. As Liz withdrew from the wound, her luminous eyes met mine. “I shall explain this.” “Well, indeed.” I chuckled, still dealing with the shock. “I am the guardian of the desert, the embodiment of its delicate balance,” Liz, now the fairy, spoke with a voice that carried the weight of centuries. “Within this arid expanse, the cycle of seasons plays out, each with its own purpose and significance. From harsh droughts to relentless winds, and the endless cold nights to the bountiful oasis. Every season is important because it shapes the destiny of the diverse species. It’s a circle of desert life. However, one specific species always sought to bend the seasons to their will, demanding the oasis to flow eternally, regardless of the consequences it imposed on others.” “Humankind,” I sighed, the selfish action of my own species pressing upon me. The only demons were those in human flesh. “Correct. Humans.” The desert fairy nodded, her eyes filled with sorrow. “They yearn for the perpetuity of the oasis, as it grants them water and sustenance. I tried to educate them, to make them understand that while they would thrive, others would suffer. But they turned a deaf ear to my pleas. Instead, they resorted to an ancient ritual, cursing me, and conjuring forth the beast that would guard the oasis forever. But every unholy pact takes its toll. The sand demon needed to be fed, and so locals arranged sacrifices, claiming the lives of countless explorers, farmers, and hunters. My heart shattered with each loss, for I was powerless to intervene, my voice unheard in the form of a lizard.” Tears rolled down her cheeks. “I had to stop it. Thus, I embarked on a journey spanning decades, searching for an individual who could hear my voice. And then I found you, Yadira. I am eternally grateful for your help.” Her words hung in the air, laden with a sense of gratitude. So, the local folks betrayed my trust, sending me to a certain death. Anger flooded my veins, my fists clenching until the knuckles turned white. But something more disturbing came to the surface. “You,” I pointed my finger at Liz, accusation dripping in my voice. “Somehow, you manipulated Ziyad, luring him into this horrible place. What happened to him? Is he lost? Is he dead? Has Seraphus eaten him because of your machinations?” I fumed, my eyes darting around frantically in search of the sword, which still lodged in the lifeless body of the giant snake. “No. I am not evil.” She raised her hands defensively. “And he never abandoned you.” “What are you talking about?” Confusion washed over me, my brow furrowing in disbelief. Liz’s gaze dropped, an evident sense of embarrassment emanating from her divine form. “It was an illusion I created, a mirage designed to deceive. In fact, it was you who departed, taking his sword, and following the fabricated traces he left behind, navigating you to the heart of the desert.” My breath caught in my throat, panic tying my lungs tightly. “Does it… Does it mean Ziyad is still alive?” A flicker of hope laced my words. “Yes,” Liz confirmed, her features etched with shame. “I am so sorry. I had no choice.” “Oh, Gods. He must have believed I left him, a thief stealing his sword!” I boomed, bewildered. “He’s out there. Tirelessly searching for you.” “Where? Where is there?” Urgency fueled my words, as I grabbed her by her hands. It had been four months since our separation. Four months was a long time. He could be anywhere in the world. He could have already forgotten about me and simply moved on. “I am afraid, that is solely up to you to find out.” Liz replied, her words filled with a sorrowful understanding, yet it wasn’t particularly helpful. “If you are meant to be together, fate will lead you to him again.” The weight of the revelation settled upon me, the responsibility and determination intertwining. The absence of your presence each day, the inability to hold you tightly, to inhale your captivating fragrance and kiss the sweetness of your lips – such a life is not the one I envision. I didn’t envision such a life either. I had been led astray, deceived by illusions, but now it was up to me to embark on a quest to reunite with Ziyad, to seek forgiveness and clarity amidst the unforgiving sands of the desert, wild currents of the sea, the silent darkness of the cave, or the highest peaks of the mountain. The journey ahead would be uncertain, but the love that bound me to him would serve as a guiding light through the darkest of trails. After I gathered Ziyad’s sword, and left the oasis, I glanced at the calm dunes, listening to the soft whispers of the sand. Who knew what adventures lay ahead? MY WORK as Diana Dee B. Available on Dreame – all completed: The Blind Bond The Return of the Prodigal Alpha Alpha King & his Trophy His H(a)unted Mate
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