Chapter 7

2966 Words
Lucie pov     I took forever in the shower. It was so big, so clean, so luxurious. The shower head was heavenly, cascading down my body with a full spray, not like the little trickle that came out of the old shower head that I was used to. I took time to shampoo and condition my hair, not worrying about the water limit. I had a feeling whoever ran this place was loaded and with all these people living here, they probably had their own well, or could afford thousands of dollars of a water bill every month. The way Colette talked about ordering whatever without concern made me wonder just how rich these people were. Not to mention Jade talked about the guys all being…kings? I shook my head, relishing in the amazing expensive product. I’ve never had stuff like this before. I would always buy my shampoo from the dollar store, getting the cheapest stuff possible so I saved as much money as I could. I took time to shave, scrubbing my body with the body wash, before washing everything off of me. The towels were soft and fluffy, I felt like I was on the top floor of a fancy hotel. I giggled softly, wrapping the towel around my body and another around my hair, tucking it like a turban as I took a minute to sway my hips side to side in the mirror. “Oooh, so fancy,” I said, laughing at myself as I walked into the bedroom. Honestly, I probably should have been more caring of where I was, or who these people were, but I didn’t really care. Just another house, another group of people. It didn’t matter, once Chris woke up I’d take him and run away; but while I waited, I might as well enjoy the random strange luxuries they were throwing at me. There was no point in the makeup, I never was one for it anyway.      I was surprised at the lacy matching undergarments and put them on, liking the feel of them against my skin. For a moment I stared at myself, seeing the curves of my body with the silk of the undergarments, and blushed, feeling like I was pretty like this. I pulled out a dark green shirt, it was long, resting to the length of my upper thighs with a belt sewed into it to hold it closed around my hips. I pulled out a pair of black leggings to wear underneath it, liking the combination and how comfortable the clothing was. There wasn’t a need for shoes since I doubted I’d be leaving mine or Chris’s room right now, but I still slid on some ankle-high socks before unwinding my hair from the towel. The products I used made it soft and easier to brush than usual, and I liked how silky and shiny it looked after I was finished. As it was slowly starting to dry into the natural wavy curls I let it fall loose around my shoulders, before slowly examining my new room. There were empty bookshelves and I took the time to unpack the books from my bags, contemplating if I should put them out or not. Would someone…steal them? If I just left them behind? I walked to the door and tried the knob, liking that it was locked. No one would walk in, right? No one would come while I slept and steal them?      I stared at the books in my hand, then at the shelf, contemplating. Finally, I shoved the books back into the bag and hid them underneath the bed in the corner where they’d have to crawl under the bed to reach it. Not yet, I wasn’t ready yet. I didn’t know these people, and as soon as Chris woke up I was leaving anyway. I sighed, grabbing the new phone and the new laptop, before walking with it back into Chris’s room. I had a phone before, it was probably broken or buried at the bottom of the lake. It didn’t matter, I didn’t have very many numbers on it anyway. No one was important, only Chris and I could see he had a phone and laptop set to the side in his room too. I took a few minutes to look through his drawers and closet, seeing they were stocked full with new clothes for him, along with new systems and games, things he’s never had before. I could just see the excitement he’d have waking up to see all of this. If they were giving it to him, maybe it wouldn’t be considered stealing to take it with us when we leave?      I sighed, sitting down on the cot that they had me in before. Chris was in a queen-sized bed, it was really big in comparison to his small body, and I realized they had set up the cot in here for me despite the fact that I was given my own room, because they wanted me to feel more comfortable. They knew I’d want to be near Chris. I felt warmth spreading in my chest for these random beautiful strangers, and it made me feel guilty for the first time that I was planning on running away the moment Chris woke up. But there was no point staying. They’d just kick us out anyway. No one liked being near me, only Chris. I powered on the phone, realizing it was the newest iPhone model, and stared at it with wide eyes, surprised. This must have cost at least a thousand dollars! There were a variety of cases for it in a bag that they had left with it, and I chose a cute purple case that opened on the side like a wallet with little gold butterflies woven into the fabric. As I was setting up the phone a knock sounded on the door and I automatically flinched, scared who it was. If it was Jade she’d have just walked right in, but Colette seemed nicer, and maybe it was her. “Come in,” I called out hesitantly, feeling nervous. It could be anyone, to be honest, and I wasn’t sure if I was ready to see anyone else yet.      The door opened and a man walked in, a man I didn’t recognize. He was a mixture of size, if I had to describe it. Zain had been built like a boulder, with large muscles probably the size of my head, while Grayson was smaller and lithe, like a dancer. If I had to describe this new man, I’d say he was in between their sizes. Maybe more like Jaiden, tall and muscular, but this new guy seemed to be slightly more muscular looking than Jaiden was if I was remembering them right. This new guy had shoulder-length long curly dark brown hair, and he had it pulled back at the nape of his neck, the curls brushing the back of his shirt collar as he moved. His skin was very tan, like someone who was outside all the time. He had a shy look on his face, that made me feel like I didn’t need to be scared of him, despite how strong he looked. His hazel eyes swept to mine, and the way they widened, a soft blush rising to his cheeks, made a weird flutter go through my body as I shivered. He averted his eyes and I blushed, realizing the look on his face was that of a boy who was staring at a girl he thought was pretty. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I wasn’t pretty, I had to be mistaken. People don’t really look at me like that. Not me. “Hello,” He muttered in a deep voice. I looked up at him again, watching him as he shifted from one foot to the other. “My name is Steve. I…can I talk to you for a few minutes? If you’re not…busy?” He asked, mumbling. I had to lean closer to him to hear him, but I nodded. He smiled then, a soft smile that lit up his hazel eyes as he sat down in a chair close to the cot. There was silence for a few minutes as we awkwardly stared at each other, before he finally chuckled, rubbing the palms of his hands against his jeans in a nervous gesture. “I was the one who pulled you out of the lake, and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He said finally. “And, to apologize.” He finished, frowning.      I stared at him with wide eyes, remembering distantly the accident. “You were the dark figure coming for me when I was in the water?” I asked, surprised. “You must be so strong! To be able to swim that far down, and drag me up, incredible!” I said, staring at him.      He blushed, letting out a nervous chuckle. “Yeah…not really. Honestly, that’s what I meant when I said apologize. I did grab you, but it was hard. You were pulled back from me and I had to swim down to the car to get you out of it again.” He said. I realized he was staring at his arms and I looked at them, seeing large healed scars all over them, and frowned. Did he get cut from the glass trying to pull me out of the car? “Then I lost too much blood, and ended up fainting in the water with you. I don’t really know how we got out after that. Someone pulled both of us out of the water then, but no one knows who. I guess whoever that person was, is the one you should really be thanking. I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough, but I tried,” He finished, shrugging sheepishly.      I leaned over, brushing my fingers over his hand resting against his knee. He jumped in surprise as I patted his hand softly. “Thank you for trying,” I said, smiling softly at him. “If it wasn’t for you, whoever did save us wouldn’t have made it in time. I’d probably still be at the bottom of the lake. You did enough. Thank you.” I said. He chuckled and I pulled my hand away. I looked over at Chris, watching the way he slept so peacefully, so soundly.      “Do you think he’ll wake up soon? Do you know what happened to him?” Steve asked, pulling my attention towards him again.      I shrugged, frowning. “Honestly I think Colette might know more than I do. She said Zain knew him before this happened, even dropping him off at the house. I’ve been thinking about that. Chris took the bus home from school with our foster siblings at the time, so why would Zain be dropping him off? But also, Chris vanished in the middle of the night, and has been gone since. So did Zain somehow meet with him during that time? Took him to the house, and left him there? I wish I knew what happened. I don’t know anything. Just that he was in an accident. I don’t even know why he left.” I mumbled, staring down at my hands.      Steve looked at me, tilting his head to the side. “You don’t know about the kidnapping or the battle?” He asked me. I stared at him, my mouth hanging open. Did he just talk about a kidnapping and a battle like it was an everyday thing? Just who are these people? He seemed to see my confusion and shrugged, making it seem even more like it wasn’t a big deal. “Chris was never hurt, from what I can tell. Zain protected him the whole time.” He added in, as if that was what I was confused about.      “Okay, but what?” I asked, clearly confused. “I need more details,” I added, motioning with my hands to get him to keep going.      He frowned, looking at the door, then at me again. “I probably shouldn’t have said anything,” he started to say. He stood and I grabbed the corner of his shirt, pulling him to make him sit again. Honestly, it was like I was trying to move a rock but he sat anyway, sighing. “I’m going to get in so much trouble,” he said, frowning.      “It’s okay, I won’t tell on you,” I promised. “Please, I need to know what happened to Chris. He’s my brother,” I said, staring at him with wide eyes.      He groaned, looking away from me. “Damn, those eyes,” He muttered, making me blush for a moment before he sighed. “Fine, shit.” He said, groaning again. He looked at me, looking forlorn. “I just met you, and I can already tell you’re going to be the death of me.” He chuckled, a nervous chuckle. I blinked at him, confused, but he started talking again. “Damn, I don’t even know where to start. Um, I guess it starts with Cain. He is best friends with Chris, or was. Chris probably hates him now, to be honest. Cain tricked Chris to come out. I don’t know how, but he lured him out. Locked him in a house, so Zain would come. Cain was being manipulated by his birth mother to try and lure Zain and Grayson out of the pack so they could be kidnapped. Of course, Zain didn’t let Grayson go, so the Rogues, um bad people, were angry. They ended up kidnapping Zain, Chris, and Cain, who realized his mistakes and stayed with us instead of going with his birth mother. Anyway, Chris wasn’t hurt. Cain and Chris snuck out while Zain was still in the cell and the others broke him out, and our packs kicked their asses. I stayed at the car to watch Chris and Cain the whole time, they weren’t there for the battle. They were safe, I promise.” He said.      I stared at him, my eyes wide at everything he just said. “So you’re telling me, Cain was Chris’s best friend, like at school, right?” I asked him, and he nodded. “And he tricked Chris to sneak out of his bed, locking him in a house?” I asked him, my voice raising a few notches in anger. He shifted in his seat, looking clearly uncomfortable as he nodded again. “And he’s sitting out there playing cards?” I asked, pointing to the door.      Steve gulped, nodding once more. “Um…yes?” He answered, surprised.      I poked my tongue into the corner of my cheek, feeling the anger racing through me as I stood, pacing. “Tell him to go away. I don’t want him anywhere near Chris!” I yelled at him, glaring at him.      Steve stood as well, taking a step back from me as if I was scary. He could probably pick me up and throw me out the window if he wanted to. “But, I mean…isn’t that for the boys to fix? They were friends, they should fix their friendship themselves, right?” He asked me, flinching as I glared at him. “I mean…Chris punched Cain in the car, they’re probably all good now,” He said, lifting his hands. “It’s how boys work, we tend to beat each other up to get over our s**t, but then we’re good afterward.” He said, as if that was normal.      I poked my finger at his chest, trying to ignore how hard it felt under my fingertip. “Chris is a child, a small boy, and he’s my brother. I don’t want Cain anywhere near him!” I yelled, glaring at him.      He sighed, nodding. “Okay, I’ll tell them. Just…I mean. Are you mad at me too?” He asked softly, frowning.      I sighed, pulling my hand back as I tried to calm myself slightly. “Of course not. You saved me, and on top of it, you watched over my brother for me when he wasn’t near me. Thank you, for everything you’ve done for me. For us.” I said, trying to smile despite how angry I was.      I couldn’t get past the fact that his best friend used him! I didn’t even know he had a best friend. It made me even angrier. Chris didn’t make friends easily as it was. “Can we…can we be friends? Can I come to see you again?” Steve asked, taking a step back towards the door.      I sighed, smiling at him, feeling some of my anger fade away. Friends? He wanted to be friends with me? That was new. Then again, there was no way I was going to stay here with Chris, especially knowing that everyone here was perfectly fine with what Cain seemed to do to Chris. From what it sounded like he double-crossed Zain too, and caused a whole battle? I couldn’t help but imagine those movies where gangs attacked each other. So why was Cain just sitting out there so casually playing with them all if he had tricked everyone and started a gang war? These people were crazy. Was this the mafia? Maybe that’s why they were so rich. “Sure, Steve. We can be friends. You can see me again.” I said to him, smiling. Though as he walked away, leaving the room and walking out the door, I frowned, staring at the closed door. “For now, until Chris wakes up. Then we’re out of here.” I mumbled, before going back to the cot. 
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