Chapter 39

2893 Words

Jasper Pov I looked up from the counter with a frown, realizing I had been staring at an empty counter for over an hour now. The human moved around me as if I wasn’t even there, talking to the customers, handing them merchandise and change, and ignoring whatever questions they had about what was wrong with me. All the while I just…sat here. Numb, every part of me, felt numb. Being away from her was so much harder now that I’d been close to her. It made me remember that day in the shop when she innocently handed me a frog. I had been thinking about her since then, wondering about the feeling her touch gave me, the way I still felt it, even months later, like an echo embedded in my mind. ‘I wasn’t made for her, Jasper. I was made for you,’ She had said.  I shuddered, closing my eyes, tryin

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