Chapter 21

2616 Words

Jasper Pov     “To what do I owe this pleasure?” I asked. I wasn’t even trying to hide the venom in my voice, to be honest.      “Why Jasper, my son, must you be so rude? You should be thanking me for appearing in front of you, for honoring you with my presence. Look, I brought my friend.” I rolled my eyes as my mother grinned at me from across the counter. Her little werewolf, Victoria, giggled as mother smacked her ass.      I raised my eyebrow at them, flicking the magazine to fix the crease in the binding before turning the page in disinterest. “It’s disgusting,” I muttered, shaking my head. “You look like you’re sixteen, and she looks like she’s forty. Humans don’t understand us mother. If you take your pet out on a walk they’ll call her a child molester.” I grumbled.      A woman

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