Chapter 3

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Jasper Pov     “Hey big boy, how much for you to take me into your room for the night?” Honestly…I wasn’t even sure how to reply to this. I looked at Greg, or was his name, Gavin? Maybe Gary. One of those; the random human my mother has working in the shop. He was busy feeding the toads, and honestly, I didn’t care if he didn’t do anything else but take care of those nasty things.      I looked at the girl leaning casually over the counter, her arms on either side of her chest as she did that thing girls with small boobs did, trying to make them bigger with their arms. Her brown eyes were wide, despite their slanted shape, the ever familiar mole under their right eye. “Jaiden, you do know I’m bi, right? You keep flirting with me, I’m going to take you up on your offer.” I said with a smirk.      He paled, lifting his hands up in the air and backing up a step as I winked at him, laughing as he stumbled over his heels. He yelped, turning around rubbing his butt with a whimper as Lexi glared at him. “Don’t even complain, you deserved it.” She hissed, her eyes wide as she glared at him.      I sighed, looking at the group gathered in the magic shop. “Why are you all girls again? Well, besides Zain. Why is Zain the only boy?” I asked, confused. Jaiden and Lexi were ignoring me, Jaiden was trying to get Lexi to forgive him as he chased her around the store. Grayson was backed up against the shelves, a terrified look on his face as Zain pressed himself in between his legs, running his fingers through Grayson’s long hair. He squeaked as Zain gripped his ass through the tiny mini skirt, a smirk on his face. Jade, however, was the only one actually shopping.      She sighed, twirling her finger around her long black hair, shrugging. “Jaiden wanted to come, and I suggested a disguise. Lexi wanted to come to see Jaiden as a girl, and then Zain volunteered them to come so he could see Grayson as a girl.” She glanced at them, rolling her eyes. “They’ll probably need to use your room.” She said, grinning as Zain lifted Grayson in his arms, shoving him against the wall.      “Guys, or guy and lady, whatever the f**k you want to be called right now, this is still a store you know,” I called out to them.      Grayson pulled away from Zain, fixing his skirt and trying to fix his long dark brown hair as he took a deep breath. His eyes were the same different blues, and I could tell Zain didn’t bother to do much to his eyes either besides wearing sunglasses. Grayson proceeded to go to my human and stare at him. “Time to go home, we’re closing early.” He said. I rolled my eyes, as if that would bloody work. He was under mind-control…     I stared with wide eyes as my human nodded, immediately walking out the door and turning the sign, locking it up behind himself. “What the hell?” I asked, my eyes wide as I stared at Grayson. He simply shrugged as Zain came up behind him, his hands on his hips as he stared at us. “Okay, mind control. Guess you can do that too, huh?” I asked, shaking my head.      “Ladies, we’re here for a reason.” Jade interrupted. Zain grumbled something about not being a lady as Lexi yanked Jaiden over to us. Jade placed a basket down on the table. “Lexi, grab me a new cauldron.” She said, pointing at them.      I raised my eyebrow at her, crossing my arms over my chest. “You’re not paying for any of this, are you?” I asked her with a chuckle.      She placed one hand on her hip, the other hand twirling her hair as she stared at me. “And you care?” She retorted, making me snort. Fair point. “Besides, I’m here to help you, so this can be my payment for my services.” She said with a shrug.      “Honestly, we have to get back. I don’t want to be away from Chris any longer.” Zain said with a sigh, rubbing his eyes. “I just wanted to see Grayson as a girl.” He said with a grin.      Grayson blushed, shifting side to side, as if trying to figure out how to deal with wearing panties. I c****d my head to the side, curious. “Are you wearing panties under there?” I asked, looking at Jaiden.      He gave me a flirty wink as he lifted the side of his skirt, not high enough to show anything but enough to be a tease. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” he asked, trying to make his girly voice sound sultry. Lexi smacked him over the back of the head, glaring daggers in the back of his head.      “See you later, Jasper, we’ll visit again,” Grayson said with a soft smile, waving at me before they walked out of the store.      I looked at Jade, confused. “Who’s Chris?” I asked as she went around the counter, helping herself to the bags.      She looked through the pouches with a frown. “Is Dani placing real bags in here? You’re going to get sued one of these days.” She muttered, shaking her head as she pulled the real ones out, leaving the kits alone for the humans to play with. I snorted, remembering I was already being sued by some boy who licked a bunch of toads. “Anyway, I need the ring.” She said, turning to look at me. I frowned as she placed the bags on the counter, shifting the bag on her back as a little pink nose poked out for attention. “Kalia’s ring.” She said, holding her hand out to me.      I glared at her, curious. “Why?” I asked, sliding my hand in my pocket, brushing my fingers over the ring. I never left it lying around, it was always somewhere close to me.      She sighed, frustrated as she waved her fingers in front of my face. “Because there was some blood on it, right? I’m going to try and track her with it.” She said, holding up one of the shopping bags. “Hurry up before someone comes and I have to try and kill them. I’m not in the mood today.” She grumbled.      I sighed, rolling my eyes as Jaiden and Lexi pushed their way to the back, Jade following close behind with one of her bags. “Well, just make yourself at home,” I grumbled, following behind them.      “We can’t stay for long either, but honestly we were just in the way,” Jaiden mumbled to Lexi, making me confused. What the Hell were they talking about? “Adaline said for us to give them space to breathe so they can wake up.” He said with a sigh. Suddenly a bright light filled the room, making me wince as I covered my face. When I looked again, Jaiden was a boy again, staring down at his chest with a strange look on his face. “Sweet, I got to pee so bad,” He muttered, before running up the stairs.      I laughed at him as Jade started to set up a burner on the coffee table and a glass vial, holding her hand out for me to give her the ring. I frowned, but handed it to her as she placed it at the top of the vial, holding it carefully with metal tongs. I watched as the blood turned to liquid once more, pouring slowly into the vial. It was only enough to fill the bottom of it but she seemed happy enough with it as she handed me back the ring. It was hot to the touch but I placed it in my pocket anyway as I watched her. Slowly she started to put the burner away, grabbing a small bowl as she poured the blood into it. She held up a crystal pendant attached to a chain and dipped it into the blood, coating it as much as she could while she told Lexi to set out the map and candles. By now Jaiden had returned looking very satisfied as he plopped down on the couch, though I could see he was on alert. He must have come to be the protector of the girls, and honestly, he was one of the best ones for it. His fire would work well against the other vampires. I was lost for a moment, thinking about how funny it would be if he lit my mother on fire while Jade swung the pendant around the map. Her voice was soft like a whisper, words none of us could possibly know slipped from her mouth as she glowed a purple glow, her eyes lit up as she stared at the map. Suddenly the pendant pulled from her grasp and clinked to the map, falling on a location.      I blinked, looking at it in wonder. It was the next state over. She looked up at me, sliding the pendant with now dried blood around her neck, nodding at me. “I’ll use the necklace to lead me to the specific place. I can’t take you guys with me, but I’ll go to check it out. Wait here.” She said, pulling powder out of a pouch. She surrounded herself with the powder as she chanted, before vanishing from sight.      There was silence for a few minutes, before Jaiden sighed. “Wanna play while we wait?” He asked, holding up his phone. I rolled my eyes, but sat down next to him, frowning. I pressed my hand against my chest, feeling a strange warm feeling for a moment, before shaking my head. Too close, I was getting too close again. Even still…I didn’t want to back away. I pulled out my phone, pulling up the game as I sighed.  ~Third Person Pov-Jade     Jade sighed, looking around the area. Her chest was pulsating as she walked, the necklace burning as she got closer to the location. Quickly she walked into a thrift store, purchasing a large hat and sunglasses, before walking back down the street. She was closer than she thought she would be before she teleported. Jade didn’t recognize this town, or even this state, seeing as that she’s never been here before, but that didn’t stop her from walking down the sidewalk as if she owned the place. Ignoring the cat-calls from people she passed on the sidewalk she slipped the bag higher on her back, adjusting to Snowball’s weight as she rounded the corner. She frowned, looking down the new street. The necklace was burning against her, to the point she pulled it off, slipping it into her pocket. She could still feel it burning through, but at least it wasn’t directly on her skin anymore.      The street had a large construction site, loud and annoying sawing noises could be heard, the occasional banging of steel, and the whirl of the machines as they crunched the dirt, shifting it side to side. A sign claimed it to have a large hotel coming soon, which seemed stupid to Jade since the street was old fashioned and a brand new hotel would look weird with such older and broken down buildings but maybe they planned on fixing everything on the strip eventually, instead of leaving it to look off-centered. She flipped her hair over her shoulder, walking down the road as she did, feeling the pendant get hotter and hotter. If she didn’t find Kalia soon, the pendant would burn a hole in her pocket at this rate. She sped up her walk, despite the fact that she was wearing neck-breaking heels, and stopped in front of a meat market. Without caring what people would think, Jade pulled the burning pendant out of her pocket, holding it in front of her by the chain. As it pulsated she followed the path it led her to, chanting softly under her breath to create a visual path for her. She pushed her fingers outwards and little pink lights floated ahead of her, leading her to Kalia.      Jade frowned, following the path as it led her around the side of the shop, to a back door. Without much trouble at all, she unlocked the lock with her magic, pushing open the door and walking inside. Immediately she was enveloped with cold, shivering as she pulled the burning pendant closer to her body, hoping to use it for warmth. She took a second to pull off her bag, placing it in front of her instead and squishing Snowball close to her body, hoping her body warmth would help keep her bunny warm. She let out a breath, holding out her hand that held the pendant, allowing her hand to glow a soft glow to see. The room was pitch black, but as she lifted her glowing hand above her head she couldn’t quite help but let out a little squeak of surprise, realizing she was surrounded by dead pigs hanging from hooks. She shuddered, closing her eyes for a moment as she tried to regain herself, willing her lunch to stay in her stomach, before steeling her resolve to keep going. “Kalia?” Jade whispered, before immediately shutting her mouth.     ‘Stupid,’ Jade scolded herself, kicking her own leg for punishment. ‘There could be others with Kalia.’ She told herself. It was better to have the element of surprise, especially if she was going to have to fight someone. This was supposed to just be her scoping out the situation and returning with more people to try and rescue Kalia, but the farther she walked down the endless aisles of dead pigs, the more worried she got. Slowly she stopped, taking a second to arm herself with multiple pouches filled with different spells, before continuing. The pendant was barely able to be touched now, the burn from it warming her nicely as she held it in front of her body, letting it lead her to another aisle. She paused, peeking down the aisle before walking around it, but frowned, seeing nothing but more endless pigs frozen on hooks. Jade frowned, confused as she walked down the aisle. Finally, the pendant let out a soft whine and she stopped, turning to stare at…a dead pig. “What the f**k?” Jade asked, slowly sliding Snowball back onto her back as she slipped her pouches back into her pockets to free her hands. She pressed the pendant to the pig and sure enough, it let out another whine, this was the spot. Jade flung the pendant to the side, not needing it anymore as she shuddered, before touching the dead pig. Slowly, because it was frozen solid and hard, she pulled the flesh of the pig to the side where it had been cut down the middle, revealing nothing but an empty vessel, all the organs and such already taken out before it had been frozen. “Pig’s blood,” Jade muttered, dropping her hands and stepping back. Realizing she didn’t need to be cautious anymore, Jade walked over to the sink in the corner of the room with a growl of annoyance, grabbing the soap and washing her hands thoroughly as she glared at the sink in annoyance. “He was tricked, all along. It wasn’t even Kalia’s finger. Wasn’t her blood, wasn’t anything.” She muttered, stomping her foot in annoyance. Finally, she wiped her hands off on a paper towel, clutched Snowball close to her body, and teleported back to the others. 
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