Chapter 28

2437 Words

Jasper Pov     I couldn’t help but pause, frowning. Why were all of the protectors so protective of this human? First Jaiden was strange about her when I asked about the picture. Then Colette, telling me how she’d be watching me. And now…Adaline. I was half expecting Grayson and Zain to appear like a unit and glare at me. I’m sure they’d be next, to be honest. So, Zain had a vision of me saving her. I guess I could see why they didn’t realize it was me. If all he could see was my back, and the water, it was dark and wet. Maybe I should stop giving her my clothes. Leaving them laying around, smelling like me…she’d get in trouble. “She’s a human. Chris’s older sister? The kid Zain and Grayson adopted. I haven’t met him, I heard he’s in a coma? I don’t really know much. I’m assuming they’re

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