Chapter 26

2787 Words

Jasper Pov     I have to tell her. I groaned, running home as fast as I could, hoping to make it before the sun rose. I already burned myself yesterday morning, and had to drink a whole deer to heal the burn. I wasn’t really looking forward to that happening again. I knew I was going to have to stop somewhere and get some more clothes pretty soon too. I never was really caring about owning a lot, but lately, it seemed like I was leaving it all with her. Her. I groaned again, sighing in relief when I made it to the shop just as the sun started to kiss the horizon. I was cutting it close, but it didn’t matter to me. Honestly, It would have been worth getting burned to kiss her one last time.      I pressed my fingers against my lips, leaning against the closed door with a sigh. What…what w

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