Chapter Two

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We were slowly approaching a huge mansion, its shingled roof stood out amongst the high treetops and greeted us. I’d never seen a house that big before as my parents had always been modest Lycans even though they were of royal blood. They could have chosen a lifestyle like this, instead, they chose to live comfortably with their children. “Is that my new home?” Deia asked bewildered as she leaned forward and placed her hands on the backs of both mine and Eli's seats. “Our new home,” Eli said confidently. “What do you mean?” I asked. “I’ve been ordered to remain with Deia and protect her with my life, so I’ll be living here with her,” Eli said as he made a turn and pulled into the front of the mansion. “I see,” I said, slightly hurt. My job was to ensure Deia’s safety and make sure that this marriage isn't a trap. I’m more than capable of protecting my younger sister as I had started to train at a young age. I refused to be a burden to those around me even if they called me a half-blood. Deia climbed out of the car once we had stopped the car and slammed the car door behind her excitedly. I watched her as she ran to the front steps of her new home and approached an older man who had been awaiting her by the front door. They exchanged words and he happily led her into the house with a smile. “I’m going to be too busy protecting your sister so I need you to investigate and report back to your father,” Eli said quietly so my sister couldn’t hear. She may have been out of the car now, but he didn’t want her to know about her fathers’ ulterior motives. “I know, dad made sure to drive the plan into my head before we left,” I said as I reached for the door handle. “Ersa…” Eli said as he grabbed my arm just as I was about to climb out of the car. “Yeah?” I asked as I looked back at him. “Don’t get distracted,” Eli said firmly. “I won't,” I said with a confident smile. “Good,” Eli said with a nod. I climbed out of the car and closed the car door behind me and looked up at the large mansion before me. It truly was a wonder to the eyes, not many people got to see such mastery like this every day. I collected my thoughts and focused my attention on the front door where Deia had disappeared from. I needed to catch up to her and quickly before she got herself into any trouble. She may be seventeen now but sometimes she let her guard down and let her inner child come out to play. I sighed and headed for the front door, I had a lot of work ahead of me and I wasn’t entirely looking forward to it. I opened the front door to be greeted by a grand staircase that led to the second floor. Deia was standing just a few feet away with the man she had greeted, she was talking excitedly about something with him when I approached them. “Deia,” I said as I stood beside her. “Ersa isn’t this place amazing!” Deia said excitedly. I nodded at her and took a quick look around to get the layout of the place but before I could a man appeared from the side hallway. I didn’t look at him as his presence didn’t interest me, I was too focused on the man who was behind him. He had jet black hair and black eyes like mine, he held strong features that clearly showed that he was of the Ansian bloodline. He had an air of authority to him, something that would be impossible to go unnoticed. He smiled devilishly at me as he caught me staring at him with my mouth slightly a gap. He was Ezra Ansian. He was also my mate. I could feel my wolf anxiously stirring within me as she recognized the scent of our mate. This can't be good, I thought. My younger sister’s new fiancé was my mate and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. Mates had never really interested me before as I had chosen to dedicate my time to Deia. I would endure anything if it meant that she remained happy and safe. I forced myself to tear my eyes away from the mouth-watering man who approached us and stood before us. I could feel an unbelievably strong pull towards Ezra as he kept his eyes on me. He was curious as he felt the pull as well, there was no denying it he was my mate. “You must be Deia,” Ezra said as he observed me. “The wrong sister,” I said coolly as I motioned to my star-struck sister beside me. Ezra shifted his focus onto Deia who was standing beside me and smiled when he observed her. He held his hand out in an invitation for my sister to take his hand in hers. She happily obliged as she was practically jumping in place, she gently placed her hand within his and smiled happily at her new fiancé. Ezra stared curiously at Deia yet almost as if he were looking through her. I hadn't noticed before, but the edges of his black colored Iris's held a shimmering gold color. I couldn’t help but be interested in his unique eye color, something about his eyes drew me to him. Ezra finally kissed the back of her hand then dropped it, so her hand fell to her side. He shifted his focus onto me, I couldn’t bring myself to look away from him this time as he held my gaze. Ezra held his hand out for me to take and I couldn’t help but oblige. Before I knew it, he was holding my hand within his and giving me the same distant look that he gave Deia. Shit, I thought to myself as I allowed him to touch me. I never allowed people to touch me for one specific reason. Everything faded away within seconds after Ezra took my hand in his, the air around me was becoming dense as it shifted into unknown shapes. I hated when this happened, I shouldn’t have let my guard down and let him touch me. “Janus!!” I heard a familiar, yet distant voice screamed in the distance. I abruptly pulled my hand away from Ezra's grip that had suddenly tightened and was slowly crushing my hand with his, ending the brief vision of his past. My hand was aching once I had retrieved it and I held it to my chest so he couldn’t grab it again. Judging by the expression on Ezra's face he had no intention of taking my hand again. His expression was dark and emotionless, the air around him had become cold and stifling as he glared at me with a deep hatred. I stared at the man in front of me, a man who had been kind and at ease just a moment ago. Now he seemed like he wanted to murder something, judging by his expression that thing might be me. Deia looked at our silent exchange curiously, there was an invisible electricity that was vibrating between Ezra's body and mine. I wanted to reach out and touch his body and bathe in his scent, my wolf was raging within me for her mate. But I knew that I had to suppress it, especially now that I had witnessed this man’s open hatred towards me. “What’s going on?” Deia asked. I quickly looked away from Ezra as he kept his death glare on me. “Nothing! Why don’t you go with Ezra and get to know him!” I said while forcing a fake smile on my lips. I was terrified for some reason, I felt like I needed to flee before something bad ended up happening. I refused to be swallowed whole by a monster and leave my sister for the wolves. I quickly turned my back on them and hurried out of the corridor before anyone had the opportunity to protest. I sighed once I got a good distance away from Deia and Ezra, something about the situation was off-putting. I needed to steer clear of Ezra from now on, I can’t risk ruining my sister’s engagement and breaking down the proposed peace treaty. I needed to find a way to reject Ezra as my mate before I got swallowed up in everything. My wolf was already feisty and hard to deal with and now she had just found out mate. This wasn’t going to be an easy task, and I wasn’t sure if I could handle it.
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