Chapter 6

1091 Words
Kelly I was back at my desk the next day to find stuff had been rearranged. I sighed and knew I had to put things back. Some of the girls in the secretarial pool think they will replace me. Looking at my desk, one those girls was here yesterday. I put Austin’s coffee and a cinnamon roll on his desk. And went about looking at his schedule to see what the day would be like. While I was looking at the schedule, I saw that he had a change to his schedule yesterday to include a meeting with a company called It’s A New You. What in the world is that? “You look perplexed.” Austin said, startling me. “Hey, didn’t mean to scare you, Kells. You ok?” He asked me. “Yeah, what was this meeting that was put on your schedule yesterday.” I asked him. “God, not another one? I could barely sit through that wacko one yesterday that Tonja decided to add.” He said, shaking his head. “No, there are no add-on meetings today. I was talking about that one you had yesterday. I’m sorry. So it was that bad?” I said to him. Austin looked at me all serious then said, “It was her cousin’s natural lube company. Every flavour you can imagine including pumpkin spice! Plus it’s edible! I’m sorry but pumpkin spice latte tastes like perfume in a cup, there is no way I want to be tasting pumpkin spice on a girl in that area.” I pursed my lips to keep from laughing. I could just imagine how that meeting went yesterday. “So, are you planning on partnering up with the pumpkin spice lube then?” I asked him. “No, but I told her Kevin will test out the products.” He said. “Oh, I’m sure Kevin will do a thorough investigation into those products with a full report.” I said with a giggle. “Yeah, he was thrilled to do that.” Austin smiled. “Oh Austin, you can make you a CEO, but that loveable goofball is still there.” I said to him. “Well, I am what I am Kells.” He laughed. “Coffee is on your desk with a cinnamon roll. I bring you your schedule in a minute.” I told him. “Ah, you really know how to start my day. Thank you.” Austin said as he turned to go into his office. ——— Austin I went over to my desk and picked up my coffee and took a sip. Kelly just spoils me. Truthfully I know I would be lost without her. I sat down at my desk and fired up my computer. Like on que, Kelly walked in to go over today’s schedule with me. “Oh, by the way, how is Betty?” I asked her. “She is good.” Kelly answered. I saw that look in her eyes. Anytime I ask about Xavier’s parents, she gets that look. I can’t place it, I know it’s sadness, but it’s like there is something more there. “I miss him too, Kelly. The three of us in high school, we were like the three Amigos. I wish things could be different.” I told her. “Yeah, me too. Can I tell you a secret?” She asked me. “You know you can.” I said to her. “I feel so much guilt that it was my fault Xavier got killed. He was trying to come home sooner to me, that’s why he signed up to do that mission. By doing it, he would have been allowed to come home much sooner.” She whispered to me. “Oh Kells, that isn’t your fault. Xavier knew that risk when he volunteered. Don’t blame yourself for that.” I said to her. Kelly shrugged her shoulders and then said, “I know, but don't take the guilt away. Besides, I ended up losing more than just Xavier that day when he got killed. For that, I paid a price for the decision I made while I was grieving.” She said to me. “We all make decisions that we later regret when we are in a bad place. Just remember, at that time it was for the right decision for that moment in time.” I told her. Kelly looked at me with a look I couldn’t decipher, then she nodded her head and pointed to a paper I. Her hand. “Ok, so busy morning…” she said as she proceeded to tell me what my schedule looked like. I wish I could go back in time and change things for Kelly. I hate seeing her when she gets like this. She always gets that sad look when she has to go over to Xavier’s and help Betty. I wonder if I should hire a nurse for her to help? That way she would not have to feel the guilt she is feeling now? “Austin?” I heard Kelly say. “Yeah, sorry I was just thinking.” I told her. “It’s ok, good thing, I know your schedule and won’t let you fail, mister.” She said as she smiled at me. I love Kelly’s smile. I wish I could put a smile on her face all the time. “Yeah, you definitely are my girl.” I told her. “Oh really, hmm well as your girl, I should tell you Kevin is going to be here in five minutes. Yeah, he is going to kill you.” She laughed. “And how do you know that?” I laughed. “Oh, he just texted me. Told me to ignore the screams you will be doing after he strangled you. Oh Austin, you and that investigation.” She said, shaking her head. “Hey, he should be thanking me! It’s not everyday he gets to do an intimate review of a potential product.” I said to her. Funny how Kelly can compartmentalise her emotions. One moment she is sad, but as soon as she gets into her work mode, she masks those feelings and goes on. I wish she didn’t have to do that. I wish I could just help her get through that sadness she feels. I care way too much for her, I know. But she truthfully is the only girl I ever had feelings for.
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