6 - No, I don't have it

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6 - No, I don't have it I decided to take a quick shower and then put on my new uniform. First of all, it doesn't look or feel like a uniform at all. It genuinely looks like an expensive office attire. The dress slid on my body and it fit me like a glove. Second, I am very impressed because it's extremely comfortable whilst also looking stylish and accentuating my natural curves in a very flattering way. I walk back to the bedroom to check myself out in the full length mirror and then I smile pleased-I look good in it. I can't help a cheeky thought crossing my mind- whether Dean would like how I look or not. I let my hair air dry and put just a tiny amount of blush on to accentuate my cheekbones, a bit of mascara and my favourite nude lipstick. Today I am meant to start answering phone calls, and reply to some emails under Carol's guidance. I quickly spray my 'Antonia's Flowers' into the air and then walk through the small cloud of perfume. I absolutely adore this perfume and I was never able to wear any other, anything else just seems forced. I settled on a pair of flat shoes and I will carry the high heels in my oversized bag. I might look posh but I am still close to being broke and I travel using public transportation. The London Underground is no place to be wearing high heeled shoes, at least not in the morning rush hour- it's a war zone down there. I quickly pray for all the twisted ankles of the ladies that tried to get on the District Line without proper equipment, and head out. I arrive at the pier where Synerthy is docked and where our office is, and quickly make my way to the Reception, but instead of Russell I see Carol behind the front desk. "Morning Carol." I flash her an enthusiastic smile. "Morning babe. You're with me today, but Russell is hungover so we'll cover for him up here. You up for it?" "Sure, I guess." Carol called IT and they set up my employee log-ins and then she showed me how the booking system works. I was relieved it wasn't such a busy morning, it gave Carol time to thoroughly explain the procedures to me, and I triumphantly completed 2 bookings over the phone and helped a few others via email with the information they had requested. "You're a quick learner, Ari. I like you even more for not making my day hard. I'll be honest with you, I'm not very fond of training the newbies." I smile at her, knowing from her tone that she was being playful. I need to get used to Carol's face not showing many emotions, most likely from all that Botox. "I'll head out for lunch, you can take your break when I'm back. Call the office and ask Brad to come give you a hand, will you?" "OK, I will. Enjoy your lunch." I wave her off and dial the office. I tried a couple of times, but I got no answer. "Howdy!" I look up and I see a short middle aged man, looking like Louie Anderson with a cowboy hat on. Another interesting accessory that he had was the tall and skinny platinum blonde, dressed in a tiny pink b*****e dress with ridiculously high heels. To complete the bimbo look, she was chewing gum loudly and with her mouth open. I mentally facepalm. "Good afternoon, how can I help you?" I smile bright and look them dead in the eye. They don't know I have no idea what I'm doing, and I don't intend for them to find out either. After a painful 25 minutes of them trying to decide which dinner package to make a reservation for, I casually give them the leaflet explaining the dress code. They finally leave but I know that guy will just show up for dinner in cargo shorts and a Hawaiian shirt. I am glad I'm not working the evening shift tonight. "Hey, where's Brad?" Carol asks and I jump, I didn't notice her getting back. "Are you OK? Tell me he just left and that you weren't on your own this whole time." "No, it's fine. I rang but they were busy and then a couple came in to make a reservation and the time just flew by." I quickly say. I don't want to get anyone in trouble, and I was actually fine, I didn't need help. I smirk, quite pleased with myself. "Fine, but don't be embarrassed to ask for help next time." We both smile. "Can you do me a favour and go to the storage room to get some more leaflets? Hazel showed you where we keep those, right?" "Yeah, no problem. Be right back." "Oh, and some plastic cups for the water cooler, please." "OK." "Mind the door.." she shouts after me but I am already on the boat and can't hear her. Right, so I managed to navigate the narrow walkway that leads to the storage room, and I can see just how scary this is. When Hazel showed me how to get to the storage room, she did mention something about being very careful not to slip and fall. Well, I'm not going to fall overboard, but I do need to figure out a way to open this f*****g door to the store room. I pull and push without any luck, in my stupidity not realising I needed to tap my access card in order to unlock it. Because the walkway is very narrow, I turn slightly to one side, I grip the handle and prepare to pull hard. One last try. The access card that is in my dress pocket is now touching the door, unlocking it, and when I pull on the handle, the door flings open and sends me flying backwards over the railing, and overboard. Oh, f**k! DEAN "Mate! Our mate is close." Zain jumps up and down like a puppy. "Calm down, will you?" I sniff the air and catch her sweet scent. I go out on the bow and notice her trying to get in the store room. I try hard to contain my laughter. "Hey, you need to tap yo.." And before I finish the f*****g door opens and she goes flying overboard. Oh s**t! "No, our mate! Save her you i***t! Do something!" Zain screams at me desperately. I dive in after her in a matter of seconds, before I even get a chance to feel scared and panic. I quickly catch her just as she ends up in the water and I hoist ourselves back on the deck, gently laying Ariadna on her back, and I am on top of her prepared to start chest compression and mouth to mouth if needed. Not the way I imagined I would be touching her lips, but... "Focus, you i***t! She almost dies and you can only think about s*x? You'd better start using the head on your shoulders now, or so help me Goddess, I will take over." "f**k off, mutt!" I push Zain away and block him. "Hey, hey. Look at me, stay awake. Are you hurt?" She looks at me scared, and I see panic in her big chocolate eyes. "Ariadna, answer me!" I start to also panic a bit but then I feel her body start to relax, and I see the fear in her eyes disappear. A wave of relief washes over me after I understand that she is going to be just fine. We are so close, I am breathing in her scent and it's the most amazing, calming smell ever. She smells of freesias, soft and delicate, she almost smells like peace. I have her so close, and it takes almost all my strength to try and contain both myself and Zain. I quickly mind link Hazel to let her know what happened, and after a few not so nice words addressed to yours truly, thankfully still through our mind link, my sister comes running. ARIADNA I do nothing but stare at him, completely ignoring just how lucky I am that he was here and quickly reacted. I feel so safe, I just know that he wouldn't let anything happen to me. Is that weird? That's weird, for sure. How can he be so perfect? His dark brown hair and his deep forest green eyes completely mesmerised me and made me feel things I had never felt before, things I didn't even know were possible to feel. I feel both hot and cold, my body's almost in pain, and only he has the cure. It's something primal like I am drawn to him and it makes me want to be his. I need to be his and I need Dean to be mine. He is almost on top of me and holding my head in his hands, looking at me with such hunger and in his eyes, as if he would consume me any minute now. His irises change to a very dark green, close to black and it almost looks like they are flashing. Although we are now surrounded by almost everyone that works on this pier, time seemed to almost stand still, and for a moment I felt like it was just the two of us there, and it was intense. Is he actually getting hard right now? Not that I mind... I think to myself whilst letting out a soft moan. I am sure the others will think I am in pain, so I feel a bit cheeky knowing I can get away with it. Dean's eyes grow wider and fill with lust as soon as he hears my soft moan. Feeling his erection now pressing hard on my side, I instinctively shifted my lower body so I could rub against him. "Mate" Dean doesn't even flinch, so I must be the only one that heard that. Great, I'm starting to hear voices again! And what the f**k am I doing rubbing against a stranger's d**k after he saved my sorry ass from drowning in the f*****g Thames? Is this what it's like for firefighters when they save someone? Maybe that's why they keep so fit and shoot those sexy calendars, I thought. I wonder if they get told about that during their training. Alright, this is it! I am literally going crazy. Maybe I actually did hit my head, although I don't remember that, nor do I feel any pain anywhere. I might still be in shock. Yes, shock! That's it. I decide I am in shock and that is why I'm behaving and thinking like this. I glanced back at Dean and I could see an inner battle in him. I can read in his eyes how confused and conflicted he is. But why? Well.. because I am dry humping him like a dog in heat, maybe? His eyes are now completely black but he holds my gaze and they quickly turn back to their usual forest green colour. I am sure that's not normal, but I am in shock and accept all weird things happening right now. I didn't even manage to finish my thought and Dean hisses at me angry. "Look what you've done to me. f**k! Everyone will think I get off by saving clumsy women who can't work out how a door f*****g works, like I have some savior complex or shit." Alright, cold shower for Ariadna. His words snapped me back to the reality of the situation and I really tried to apologise but I can't seem to be able to speak now. No words are coming out from my mouth, and once again, all I do is stare at him completely mortified. Saying that he leaped from on top of me and tells everyone I am OK. He helps me up, keeping one arm around my waist and positioning me strategically with my back to him, so that I'm actually preventing everyone else from seeing his bulge. I got to finally looking around, and I realised that indeed the whole crew and staff were staring at us in shock. "She's alright, she just slipped and fell but I got her out of the water in time. She was really lucky that the current wasn't strong enough to pull her under the boat." Dean explains to everyone while clearing his throat a lot. "Oh no! Ohhhh no! Ari, sweetie, are you OK?" I hear Hazel in some sort of weird hybrid voice that sounds like a shouted whisper. Is that even a thing? "Oh this is a HR nightmare!" She whispers before starting to talk like a normal person again and looks at Dean and then at me. "I think she's had enough for today. Ari, honey, you should go home and have some rest."
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