Chapter 13

2032 Words

"Did you two have an accident that fell into the sea? Oh my god. The two people still alive are God's mercy. The phone is on the other side, feel free to use it. My husband is a doctor, he will come to see her. You don't have to worry." Basil nodded to thank the woman, he also felt that he and she were really lucky, unexpectedly finding the house not only that they were kind, but at the same time they were also doctors. Basil quickly went to borrow the phone to call his bodyguards. While he was talking on the phone, he saw a woman carrying a bowl of hot porridge go into Lisa's room, and then a middle-aged man, he guessed it was the other woman's husband. He saw the medical equipment he was wearing. He quickly ended the call and returned to the hospital room. He really didn't feel safe lea

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