Chapter 12

2002 Words

The two quickly swam to the surface, after taking a breath, Lisa pulled Basil back into the sea and swam in one direction. Because she wasn't sure if the assassins saw him and her come to the surface. If they let them see, they will surely have a way to continue chasing him and her. So to be safe she and he need to dive into the sea and swim to the other side of the beach to swim ashore. Basil clenched her fist, although he was very tired, but seeing her hand still holding his, he felt that all the fatigue was not worth it. Even he foolishly thought that this moment lasted as long as possible. But for more than half an hour he and she also swam to the beach opposite where their car crashed. "I'm dead tired. I didn't expect you to be so unlucky. Ever since I met you, I've changed from bei

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