Hellentine's Day - Anna Svobada

3730 Words
‘Dinner reservation, check,’ Larry thought to himself as he put his phone down. He’d made this reservation weeks ago knowing that Everleigh’s favorite restaurant would be booked out tonight. After all, it was Valentine's Day. Flowers? His eyes slid over to the large bouquet resting carefully on the table. Check. The ring? Larry panicked slightly as his hand searched the inner pocket of his suit before discovering the small jewelry box was still there. As his fingers squeezed around it for the third time in as many minutes, a sigh of relief escaped him. Check. The car was sitting in the driveway, freshly cleaned and polished. Larry had paid for the most expensive program in the automatic car wash when he'd stopped by the gas station earlier to fill the tank. Larry ran his hand over his best $90 suit, smoothing it once more. Nothing was going to spoil today. Nothing. The doorbell rang, interrupting Larry’s thoughts. He blinked. They weren’t expecting any packages. The bloody ring had already cost Larry every cent he had in his meager savings account, so he hadn’t ordered any additional Valentine gifts, hoping that Everleigh would be content with just the ring and the promise it brought. The woman standing at the door was beautiful. That was the first thing Larry noticed. It was hard not to since she was wearing nothing but a white, semi-transparent robe. Larry gulped, his eyes inadvertently drawn to dark n*****s poking through the fabric. “U-uhhm,” he stuttered, “y-yes?” “Chosen One!” the woman exclaimed, gawking at him. “It’s such an honor!” “U-uhhm,” Larry repeated. “What?” The woman gasped. “Oh, sorry. Of course Chosen One, my apologies. Where are my manners? I’m Asariel. The prophecy has marked me as the Blessed Vessel and once our joining is complete, I will be able to stop the Decimation.” “Huh?” “We should start right away,” Asariel said, reaching for the top of her robe. As she pulled on the material, her bare breasts popped out. “The armies of Hell have already started emerging and the Decimation is about to begin!” Larry finally managed to snap out of his stupor. “Wait, stop! What? Who? What the hell are you doing?!” he hissed. At first, he'd wanted to yell, but quickly changed his mind after hearing a door click upstairs. Standing on the porch with a naked woman was not a situation Larry could successfully explain away to Everleigh. Hell, he didn’t even understand what was happening himself! Asariel seemed confused herself. “We must have s*x,” she said as if it was obvious. “Right now, before the armies of Hell-” “What?!” Larry quickly looked around, searching for hidden cameras. This had to be one of those dumb jokes which ends up all over social media, right? “Listen, lady,” he growled, “I don’t know if you’re taking pills that you shouldn’t be taking, or perhaps you're not taking the pills you definitely should be taking but, get lost! I have a girlfriend and I’m not interested in some crazy lady messing up my entire life!” “B-but…I…” Larry didn’t give her the chance to protest. “Get out of here or I’m calling the police. NOW!” After slamming the door right into the strange lady’s face, he turned around to see Everleigh standing at the top of the staircase, her eyebrow raised in silent query. “It's nothing,” Larry quickly explained. “Just some crazy doomsday prophet.” “Huh,” pursing her lips, Everleigh took a few steps down, “I thought the end of the world was back in 2012. Did they mention the new date?” Larry adjusted his pants, hoping to hide the inconvenient bulge from her. “Yeah,” he laughed nervously, “tonight. But I told them it’s not happening. Tonight is our night and you, my darling, look absolutely stunning.” He would have said it even if she'd been wearing a potato sack, but in this instance, he didn’t have to lie. Everleigh looked truly beautiful tonight. Her long, silky hair trailed down her back and over one shoulder in waves, the other side was brushed back to reveal one of the modestly priced gold earrings Larry had given her for her last birthday. The red dress she was wearing revealed almost as much as the crazy lady's transparent robe had. “I love you,” Larry said earnestly, reaching for Everleigh’s hand before raising it to his lips to kiss the back of it. “Shall we go, my beautiful lady?” His beautiful lady blushed as she nodded, following him out to the car where Larry gallantly held the door open for her. Once Everleigh was safely seated inside the vehicle, Larry quickly glanced around. No crazy half-naked ladies anywhere. Everything was green for go again. Nerves had his fingers reaching for the small box in his pocket. It was still there. Phew. Nothing was going to spoil tonight. On their way to the restaurant, Larry had to pull over several times to let fire trucks and ambulances pass by. He didn’t think much of it, beyond the natural curiosity. Was there a house fire? A car accident? Terrible, yes, but nothing that would ruin their night. Or at least, he'd thought that was the case until they arrived at the restaurant to see the building engulfed in flames. Well, crap! “Oh, God!” Everleigh gasped as her hands covered her mouth, staring at the inferno in front of them. “Those poor people!” “Yeah, poor people,” Larry grumbled. They just had to go and set the place on fire to ruin his date night! No other restaurant in town would have a table free. A helicopter made a low pass overhead. If the noise of the engine wasn’t enough to disrupt Larry’s thoughts, the explosion which followed certainly was. Before their very eyes, just a couple of hundred yards down the road, the ground opened. Rocks and debris flew in all directions. A motorcycle hit the helicopter which then spiraled downward, thick smoke coming from its engine. As it hit the ground exploding, a gargantuan figure crawled out of the newly created hole, illuminated by the multiple fires roaring in the background. Larry wasn’t sure what it was, but it was at least ten feet tall. And it had wings. Bigass wings. And horns. And…was it on fire? It didn’t seem to mind the flames enveloping it, though. Tossing firetrucks and ambulances aside as if they were children’s toys, the creature made its way up the road toward Larry’s car. It screeched something Larry couldn’t quite make out over Everleigh’s panicked screams of, “DRIVE! For f**k’s sake, Larry, DRIVE AWAY!!!” A couple of other drivers on the road had the same idea, at the same time, and Larry nearly rammed into a black sedan as he tried to turn the car around. Metal screeched as the cars scraped against each other as they both took off, but neither of the drivers stopped to exchange insurance information. The creature roared. Larry stepped on the gas and sped across town with no destination in mind. The fires were everywhere now. The school, the casino, several apartment complexes in the town center, even the freaking river was on fire! How does that even happen? “What the hell's going on?” Everleigh asked, clutching her purse so tightly her knuckles turned white. “Is this a terrorist attack? Are we at war?” As if Larry had any idea. Or maybe he did? Was it just his imagination or was that burning creature shouting something about the Chosen One? Larry slowed down and put one hand on Everleigh’s knee. “It’s going to be alright.” It wasn't, but he felt like it was something he was supposed to say. “How can you possibly say that?! Look out!” Eveleigh shrieked and Larry swerved right to avoid the figure standing in the middle of the road. This one also had wings but it wasn’t on fire. That was the only thing he noticed before the car careened across both lanes, ending up in a ditch. “s**t, Ev, are you alright?!” Larry asked as he frantically pulled on his seatbelt, forgetting to use the release button. Eveleigh groaned, carefully touching the bump on her forehead before pulling herself together, quickly releasing both of their seatbelts then reaching for the door handle. The door on Larry’s side opened and he found himself staring into the face of the woman from earlier, Asariel. She was still showing off her beautiful body in the semi-transparent dress, the only difference was that now she had wings. “Chosen One!” she shouted, reaching in to help a stunned Larry out of the car. “Eh…erm?” No words were coming to Larry. Did they just have a car accident? “Chosen One!” Asariel shouted again, grabbing his arms. “We need to have s*x now! The Devourer is already here!” She started unbuttoning Larry’s pants. Before the crazy woman could finish her task, she was shoved aside. A very furious Everleigh grabbed Asariel’s hair and yanked. “Larry?! Who is this cunt?!” “I-uh…eh.” Flapping her wings to regain her balance, Asariel glared at Everleigh. “I am the Blessed Vessel! I’m the only one who can stop the Decimation! The armies of Hell have emerged and the Devourer is set on annihilating the human race. The Chosen One in particular. But once we’ve joined bodies, I will be blessed with the power to stop it all.” “Wait a minute.” Everleigh crossed her arms in front of her chest, frowning at the winged woman. “Are you telling me that you f*****g my boyfriend is the only way to stop the apocalypse?” “Yes! I just told you, the Chosen One-” Raising her hand, Everleigh silenced Asariel before turning to Larry. Her eyebrow was twitching, an undeniable sign that she was fuming. “Larry,” she said in a dangerously calm voice, “what is this b***h talking about?” “I don’t know!” Larry finally managed to blurt out, knowing that he was only a couple of seconds away from his girlfriend going ballistic. He didn't know what to say though because he still had no idea what was happening, let alone how to explain it. The ground shook and an explosion sounded nearby, a big ball of fire lighting up the evening sky. “We don't have time for this!” Asariel was getting angry now, her outstretched wings making her seem larger and considerably more dangerous than before. She reached for his pants again. “We need to hurry before the Devourer gets here!” This time, Everleigh didn’t try to stop Asariel but stepped aside instead, glaring at Larry. “Unbelievable,” she growled. “You’re gonna f**k someone else on bloody Valentine’s Day?!” Gone were the silky smooth waves from earlier, her hair was now a jumbled mess and her eyeliner was smeared under her eyes. All that, combined with the large red lump growing on Everleigh’s forehead made her look like a textbook illustration of domestic abuse. “I’m not…what, wait!” Larry pushed Asariel’s hands away from his crotch. “I’m not going to f**k her! I love you, Ev, I would never do that!” Everleigh scoffed. “Commendable. But it seems like you don’t really have a choice unless you want to be torn apart by that…what was that thing again?” “Devourer,” Asariel promptly added. “Right, Devourer.” Everleigh rolled her eyes, her stoicism catching Larry off guard. How could she be so cool about this? He didn’t have a clue what was happening yet she had already decided that he should f**k this woman? Waving her hand, Everleigh continued, “Whatever. Just use protection. I don’t want to catch space crabs later.” Before Larry could stutter out another unintelligible word, Asariel shook her head. “I’m afraid that won’t work. I need the Chosen One’s seed inside me to activate the prophecy.” “But, umm…” Larry felt the tips of his ears burning, a clear sign that his whole face was now tomato-red. “If I…inside, I mean… Won’t you…we…you… Umm, I…” “What about the risk of potential pregnancy?” Everleigh finished for Larry, who couldn't stop blabbering. “I mean, you’re like what, an angel? How much does daycare cost in Heaven? Health insurance? College? We’re not going to spend the next century supporting a half-angel baby just because you need to have my boyfriend’s c*m inside your cunt to do some whacko space magic.” A baby? Why the hell are they talking about babies?! Larry hadn't even talked about that with Everleigh yet, he wasn't about to have a child with a random angel. “I don’t want to have a baby,” he whispered, earning glares from both women this time. “Shut up, Larry, nobody asked you,” Everleigh growled before turning her attention back to Asariel. The angel tapped her foot on the ground impatiently. “I do not require anything from the Chosen One other than his seed.” “Sure, sure,” Everleigh sneered. “Everyone says that at first. Then the bills start coming and the baby momma shows up at the father’s doorstep with a screaming toddler and a court order to pay thousands of dollars in child support. We need some sort of a contract for this.” A contract? Rubbing his head, Larry looked around, praying for a hidden camera. This had to be some sort of joke, right? The world wasn’t really ending, there was no monster from hell chasing Larry, nor was there an angel demanding to have s*x with him. And his girlfriend most certainly wasn’t negotiating a child support contract with an angel in the middle of it all. A bad dream. This was a bad dream, nothing more. Asariel huffed out in frustration but raised her hand, snapping her fingers. A glowing parchment appeared in front of her, hovering mid-air. Larry yelped, painfully hitting his elbow as he tried to jump away only to bump into his crashed car. Everleigh on the other hand wasn’t phased by this display of magic in the slightest and reached for the parchment, her brows furrowing as she skimmed over the words. “Hmm,” she mused, pouting, “alright. This might work. You need to amend paragraph 3c though and add a section about visitation rights.” “W-what?” Larry stuttered, but neither of the women paid any attention to him. Asariel snapped her fingers once more and the parchment glowed brighter over the section marked 3c. After the light had returned to a manageable level, Everleigh skimmed the lines again. “Good,” she nodded, waving the document in front of Larry’s face. Not wanting to have anything to do with the magical glowing parchment, Larry squealed and moved away. Everleigh sighed. “Just sign the paper. I can’t imagine why you’re the Chosen One…” Larry wanted to scream that he was most certainly NOT the Chosen One but knew his girlfriend well enough not to argue with her when she was in this mood. Without even reading the beautiful penmanship, Larry grabbed the pen Everleigh had non-magically conjured out of her purse and signed the document. As soon as he was finished, the parchment started glowing again before disappearing to wherever it had appeared from before. “Great. Now, can we please finally get to the act?” Asariel growled. “Destroying this pitiful town won’t entertain the Devourer for long, eventually he will come looking for the Chosen One again.” In one swift movement of her hands, her robe was lying on the dirty concrete. Larry gulped at seeing the angel’s naked body, unable to protest when she came closer and pulled his pants to his knees. His boxers quickly followed, revealing his very flaccid d**k. The situation so far had not been particularly arousing. A wicked grin appeared on Asariel’s face. “Hmm,” she noted, the corners of her mouth twitching, “I did expect the Chosen One to be...bigger.” “Tell me about it,” Everleigh chuckled. Asariel’s hands were cold, making Larry yelp out when she grabbed his c**k and started stroking it. “Which position would you prefer, Chosen One?” she asked in a let’s-get-to-business tone. “Just turn around,” Everleigh answered in Larry’s stead. “Face down, ass up, that’s what he likes. Come on, Larry,” she frowned upon seeing how far he was from having an erection, “we don’t have all night for this. Get your d**k up and into that woman’s cunt so she can save the world. Chop, chop!” Needless to say, her words didn’t help in the slightest. Asariel stopped teasing his poor p***s and did as Everleigh instructed, leaning over the hood of Larry’s car and showing them her perfect ass. The wings on her back were a little distracting so Larry forced himself to look down between her legs. The p***y of an angel looked the same as a human one, at least from this distance. It shouldn’t have like…teeth, right? After letting out a frustrated sigh, Everleigh stepped closer to Larry. “Come on, darling,” she whispered while caressing his cheeks, “it’s going to be alright.” Her hands slid lower but when she tried to take off his jacket, Larry stopped her. “Wait, Ev. Just… There’s something I wanted to give you tonight. I, uh, well… We might not get another chance but I wanted to tell you that I love you.” Larry’s nose nearly hit the ground when he tried to get down on one knee, he'd forgotten that his pants were around his ankles. After deciding that it would be safer to just get down on both knees instead, he reached into his pocket, relieved to find out that the box was still there. It was an absolutely ridiculous situation. A part of Larry still hoped this was all just a bad dream but either way, he was ready to profess his love to Everleigh and not even the bloody apocalypse was going to stop him! “Everleigh, will you marry me?” he asked, trying to ignore the gravel painfully piercing the skin on his knees. “Larry!” Everleigh squealed. “Oh my god! YES! f**k yes!” She threw herself around his neck, nearly knocking the box out of his hand. “Wow, it’s so beautiful!” she cried as she finally opened it and saw the ring. “Thank you! YES!” “Well, congratulations, humans,” Asariel snickered, wiggling her naked ass, “but could we get on with this?!” The proposal wasn’t exactly an erotic experience either but at least it took Larry’s mind off the apocalypse. “Sure,” he muttered as he stood up, “just give me a moment.” “Let me,” Everleigh grinned at him. She remained on her knees and swiftly took Larry’s p***s into her hands. After all the years they’d been together, she knew what Larry liked, so it didn’t take her long to stroke his d**k to full mast. Winking at Larry, Everleigh opened her mouth, sticking her tongue out and running it along his shaft all the way up to the sensitive tip. Larry groaned in pleasure when she wrapped her lips around his d**k and started sucking him vigorously. “Yes, oh, my god…” he muttered, grabbing Everleigh’s tangled hair to push himself even deeper into her mouth, his mind going blank as he approached his climax. When Everleigh squirmed out of his grip, Larry stifled a whine of disappointment. “f**k the angel,” Everleigh growled, nudging him toward Asariel. “The fires are getting closer.” While that statement did somewhat dampen Larry’s mood, it wasn’t enough to let his p***s soften again. Especially not after he buried himself deep inside Asariel’s tight p***y. “Oh, god!” he moaned as he threw his head back, partly in pleasure, partly to avoid looking at the wings. Those were just plain disturbing. After Everleigh’s oral warm up, it didn’t take long for Larry to reach his peak. His fingers grabbed Asariel’s hips as he slammed against her one last time, emptying his load into her then screaming out in surprise when the woman suddenly started glowing. “Finally!” Asariel shouted, straightening up, the yellow hue around her growing stronger. “Thank you, Chosen One,” she bowed deeply in front of Larry, so deep that her forehead nearly touched his softening d**k. “I shall depart to fight the Devourer.” Without paying attention to Larry’s c*m dripping down her thighs (the sticky substance was glowing as well, a fact that scared Larry more than anything), Asariel flapped her wings and disappeared between the buildings. Loud roaring, screeching, screaming, and infinitely more explosions followed. As he stared at the image of destruction in front of them, Larry pulled his pants back up. For as far as he could see, houses were on fire, the ground was shaking, and people were running around in blind panic. “Well, this has been a very strange Valentine’s day,” he noted, not knowing what else to say. “No kidding,” Everleigh glared. “You’re sleeping on the couch, by the way.” “Honey,” Larry replied with a deep sigh, looking over the town in flames, “I think our couch has burned down.” Pen Name: anna.svoboda Whatever it Takes - Ama.z.on Whatever it Takes 2: Scoundrels and Heroes - Ama.z.on Whatever it Takes 3: Love in Chains - Dreame, In.k.itt Like Cats and Wolves? The Werepigeon Apocalypse - Dreame, In.k.itt Taken, Kissed and Loved - Dreame, Ink.i.tt The Pirate Queen - In.k.itt Girl From The Other Side - Ama.z.on
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