Have Number, Will Call - Sylvaine 8

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Chapter 1 Have Number, Will Call Bertrand needs a date for the weekend. If only Nina hadn’t f****d up and went off with the first guy who called her “so damn good to eat” and “my little Nina who can have everything she wants” he may have her on his side for that Saturday. She isn’t his girlfriend, just his friends with benefits. The two of them just can’t be together for real because they are both sluts who can’t commit. Then, without warning, she decides she’s going off into the horizon and her friends with benefits breakup words are: “Bertie, baby, James asked me to marry him.” “When did you ever find the time to nab someone who would be interested in marrying you?” he asks grumpily, truly not jealous. Just annoyed. “Don’t be mean.” “Okay, sorry. It’s just that I had this dancing thing on Saturday. I thought since you love dancing and riding my d**k, you would be there.” “Sorry, darling. I’m in love with James Westcott and we are marrying soon,” she half-whispers, batting her fake lashes at him as if it will get rid of that annoyed feeling he gets when he is even slightly inconvenienced by her. Bertrand bites his tongue. He may be young, handsome, and rich, but damned James Westcott is a millionaire who is about eighty and can croak any minute. Nina has f*****g great taste and he can’t compete with the opportunity laid out on a platter for her. Then again, James Westcott is a ghoul who also literally eats supernaturals. Nina is lucky what he has with her is purely c*********s. The bottled blonde makes the declaration while they are in a flashy restaurant with Michelin stars. Each meal is like some poor guy’s whole week’s salary. Bertrand is not in love with Nina, but he loves great food. It’s just weird coming to the place without a date of some sort. He’s also afraid of bringing someone else there. Other women may have more expectations. Other women may also be too human to enjoy the meals he prefers. “Okay. Do you know anyone who can go on short notice? Someone who can dance?” he asks, ever the pragmatic soul. He won’t be begging Nina to stay but he also wants someone who knows the drill. Nobody can expect true love from Bertrand Riddle. Not right now. “I can’t understand what it is with you and your obsession with dance sport,” Nina whines and he suddenly wonders why he’s been able to put up with her annoying voice. Then again, looking down at her generous t**s and he is reminded of the mindless good times and so he nods as if he suddenly understands the mystery of life. “Oh. Oh, yeah. I remember, Bertie. Don’t think I don’t listen to you.” “You know how it is. I wanted to go into dance sport but my father looks down on it. It’s for sissies he said. It doesn’t matter that I used to play football and howl with the pack every Friday night.” Nina bares her fangs just for him, her jaw trembling and a little bit of blood dribbling down the side of her mouth. Bertrand knows that she likes coming to the same restaurant because of the raw to medium-rare delicacies they can get there. “I remember you said you were in ballet class for a hot minute.” “It was five years, Nina. My mother and I somehow got away with it.” “A werewolf in ballet. I wish I had been there, but you know how it is. Being in a different pack and city from you at that time, I was mostly hunting evil humans.” Bertrand shakes his head. Nina often reminds him that she’s been a real werewolf all her life, gnawing at criminals. She tells him stories on how she and her pack used to chomp on the flesh down right to the bone while their victims screamed in agony. Meanwhile, rich little werewolf Bertie was dancing ballet in tights with humans. “Oh, shush, Nina. Enough with the silent judging. I need a f*****g date.” Her face softens as she understands what the night means to him. She reaches out to touch his wavy dark hair and messes it a little more. He doesn’t even fight her hand off. “Have you tried one of those apps? I mean you’ve dated normally before me. Haven’t you? I mean, after -,” Nina hesitates, a little bit of apprehension flashing on her face. Bertrand is silent. Yes, he had. The humans were the worst. They thought that dating him meant they would be together forever and they would be married, have babies, and be - s**t, whatever. Then, there was Rosanna. The CEO-werewolf-millionaire-secret ballet dancer and sometime dance sport enthusiast sighs. “I guess I’ll download that shitty app.” “Can’t be too proud for a little tech. Joan’s cousin’s brother’s niece found true love through an app. It started out a little sleazy but they realized it was more than that.” “They live happily ever after?” Bertrand scoffs, losing his appetite and pushing the bloody remains of his steak with his fork. “May I have the rest of that, Bertie?” asks the ravenous petite blonde gold digger, her fork already about to jab at the leftovers. Her own plate has been cleaned out just as James Westcott will soon be. “Yeah, you can f*****g have all of that.” ** Pride goeth before a fall. Werewolves aren’t exactly afraid of falling into the pits. They are already in the darkness, according to Bertrand’s rosary clutching mother, but they can still try to redeem themselves. His father is just interested in what the flesh wants and in that case, Bertie can relate. The only thing that he and his father does not see eye to eye in is his dancing. Bertrand began dancing at the Midnight Hall when he was twenty years old, almost a decade ago. It started as a rebellion against his father who controlled every aspect of his life. It was there that he met Rosanna. The vixen broke his heart into a million pieces. Nobody should believe her all-innocent persona, with barely a makeup on her tanned face - the complete opposite of often glammed-up Nina. She was - is - a heartbreaker. Rosanna stole his heart one dance step at a time. When she twirled on one high-heeled foot with ease, he was lost. Four years later, when he was twenty-four, she was gone after taking over his heart, mind, and body. There were no fights, no tears, and no goodbyes. Another man would have thought that Rosanna died but Bertrand is aware that the dead cannot die. The dead also knew his number and could have just texted a reason or even a “Dear John” message, but nope, she was too mysterious for that s**t. Every year, the Midnight Hall hosts a new dance for supernatural beings in Lithium County. Bertrand attends with Nina. They f**k other people on the side, but the dance is special. They always come together, in and out of the dance hall. He needs someone who won’t cling to him. He also needs that person to be the complete opposite of Rosanna in every way. “It doesn’t seem you’ll ever see her again,” Nina once commented and Bertrand had to hold on to his temper so that he wouldn’t say anything as hurtful or worse to his f**k buddy. His phone pings and he sees a notification from the new dating app he just installed. MINERVA_X: I’m available on Saturday night if it’s for dancing. WOLF_B: You sure about that? Not expecting anything else for the night? MINERVA_X: It’s actually refreshing that a man’s looking for someone to dance with instead of to f**k. WOLF_B: I’d never say no to the other part of the agenda if you can keep it casual. MINERVA_X: Charmingly honest! Bertrand isn’t sure Minerva_X is cheering him on or is being sarcastic. It’s the problem with digital communication. WOLF_B: We can stick to the dancing. MINERVA_X: I don’t sleep around, Wolf. I just saw your dancing invite and couldn’t resist. WOLF_B: Into dance sport? MINERVA_X: Yes. And ballet. Breakdancing. You name it. Bertrand is awed. Perhaps the night will turn out better than expected. With Nina, he had to practically carry her around the dance floor because she often fumbled her steps. He was quick and strong enough to cover up for her. It had been fun but it had never been as magical as when he was with Rosanna. WOLF_B: So, meet you at the Midnight Hall? There is a pause. The pause isn’t a couple of breathing seconds, but a whole damn hour passes. WOLF_B: Hey. You okay? MINERVA_X: I’m sorry. Something came up. Bertrand may not be a psychic but that feels like a lie, but at least he gets a reply. She can easily just disappear and he won’t know any better. That’s the thing about these dating apps. WOLF_B: Okay. Midnight Hall at 11 pm sharp or should I pick you up? MINERVA_X: I will meet you there. WOLF_B: Picture? MINERVA_X: You will know me. Black dress. Hair in an updo. Emerald necklace and earrings. She certainly paints an interesting picture, Bertrand thinks. Even if the night doesn’t end up in bed, it will still be great if she can dance as promised. WOLF_B: Here’s my photo. Bertrand sends one of his bare-chested photos, feeling strange about doing it so for a nameless woman. He may be messaging an old lady older than James Westcott or a large man named Douglas who is waiting to pummel him at the Midnight Hall for sleeping with his sister a century ago. MINERVA_X: I will see you there. There isn’t even a “you look hot” or “I can do better than that” message. That ends the whole conversation and Bertrand finds himself looking forward to meeting the mysterious Minerva_X. ** Bertrand arrives at the Midnight Hall a few minutes before 11 pm. He hasn’t been this early for a date since he was a young and hopeful lover waiting for Rosanna. The next few dates, both of them were late but together. Even after making love earlier in the night, the two of them still sought the magic that was the Annual Supernatural Dance at the Midnight Hall. They were the life of the party - a werewolf who would rather punch numbers than howl at the moon and a dead woman with a tan. He remembers that he has Minerva_X’s number all along, but a strange prickle of unease stops him. “I have your number. I should call,” he mutters. It’s strange how Minerva_X has no photo on a dating site, not even one to use to catfish anyone. Yet her number is on it. Bertrand clicks on her number on the phone app, automatically dialing it. It rings. It keeps on ringing. “Are you calling me?” asks a voice that is both strange and familiar. Bertrand looks up and almost chokes when he sees the brunette beauty wearing a black lace dress. It’s too short and her cleavage is out. It can’t be her, but it is. “Rosanna?” “Bertrand,” she says. “That photo does not do you justice.” “I now understand why you -.” “Don’t have a photo?” she grins at him, flashing sharp canines. She’s the healthiest looking vampire he has ever known, with her glowing tan. He bridges the gap between them, his palm automatically reaching for the small of her back, slamming her body against his like in a dance but angrier and more passionate. “Where have you f*****g been, Rosanna?” “Staying away from a werewolf,” she says, no guilt in her voice. She must have slept well in her coffin all those years that Bertrand had to somehow self-medicate to get a little bit of sleep. “Why? I loved you.” “Loved. For us vampires, love is eternal.” “Then, you still love me?” “Oh, I do, Bertie,” she says sadly. “But now, I’m ready to die. For five years, I have been able to do all the things I’ve meant to do. Travel the world. Give money to charity. Ask for forgiveness for my sins. Follow research on blood substitutes.” “s**t. You’re ready to die and that’s the only reason you’re meeting with me?” “Yes. My father has a witch curse me. If I set foot on the Midnight Hall while you’re inside it, too, he will send the wraiths to attack.” The wraiths are mindless vampires who kill everyone in their wake. They may be mostly in spirit form but they are still pretty deadly. “Is that all that your father has?” Bertrand grins. “W-why? Can you kill wraiths now?” Rosanna asks, intrigued and maybe just a little turned on. Her palms now rest on his hard chest, squeezing a little. “Let me call you a number,” he says confidently even as he hears the shrieking of wraiths invading the hall. During the next few minutes, they fend off the horde with every thing they can get from the hall - chairs, plates, and more. The other supernatural dancers do the same thing, some thinking it’s part of the new event. When the door to the hall opens to a fake blonde and her lover on a wheelchair, Bertrand exhales in relief. “f*****g finally, Nina,” he cries. The old man opens his mouth and inhales. He does so more forcefully, sucking the wraiths like a vacuum cleaning the jagged glass splinters from an after-party mess. As he keeps on inhaling, he appears to become younger and younger. “Do you see now, Bertrand? I love him. He is f*****g handsome!” Nina cries. “I can see now,” agrees the werewolf as he sees the ghoul become a handsome, young man with real blond hair. Who’s the catch now? Definitely not Nina. “It’s over!” gasps Rosanna. “Yes, it is,” Bertrand murmurs. His throat may be feeling tight. He may be on the verge of tears, but he is not admitting that to his present company. “It’s time to dance!” In the spirit of happy endings, it could have descended into pure chaos but it doesn’t until Bertrand and Rosanna decide to go frisky in the Hall of Mirrors where the surprise of the night is kept. They don’t notice the cameras aimed at the box right next to the spot where they decide to make love. Everyone watches as the naked werewolf thrusts into empty air and howls in completion - but no one is complaining. Bertrand Riddle both f****d up and saved the night, and everyone’s no longer interested to see the box open to reveal a potion that can cure vampirism. ** Tiktok: Sylvaine8Writer Insta: sylvaine_8_writer Face.book page SylvaineEightWriter Group Author page Scribble Nook (F.b.k) Solo Author Group: Oracle of Eight The series in the books’ best order (can each be read as a standalone, too) The Royal Witch ◇ Soraya and Adrian (completed, PTR) The Royal Flower◇ Carolina and Daniel (completed, PTR) The Royal Wolf and Hades’ Daughter ◇ Melinoe and Samuel (completed, PTR) Firebird (Luella and Metheus) - available on Am.a.zon in paperback and Kin.dle formats (Also in KU) Lullaby - avian shifter/fantasy romance/fae -on a*****n KU and paperback - Ardere x Roza Tourniquet - fallen angels, hellhounds, demons - Eligor x Magda (coming to sss - 7th March 2023) Other completed books: Dance of the Mermaids - Alexander x Fiorentina Judgment in Glass - Dragomir x Serafina Scent of a Rogue - werewolf romance - Gideon x Riva A Kingdom of the Senses - on a*****n KU. Only one story is left behind as a sample. Fairy Tale Junction - Sebastian x Lilith - completed/free/on A.ma.zon preorder Wealth - gothic billionaire romance - Janus x Valerie - free and completed - may or may not leave the app Currently Updating: Figure Eight - Carter x Julia - Saturdays (sports) Sea Myths - Vincent x Eva - MWF Upcoming: Salve - after Tourniquet - possibly March or April 2023 4th generation Mogochislenian stories - Winter Fire - Forest Flare - Blazing Sky Other Projects - Splintered Sage (fantasy romance/adventure) - Beyond Lynx Hall (gothic romance) - Ninth Door (gothic romance, coming later this year) A horror romance trilogy, Houses: Stone, Sugar, Stage (still torn about whether they will be separate books or three novellas in one book) Have Number, Will Call by Sylvaine 8
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