Blind Date? - Karmen Karmer

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February, 13th in Milano Luna bumps into Ilona on her way to the kitchen. She was sure everyone had left already, seeing she’s starting to think this visit was a mistake. Luna really shouldn’t have come to Milano. What the hell was she thinking? It’s too late now and there is nothing she can do about it. Thinking back, she really should have watched Veles and the wolves longer than five minutes before she decided to surprise them. Now, she’s suddenly a member of the family and everyone is so sweet to her. Veles even gave her Vesna’s old room so she’s on the same floor as them. There is nothing wrong with the guest rooms. It just looks like nobody has been using them in a long time. “Sorry. Didn’t see you there,” Ilona apologises. The statuesque redhead is Devana’s daughter, but human somehow. Could she ask again? The way Veles explained it makes no sense whatsoever to her. “It’s fine. This one is on me. I wasn’t looking where I was going,” Luna answers. “I have to run, I’m late for work,” Ilona smiles. “But we’ll be all here later, you still have to choose a dress for tomorrow. Allegra is bringing a bunch of them from Vesna’s store.” “A dress for what exactly?” Luna inquires. She never heard of Valentine’s day before. What weird thing is this? “What exactly are you celebrating?” “Valentine’s day,” Ilona chuckles. “It’s a made up holiday celebrating love. It has nothing to do with anything you would know. But, it’s fun. I promise.” Left to her own machinations, Luna spends the day on the terrace. The cold breeze doesn’t bother her, it’s the amazing view she can’t get enough of. The city of Milano is magnificent from up here. She can understand Veles for his choice of a dwelling. Luna might not understand the modern world, but she loves the progress architecture has made. Oh, and fashion. Everything is so comfortable. She couldn’t show Ilona that she was excited about the dresses. Emotions are a foreign concept for the goddess of the moon. Ever since she was replaced, she was in a sort of coma. Aware of her empty surroundings and the endless loneliness. She still doesn’t know why she woke up, but a party is definitely not it. Love? What is love? Luna is the Moon. She is distant and cold. She doesn’t do well with emotions. Quite frankly, she doesn’t understand them. Is gratitude an emotion? She understands pain and anything else that she can physically feel: touch, warmth, cold. Where does love fit into it? And why would it need a holiday? It’s not like they are celebrating and worshipping a god. It’s a freaking word! She doesn’t understand this new world. How do the others cope? The gods aren’t being worshipped anymore. Are they even needed? Could she leave a note and just disappear? Veles would understand, if no one else. “Don’t think like that,” Veles says. He just appeared behind her back. She didn’t hear any doors or footsteps. Is he using magic? “Are you spying on me?” Luna asks. She narrows her eyes in suspicion. “No. It’s good to be the boss. I delegated the work and came home. I feel bad leaving you alone for so long,” Veles answers and Luna wonders if the man never smiles? She’s been here for days and his expression is always the same. Maybe he can relate to her? The god of the Underworld wasn’t known for his caring side. “Tell me about this party?” Luna inquires. She’s not sure she wants to go, but can she let Ilona down? The girl is so excited about this. “Vesna is the queen of parties. She used to embrace every excuse to throw one. I’m happy she’s got a new place for them now. I like the penthouse empty as it is now. Tomorrow’s party is a themed one. Everything will be red and white. I’m lucky she allowed black for men. There will be a dance floor, a live band, food and drinks. Fun,” he scoffs. “Why do I get the feeling that you’re not excited?” Luna raises an eyebrow at him. “I’m not. If it wasn’t for Ilona, I wouldn’t be going ,” Veles tells her. His eyes shine when he’s talking about the girl. Allegra, on the other hand, is full of life. That young werewolf is like a ray of sunshine all on her own. Luna can detect some very unusual powers inside that girl. She is capable of utmost destruction, but the eternal good mood puts everything else in deep shadows. The gowns she brought are some of the most amazing creations ever. And she is the one to design them. Since Luna would look terrible in red, she chose a white and silver combination. Her pale skin looks ghostly in it, but the red makes her look dead. Luna’s waist long silver hair blends perfectly with the accents on the dress. The loose sleeves are gently swirling around her arms, the back is opened wide, and the skirt is floor length, slightly trailing behind her. The bodice of the dress is adorned with silver lace and tiny stones. It hugs her just right. With the silver high heeled shoes that come in the package, she looks worthy of her throne again. If she didn’t know better, she would have thought the dress was made for her alone. But Allegra had never seen her before. February, 14th in Castelletto “Vesna!” Luna yells in rage. “What do you mean by you’ve gotten me a date?” “Well,” Vesna smiles at her. “It’s a holiday of love. You need a date. Everyone here will be coupled up, so to say. You can’t appear alone. But, don’t worry. He’s a perfect gentleman.” “And what do you expect me to do with him? I never needed a man in my life, I’m not starting now,” Luna glares at the goddess of spring. “Can’t you just pretend for one evening? Relax? Give it a try? I don’t know!” Vesna throws her arms in the air and the red gown swirls around her like a puffy cloud. “Vesna? Who did you set her up with?” Ty inquires. The dragon prince is a picture of calm. Like nothing can surprise him at all. Luna really likes him. “Your father,” Vesna winks at him. “Are you out of your mind?” Ty inquires calmly. Seems like feelings aren’t his thing either. Luna finds it intriguing, she is listening carefully for any clues they might give away. She thinks Ty is not happy, but Vesna is beaming with joy. Now she wonders what her “date” is like? If he looks anything like Ty, it might even be enjoyable. Luna descends the grand stairs in the castle. That master chandelier reflects soft light all over the place and it makes it look magical. This castle might even be the perfect set for a Cinderella movie. Her thoughts come to a screeching halt when she lays her eyes on her “date”. The man is tall, elegant, with raven black hair. He looks to be in his forties, but she knows he’s much older. Luna might not have all of her god powers, but she can recognise a shifter when she sees one. “Madame,” the man bows slightly before he offers his hand to her. A gentleman indeed. “Thank you,” Luna nods. “I see where Ty gets his looks from.” “Oh, flattery will get you everywhere,” he chuckles. “I’m Luna,” she whispers. “In case they didn’t tell you.” “Nice to meet you,” he responds quietly. “Luthor of Wuerttenberg, at your service.” “Hm? A noble,” she murmurs. Maybe it won’t be so bad after all? Luna is watching the happy couples dance. The music is nice, but she needs to observe and learn first. Making a fool of herself is the least desired outcome of this nightmarish evening. She glances at her date and he’s staring at her like she’s supposed to say something. Was he talking? Did he ask something? Oh, they really should have told him she’s not used to this. Was she supposed to listen? But people watching is so much better. She’s learning things. “Oh. Can you repeat that?” Luna asks him. “You weren’t listening at all?” Luthor inquires. He’s not angry or anything. If nothing else, he looks bored. “I’m sorry. I’m not used to this,” she shrugs. He is nice to her and she can’t even pretend for one night. What does that say about her? “Neither am I. I haven’t been on a date in centuries. And I wasn’t exactly dating back then either,” Luthor shakes his head. “I think Vesna seriously misjudged this.” “I know she did. We have absolutely nothing in common,” Luna says. “We’re both alone,” Luthor points out. “Meh. I’m not alone by choice. Everyone left me,” Luna glares at him. Did he have to remind her of the obvious? And they said he’s a gentleman? “My wife walked out of my life when I sided with our son for once,” Luthor chuckles. At least he finds this disaster funny, she thinks. “I never had anyone so close to me. Maybe you’re better off without her?” Luna suggests. Is it wise to share personal details? What if this is all a trick to rid her of the last of her powers? “I know I’m better off without her. It’s just strange to be alone after all this time,” Luthor answers. “You strike me as someone who would be good to be alone together with.” “Ha!” Luna exclaims. “Just look at us. This can never work. A goddess and a dragon lord? It has disaster written all over it.” “I wouldn’t be so sure. Vesna and Ty made it work,” Luthor points over at the happy couple dancing in the middle of the room. “If you put two ice blocks together, you can’t expect a fire,” Luna scoffs. “You want fire?” Luthor laughs. He pulls her out the french window onto the deserted terrace. The lights from the ballroom illuminate the stairs, but the garden beyond that is in shadows. Luna doesn’t worry, there is nothing this dragon can do. She’s a goddess. Luthor has a firm grip on her hand when he pulls her further into the garden. The huge pots with flowers burst into fire as they passed them. A spectacular display of power that leaves her cold. She is not easily impressed. But then he turns to her with fire burning in his eyes. His whole demeanour has changed. He looks scary. A cold shiver runs down her back. Her palms get sweaty and she can’t breathe. Is this fear? Luna doesn’t have emotions. But, fear is an emotion. What is this dragon’s end game? Did she insult him and now he wants to kill her? Can a dragon kill a goddess? She doesn’t have her full powers, she might as well be mortal for all that she knows. Should she call for help? What is he waiting for? Is he playing with her? Will he say anything or just glare at her? Her vocal cords were frozen. That is another indicator of fear. Luna watches him. She hopes he can’t read her mind, because she knows her face is not giving anything away. Frozen like one of the many statues around the garden, she waits in silence. Terror. The next step up from fear. If he somehow managed to unlock her emotions, why the hell did he have to bring forth only the negative ones? “You are entertaining. I can read your mind,” Luthor laughs again with glee. “It’s a dragon thing, by the way. Just like fire.” “Are you going to kill me now? I swear I didn’t mean to insult you. What if you were an ice dragon?” Luna finds her voice. She sounds timid even to herself. “Nice try, my goddess,” he chuckles. “I’m not gonna kill you. I’ll show you what you get when you put ice and fire together.” “Whatever are you talking about?” Luna wonders. This man makes no sense to her. Luthor leans into her. She just realised that wearing heels put them on eye level. His breath on her skin is not unpleasant. He lost that fire in his eyes, too. Luthor doesn’t look terrifying anymore. Her interest has peaked. And then he kisses her! Not light or gentle. His kiss is hungry, demanding, rough. Luna loses her grip on reality and slams him against the wall. She’s never been kissed before. The sensation is like fire running through her veins. She feels warm, hot even. The light of the small fires around them is enough for her to see the stars in his eyes. Luna finds herself airborne. Luthor has unruffled his wings. A mighty dragon that can partially shift? Maybe he’s not ice as she thought. He’s taking her somewhere, but all she can concentrate on are his violet eyes. A colour she’s never seen before. They land on the roof. The flat part can’t be seen from down below, but there is a cosy terrace up here. Luthor snaps his fingers and small fires come to life in the scattered lanterns. Abducted by a dragon lord? It’s a day of surprises for sure. If this is how dating looks, she’s signing up. “You can stop me any time,” Luthor growls into her ear. His wings have disappeared, but the magic is still crackling in the air. “Now, why would I do that?” Luna purrs. He has awakened something primal inside of her. She actually wants to be kissed. Maybe the world is ending and this is the sign, but her world has ended once before. There are several other goddesses of the moon out there. Nothing will change for humanity if she actually has fun for once. So, Luna does what she’s never done before. She kisses him back. She surrenders to the fire that is her dragon lord. The foundation of her temple slips and crashes. She can feel it deep inside when the walls crumble to rubble and dust. A calm washes over her when the waves wash away everything that was once her life. There is nothing left of the grand structure she used to call home. No evidence of it ever existing at all. An event nobody will know about. The old gods are long gone. This is a new era, a new dawn, a new life. A cosmic gate has been slammed shut. There is no going back. She has no idea what the future will bring, but she knows for sure she won’t be alone. Character Name: Luna (the original goddess of the moon) Author Pen name: Karmen Kramer Author Works: Gods of Old, Wolves of Milano, Sacrificed to the Dragon, Survival Island (reality show), The story of the Fallen - Dreame. The Moon Goddess sorority - sss. The story of the Fallen is also on Inkitt. Vampire’s consort will be leaving Dreame, but stays on Inkitt a while longer.
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