
1717 Words

The next day and almost around noon, I find my eyes peel open and look above at the ceiling. I let out a groan before turning my head to check the actual time. 11:25 am. Sunday. I remembered being totally hammered last night, roaming in the streets and being some of the privileged Upper East Siders. Gossip Girl enters your mind, right? I know, mine too. I think Serena and Blair and Nate and Chuck ... are all in an alternate universe, living their best adult lives. Imagine our lives just like theirs. Complicated friendships, love, heartbreaks, independence and freedom and money. Letting out a sigh, I jolt up and rest a bit on the headboard before something on the nightstand catches my attention. It has a glass of orange juice and two tablets of Advil. I take them up and then scratching

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