
2224 Words

"Well, first thing first, what all we know about Bethany Reynolds?" I ask, looking at everyone. After David giving consent, everyone sort of agreed on this closure thing and doing something for our parents, after all, we all know how much they sacrifice for us. So, now here we are sitting in a huge circle. "She is our parents' high school friend." Jason states. Samantha scoffs at the obvious. "She was trying to get into Harvard to study law. Dad said she was interested to be one and she had the right attitude to be one." Talon pipes in. Samantha scoffs again, and we just ignore her reluctance. "Uncle Chase's ex-girlfriend and mother of his unborn child," Destiny states. I nod, "Anything else?" and all of us looks at each other. "I don't think so. We know more than that. She was a

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