
2044 Words

I look, as my eyes move from the down to the top of the Pattersons residence. Unlike us, they have this entire building for them. Probably 20 floors with at least 5 rooms in each floor with bathrooms separately. There are others rooms as well. Well, I really don't remember now. It's been a while I have been here. Last time, I was here, Talon and I had our first kiss in his house but actually our first kiss was in my house; it was a sweet kiss, you know the innocent, uncorrupted one; before what he did with me in the freshman year. "Yes, Ms...." the guard says, expressionless. "Lockwood..." I say, as he nods, but continues to stare at me. "I'm here to meet Talon Patterson." I continue. He fidgets with some machine, nearby, speaking in very low volume, scrutinizing me well. I gulp,

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