
1971 Words

I remove all the lovey-dovey thoughts about him from my mine when my phone vibrates. I lean away from him, take it out of my purse as he stares at me with that million-dollar smile. Awww. Shut up, Tamara. I look down at my phone, three messages for me, obviously Tamara. They are for you, this is your phone, Duh! It has a silver glittering cover with a pink bow on the top right corner. I know, it’s too girly but then I like being too girly. Shut up, over smart Tammy. T, thanks for the blueberry cupcakes. I bet you are at Talon's, enjoy! - Aly bear I smile but then I see Talon leaning to see what it is. He frowns, looking at me. "You gave her too?" he asks, fake betrayal. I shrug my shoulders. "Ya, you know she loves them too…" "Whatever!" he rolls his eyes, leaning away. I shake my he

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