
4600 Words

Bursting with excitement yet trying to play it cool, I walk into the house with my parents working on their projects in the living room, prattling with each other. Despite my friends acting like I won't come back from the trip, that I'm going to be a signed artist or something, they got to take a chill pill. It's more like an audition and it can either sail or... sink.  I change into a flamingo-pink hooded neck sweater and denim shorts, I unpack and pack up my stuff in a pink shiny suitcase, and later I find myself downstairs hanging out with my parents. “Waiting for someone, sweetie?” my mother says, breaking my trance and I blink back at her when she chuckles, “... oops, sorry, my-famous-singer-daughter.” I roll my eyes, playfully and grin at her as she leaves a peck on my forehead, smi

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