
4310 Words

The next day, or the day two of my suspension, I made Talon to attend his classes in his school and also, I wanted a bit more time to settle in the fact that Talon and I kissed yesterday, and it felt intense and with passion. We are acting like that moment in the park never happened yet and we were platonic all the freaking day yet now and then, I desire to grab his face and smash my lips on him. Gosh, Tammy. Stop being insatiable and control yourself. I got to know what I am speaking. I am fantasizing about a friend and being more than platonic with someone just ruins everything you guys have built your friendship foundation on. Heck no, I don't want that. Despite, my protests and my influence, Talon skips his classes and instead of letting me stay in the room, munching on Sour packs a

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